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Reprints from the Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History Colbert, E. H. / A STUDY OF ORYCTEROPUS GAUDRYI FROM THE ISLAND OF SAMOS, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 78, Article 4, pages 305 - 351, New York, 1941, pb, - 2 -, $ 16 Colbert, E. H. / CHALICOTHERES FROM MONGOLIA AND CHINA IN THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, volume 67, Article 8, 1934, pages 353 - 387, pb, - 3 -, $ 20 Colbert, E. H. / FOSSIL MAMMALS FROM BURMA IN THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History Volume 74, Article 6, pages 255 - 436, 1938, pb, - 2 -, $ 25 Delson, E. / FOSSIL MAMMALS OF THE EARLY WASATCHIAN POWDER RIVER LOCAL FAUNA, EOCENE OF NORTHEAST WYOMING, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 146, Article 4, 1971, pb, pages 307 - 364, - 3 -, $ 20 Gaffney, E. S. / THE POSTCRANIAL MORPHOLOGY OF MEIOLANIA PLATYCEPS AND A REVIEW OF THE MEIOLANIIDAE, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Number 229, 165 pages, 113 figs., 20 tables, 1996, pb, - 2 -, $ 32 Granger, W. and Gregory, W. K. / A REVISION OF THE MONGOLIAN TITANOTHERES, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 80, Article 10, pages 349 - 389, 1943, pb, - 2 -, $ 30 Granger, W. and Simpson, G. G. / A REVISION OF THE TERTIARY MULTITUBERCULATA, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume LVI, Article IX, pages 601 - 676, New York, 1929, pb, - 3 -, $ 20 Granger, W. and Gregory, W. K. / FURTHER NOTES ON THE GIGANTIC EXTINCT RHINOCEROS, BALUCHITHERIUM, FROM THE OLIGOCENE OF MONGOLIA, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume LXXII, Article I, pages 1 - 73, New York, 1936, pb, - 3 -, $ 30 Gregory, W. K. / PAREIASAURS VERSUS PLACODONTS AS NEAR ANCESTORS TO THE TURTLES, American Museum of Natural History, Volume 86, Article 6, New York, 1946, pb, pages 279 - 326, 33 figs., 2 plates, - 3 -, $ 26 Matsomoto, H. / A REVISION OF PALAEOMASTODON DIVIDING IT INTO TWO GENERA, AND WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF TWO NEW SPECIES, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 2, 1924, pb, 58 pages, - 3 -, $ 20 Matsumoto, H. / CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE FOSSIL HYRACOIDEA OF THE FAYÛM, EGYPT, WITH DESCRIPTION OF SEVERAL NEW SPECIES, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume LVI, pages 253 - 350, New York, 1926, pb, $ 20 Matthew, W. D. / CRITICAL OBSERVATIONS UPON SIWALIK MAMMALS, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume LVI, Article 7, pages 437 - 560, 1929, - 2 -, $ 24 Matthew, W. D. / CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SNAKE CREEK FAUNA, with notes upon the Pleistocene of Western Nebraska (American Museum Expedition of 1916), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume XXXVIII, pages 183 - 208, 7 plates, - 2 -, $ 38 McDowell, S. B., Jr. / THE GREATER ANTILLEAN INSECTIVORES, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 115, Article 3, New York, 1958, pb, pages 117 - 214, - 3 -, $ 18 McGrew, P. O. / THE GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE ELK MOUNTAIN AND TABERNACLE BUTTE AREA, WYOMING, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 117, Article 3, New York, 1959, pb, pages 121 - 176, 26 figs., 15 tables, 8 plates, - 3 -, $ 24 Mitchell, E. and Tedford, R. H. / THE ENALIARCTINAE, A NEW GROUP OF EXTINCT AQUATIC CARNIVORA AND A CONSIDERATION OF THE ORIGIN OF THE OTARIIDAE, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 151, Article 3, New York, 1973, pb, pages 205 - 284, 27 figs., - 2 -, $ 30 Moore, J. C. /. REALTIONSHIPS AMONG LIVING SQUIRRELS OF THE SCIURINAE, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 