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Ore Assay Catalog

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Newer Ore Analysis Publications:

Marshall, D., Auglin, C. D., and Hamid, M. / ORE MINERAL ATLAS, Geological Association of Canada, St. Johns, 2011, spiral bound, 112 pages, - 1 -, $ 60 [Lists ore minerals in alphabetical order with photographs and thin section images, distinguishing features, modes of occurrence, references]

Paar, W. H., / ATLAS OF ORE MINERALS, FOCUS ON EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS OF ARGENTINA, The Canadian Mineralogist SP No. 11, 2016, cl, 402 pages, covers 13 native elements and alloys; 127 sulfides, selenides, and tellurides; and 70 sulfosalts; but no oxide minerals; book is packed with photographs and thin sections of minerals from Argentina, and 25 other countries including Namibia (Tsumeb), information on minerals includes 1. Mineral name and its origin, 2. Crystallography data, 3. X-ray powder patter, 4. Physical properties, 5. Optical properties, 6. Chemical composition, 7. Localities where found, and 8. Bibliography; every mineralogist should have a copy of this fantastic book which also has detailed historical and geotechtonic, and metallogenic geology of Argentina, - 1 -, $ 160

Picot, P. and Johan, Z. / ATLAS OF ORE MINERALS, English Edition, Amsterdam, 1982, cl, 458 pages, text is divided into part 1: importance of metallographic methods in the study of and prospecting for minerals, and to use these with a description of the apparatus used, and part 2: 369 minerals arranged in alphabetical order with numerous detailed color photomicrographs of the minerals. The magnification of each is indicated. Emphasis was placed on the chromatic phenomena under crossed nicols in determining metallic minerals species. This book contains no markings and shows almost no wear, - 2 -, $ 750


Rollinson, H. / USING GEOCHEMICAL DATA: EVALUATION, PRESENTATION, INTERPRETATION, New York, 1993, pb, 352 pages, - 3 -, $ 49

Thompson, A. J. B., / ATLAS OF ALTERATION: A FIELD AND PETROGRAPHIC GUIDE TO HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION MINERALS, Geological Association of Canada, St. Johns, 1996, pb, 119 pages, -1 -, $ 80 [Contents: Lists hydrothermal minerals in alphabetical order with their classification of alteration, typical mineral assemblages, standard terminology, environment of formation, characteristics, related minerals, discussion, references of photographs