118, Article 4, New York, 1959, pb, pages 157 - 206, 7 figs., - 3 -, $ 15 Pilgrim, G. E. / SIWALIK ANTELOPES AND OXEN IN THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 72, Article 7, pages 729 - 874, 1937, pb, - 2 -, $ 20 Radinsky, L. B. / EARLY TERTIARY TAPIROIDEA OF ASIA, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History Volume 129, Article 2, New York, 1965, pb, pages 183 - 263, 41 figs., 15 tables, 4 plates, - 3 -, $ 26 Schaeffer, B. / LATE TRIASSIC FISHES FROM THE WESTERN U.S., Reprint from: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 135 (Article 6), New York, 1967, pb, pages 287 - 342, 18 figs., 30 plates, - 3 -, $ 40 Schultz, C. B. and Falkenbach, C. H. / MERYCHYINAE, A SUBFAMILY OF OREODONTS, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 88 (4), New York, 1947, pb, pages 161 - 285, - 2 -, $ 48 Simpson, G. G. / METACHEIROMYS AND THE DENTATA, Reprint from the Museum of Natural History, Volume LIX, Art. VI, pp. 295 - 381, 1931, pb, - 2 -, $ 20 Simpson, G. G. / GLOSSARY AND CORRELATION CHARTS OF NORTH AMERICAN TERTIARY OF MAMMAL-BEARING FORMATIONS, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume LCVII, 1933, pages 79 - 121, - 2 -, $ 20 Skinner, M. F. / CENOZOIC ROCKS AND FAUNAS OF TURTLE BUTTE, SOUTH-CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 138, Article 7, New York, 1968, pb, pages 381 - 436, 16 figs., 5 tables, 6 plates, - 3 -, $ 40 Szalay, F. S. and Gould, S. J. / ASIATIC MESONYCHIDAE (MAMMALIA, CONDYLARTHRA), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History Volume 132 (2), New York, 1966, pb, pages 129 - 173, - 3 -, $ 46 Van Valen, L. / NEW PALEOCENE INSECTIVORES AND INSECTIVORE CLASSIFICATION, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 135, Article 5, New York, 1967, pages 221 - 284, - 3 -, $ 38 Wood, H. .E. II / REVISION OF THE HYRACHYIDAE, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 67, 1934, Article 5, New York, 1934, pb, pages 182 - 294, 24 plates, - 2 -, $ 40 Reprints of the Denison University Bulletin Mehl, M. G. / A NEW GENUS OF MOSASAURS FROM MEXICO, AND NOTES ON THE PELVIC GIRDLE OF PLATECARPUS, Dension University Bulletin, Journal of the Scientific Laboratories, Vol. XXIV, Dec. 1929, afb, pp. 383 - 400, 5 figs., $ 15 Reprints from the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago Riggs, E. S. / NEW OR LITTLE KNOWN TITANOTHERES FROM THE LOWER UINTAH FORMATIONS, with notes on the stratigraphy and distribution of fossils, Field Museum of Natural History Publication 159, Chicago, 1912, afb, 41 pages, 12 plates, 2 figs., 4 tables, - 3 -, $ 65 Reprints from Fieldiana: Geology (published by the Chicago Natural History Museum, Chicago) Reed, C. A. / THE MAMMALIAN GENERA ARCTORYCTES AND CRYPTORYCTES FROM THE OLIGOCENE AND MIOCENE OF NORTH AMERICA, Fieldiana: Geology, Volume 15, No. 2, Chicago Natural History Museum, 1965, pages 99 - 170, 3 tables, 30 figs., - 3 -, $ 18 Reprints from the Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology Black, C. C. / A REVIEW OF THE NORTH AMERICAN TERTIARY SCIURIDAE, In: Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Volume 130, # 3, 1963, pb, pages 111 - 248, 22 plates, - 3 -, $ 30 Cooke, H. B. S. and Ewer, R. F. / FOSSIL SUIDAE FROM KANAPOI AND LATHAGAM, NORTHWESTERN KENYA, Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Volume 143, No. 3, Cambridge, 1972, pb, pages 149 - 296, 30 plates, - 3 -, $ 32 Hooijer, D. A. and Patterson, B. / RHINOCEROSES FROM THE PLIOCENE OF NORTHWESTERN KENYA, In: Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Volume 144, # 1, 1972, pb, 26 pages, - 2 -, $ 20 Hooijer, D. A. / A NEW RHINOCEROS FROM THE LATE MIOCENE OF LOPEROT, TURKANA DISTRICT, In: Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Volume 142, # 3, 1971, pb, pages 339 - 392, 11 plates, 36 tables, appendix, - 2 -, $ 28 Reprints from the Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History Cray, P. E. / MARSUPIALIA, INSECTIVORA, PRIMATES, CREODONTA, AND CARNIVORA FROM THE HEADON BEDS (UPPER EOCENE) OF SOUTHERN ENGLAND, In: Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History Volume 23, # 1, 1973, pb, 102 pages, 6 plates, - 3 -, $ 45 Crompton, A. W. / THE DENTITIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS OF THE SOUTHERN AFRICA TRIASSIC MAMMALS, ERYTHROTHERIUM PARRINGTONI AND MEGAZOSTRODON RUDNERAE, Bulletin of the British Museum Geology, Volume 24, No. 7, London, 1974, pages 399 - 437, 3 plates, 11 figs., - 2 -, $ 45 Hamilton, W. R. / THE LOWER MIOCENE RUMINANTS OF GEBEL ZELTEN, LIBYA, Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History, Volume 21, No. 3, London, 1973, pb, pages 75 - 150, 14 plates, 14 tables, 11 figs., - 2 -, $ 34 Pilgrim, G. E. / CATALOGUE OF THE PONTIAN CARNIVORA OF EUROPE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY, BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), London, 1931, cl. 174 pages, 30 figs., 2 plates, - 5 -, $ 45 Simons, E. L. / NOTES ON EOCENE TARSIOIDS AND A REVISION OF SOME NECROLEMURINAE, Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History, Volume 5, No. 3, London, 1961, pb, pages 6 - 69, 14 plates, 3 figs., - 3 -, $ 20 Simons, E. L. / A NEW EOCENE PRIMATE GENUS, CANTIUS, AND A REVISION OF SOME ALLIED EUROPEAN LEMUROIDS, Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History, Volume 7, No. 1, London, 1962, pb, 36 pages, 3 plates, 1 chart, 4 figs., - 3 -, $ 28 White, E. / AUSTRALIAN ARTHRODIRES, Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History, Volume 1 # 9, London, 1952, pages 251 - 304, 6 plates, 41 figs., - 3 -, $ 45 Whitworth, T. / THE MIOCENE HYRACOIDS OF EAST AFRICA, British Museum of Natural History Fossil Mammals of Africa # 7, London, 1954, pb, 58 pages, 7 plates, some underlining in text (neat), ovg, - 3 -, $ 38 Reprints of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Barnes, L. G. / A REVIEW OF LOPHOCETUS AND LIOLITHAX AND THEIR RELATIONSHIPS TO THE DELPHINOID FAMILY KENTRIODONTIDAE (CETACEA: ODONTOCETA), Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, Bulletin 28, 18 figs., - 2 -, $ 18 Golz, D. J. / EOCENE ARTIODACTYLA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Science Bulletin 26, Los Angeles, 1976, pb, 85 pages, 39 tables, 47 figs., - 2 -, $ 28 Stock, C. / RANCHO LA BREA: A RECORD OF PLEISTOCENE LIFE IN CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles Museum Publication No. 1, Los Angeles, 1930, pb, 84 pages, 27 figs., - 3 -, $ 16 Stock, C. / RANCHO LA BREA: A RECORD OF PLEISTOCENE LIFE IN CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles Museum Publication No. 7, 1946, pb, 73 pages, 32 figs., $ 26 Stock, C. / RANCHO LA BREA: A RECORD OF PLEISTOCENE LIFE IN CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles Museum Publication No. 11, 83 pages, 33 figs., - 5 -, $ 32 Reprints of the Nebraska Geological Survey / University of Nebraska State Museum Barbour, E. H. / MAMMALIAN FOSSILS FROM DEVIL’S GULCH, Nebraska Geological Survey, Volume 4, part II, Lincoln, pb, pages 177 - 190, 13 plates, - 2 -, $ 14 Schultz, C. B., Schultz, M. R., and Martin, L. D. / A NEW TRIBE OF SABER-TOOTHED CATS (Barboutofelini) FROM THE PLIOCENE OF NORTH AMERICA, University of Nebraska State Museum, Volume 9, # 1, Lincoln, 1970, pb, 31 pages, - 1 -, $ 12 Reprints of the Bulletin of the Museum of Natural History Skinner, M. F., et.al. / EARLY PLEISTOCENE PRE-GLACIAL AND GLACIAL ROCKS AND FAUNAS OF NORTH-CENTRAL NEBRASKA, Bulletin of the Museum of Natural History, Volume 148, Article 1, New York, 1972, pb, 148 pages, 60 figs., 21 tables, - 2 -, $ 75 Journal of Paleontology Brown, T. M. and Rose, K. D. / PATTERNS OF DENTAL EVOLUTION IN EARLY EOCENE ANAPTOMORPHINE PRIMATES (OMOMYIDAE) FROM THE BIGHORN BASIN, WYOMING, In: Journal of Paleontology, Volume 61, Supplement to # 5, Paleontological Society Memoir 23, pb, 162 pages, 21 appendices, 76 figs., 9 tables, - 2 -, $ 45 Reprint from the Proboscidea Colbert, E. H. / THE GEOLOGIC SUCCESSION OF THE PROBOSCIDEA, Reprint from the “The Proboscidea” by H. F. Osborn, Volume II, Chapter 22, pages 1421 - 1521, - 3 -, $ 35 Reprints from Studien über Fossile Vertebraten Griechenlands Melentis, J. K. / STUDIEN ÜBER FOSSILE VERTEBRATEN GRIECHENLANDS 3. Die Osteologie der Pleistozänen Proboscidier des Beckens von Megalopolis im Peloponnes (Greiechenland), Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques, Athens, 1963, pb, 107 pages, 12 plates, - 3 -, $ 30 Melentis, J. K. / STUDIEN ÜBER FOSSILE VERTEBRATEN GRIECHENLANDS 4. Die Pleistozänen Nashörner des Beckens von Megalopolis im Peloponnes (Greiechenland), Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques, Athens, 1965, pb, pages 363 - 402, 5 plates, - 3 -, $ 25 Melentis, J. K. / STUDIEN ÜBER FOSSILE VERTEBRATEN GRIECHENLANDS 5. Über Hippopotamus Antiquus Desmarest aus dem Mittelpleistozän des Beckens von Megalopolis im Peloponnes (Greiechenland), Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques, Athens, 1965, pb, pages 363 - 402, 5 plates, - 3 -, $ 16 Melentis, J. K. / STUDIEN ÜBER FOSSILE VERTEBRATEN GRIECHENLANDS 6. Sus Scroga L. Aus dem Jungpleistozän des Beckens von Megalopolis im Peloponnes (Griechenland), Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques, Athens, 1965, pb, pages 436 - 444, 2 plates, - 3 -, $ 8 Melentis, J. K. / STUDIEN ÜBER FOSSILE VERTEBRATEN GRIECHENLANDS 7. Die Boriden des Jungpleistozäns des Beckens von Megalopolis im Peloponnes (Griechenland), Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques, Athens, 1965, pb, pages 446 - 472, 7 tables, 3 plates, - 3 -, $ 10 Melentis, J. K. / STUDIEN ÜBER FOSSILE VERTEBRATEN GRIECHENLANDS 15. Fossile Gehirne aus dem pont von Pikermi, Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques, Athens, 1966, pb, pages 236 - 246, 1 plate, - 3 -, $ 8 Melentis, J. K. / STUDIEN ÜBER FOSSILE VERTEBRATEN GRIECHENLANDS 16. Die Pleistozäne Säugetierfauna des Beckens von Haliakmon (Griechenland), Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques, Athens, 1966, pb, pages 247 - 265, 6 figs., 2 plates, - 3 -, $ 14 Melentis, J. K. / STUDIEN ÜBER FOSSILE VERTEBRATEN GRIECHENLANDS 17. Eine neue Pikermifauna in der nähe der Ortschaft Alifaka in Thessalien (Griechenland), Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques, Athens, 1966, pb, pages 268 - 288, 3 plates, 4 figs., - 3 -, $ 10 Reprints from University of Toronto Studies Parks, W. A. / THE OSTEOLOGY OF THE TRACHODONT DINOSAUR KRITOSAURUS INVURVIMANUS, University of Toronto Studies No. 11, Toronto, 1920, afb, 76 pages, 7 plates, 17 tables, 22 figs., - 5 -, $ 55 Parks, W. A. / CORYTHOSAURUS INTERMEDIUS, A NEW SPECIES OF TRACHODONT DINOSUAR, University of Toronto Studies, No. 15, Toronto, 1923, afb, 57 pages, 2 plates, 2 tables, - 5 -, $ 40 Parks, W. A. / DYOPLOSAURUS ACUTOSQUAMEUS, A NEW GENUS OF ARMORED DINOSAUR; AND NOTES ON A SKELETON OF PROSAUROLOPHUS MAXIMUS, University of Toronto Studies, No. 18, Toronto, 1924, afb, 35 pages, 5 plates, 11 tables, - 5 -, $ 32 Parks, W. A. / ARRHINOCERATOPS BRACHYOPS, A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF CERATOPSIA FROM THE EDMONTON FORMATION OF ALBERTA, University of Toronto Studies, No. 19, Toronto, 1925, afb, 15 pages, 2 plates, 2 tables, - 5 -, $ 24 Reprints from Postilla: Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Galton, P. M. / PROSAUROPOD DINOSAURS (REPTILIA: SAURISCHIA) OF NORTH AMERICAN, Postilla, Peabody Museum, Yale University, No. 169, June, 1976, pb, 98 pages, 39 figs., 5 tables, $ 24 Olsen, S. J. / MAMMAL REMAINS FROM ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES and FISH, AMPHIBIAN, AND REPTILE REMAINS FROM ARCHEOLOGICAL SITES, Part I: Southeastern and Southwestern United States, Peabody Museum at Harvard University Volume LVI parts 1 and 2, Cambridge, 1964 and 1968, both issues pb, volume one with 162 pages, 116 figs., volume 2 with 137 pages, 76 figs. plus appendix with 8 figs. and 2 plates, - 3 -, $ 125 Ostrom, J. H. / THE CRANIAL CRESTS OF HADROSAURIAN DINOSAURS, New Haven, 1962, pb, Postilla: Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, # 62, pages 1 - 29, - 3 -, $ 20 Radinsky, L. / ORIGIN AND EARLY EVOLUTION OF NORTH AMERICAN TAPIROIDEA, Peabody Museum on Natural History, Yale University Bulletin 17, New Haven, 1963, pb, 106 pages, 4 plates, 14 tables, 21 figs., - 3 -, $ 23 Reprints from the Memoirs of the Carnegnie Museum and Carnegie Institution Publications David, L. R. / SOME TYPICAL UPPER EOGENE FISH SCALES FROM CALIFORNIA IV, Carnegie Institution Publication 551, Washington, 1946, pb, pages 45 - 79, - 3 -, $ 16 Dougherty, J. F. / A NEW MIOCENE MAMMALIAN FAUNA FROM CALCIENTE MOUNTAIN, CALIFORNIA, Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication No. 514, pp. 109 - 143, 1940, pb, - 5 -, $ 9 Gazin, C. L. / A MIOCENE MAMMALIAN FAUNA FROM SOUTH-EASTERN OREGON, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication 418, 1932, pb, 6 plates, 20 figs., - 3-, $ 29 Henshaw, P. C. / A TERTIARY MAMMALIAN FAUNA FROM THE AVAWATZ MOUNTAINS, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication No. 514, 30 pages, 1939, 6 plates, 3 figs., - 5 -, $ 24 Peterson, O. A. / OSTEOLOGY OF DOLICHORHINUS LONGICEPS DOUGLASS, WITH A REVIEW OF THE SPECIES OF DOLICHORHINUS IN THE ORDER OF THEIR PUBLICATION, 1914, pb, Memoirs of the Carnegnie Museum, Volume 9, No. 4, pages 405 - 472, 14 plates, -2 -, $ 100 Peterson, O. A. / THE BROWNS PEAK FORMATION (OF MOFFAT COUNTY, COLORADO), Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, Volume 11, No. 2, pages 87 - 131, 7 plates, - 2 -, $ 45 Reprints from the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Gregory, W. K. and Hellman, M. / ON THE EVOLUTION AND MAJOR CLASSIFICATION OF THE CIVETS (Viverridae) and allied Fossil and Recent Carnivora: A Phylogenetic Study of the Skull and Dentition, Proceedings American Philosophical Society, Volume 81, # 3, 1939, pb, pages 309 - 392, 6 plates, 33 figs., - 3 -, $ 34 Jepsen, G. L. / PALEOCENE FAUNAS OF THE POLECAT BENCH FORMATION, PARK COUNTY, WYOMING, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Volume 83, No. 2, 1940, pb, pages 217 - 340, 5 plates, 22 figs., 20 tables, $ 50 Tolmachoff, I. P. / THE CARCASSES OF THE MAMMOTH AND RHINOCEROS FOUND IN THE FROZEN GROUND OF SIBERIA, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Volume XXIII, Part 1, Philadelphia, 1929, afb, 74 pages, - 3 -, $ 45 Reprints from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Walker, A. D. / TRIASSIC REPTILES FROM THE ELGIN AREA: ORNITHOSUCHUS AND THE ORIGIN OF CARNOSAURS, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, No. 744, Volume 248, pages 53 - 134, London, 1964, pb, 18 figs., - 3 -, $ 45 End of the Vertebrate Paleontology Journal Reprints Catalog! Click on any link to continue... Paleontology Index Vertebrate Paleontology Catalog Home Page Catalogs on this Website Select Mineral Books Geology Books |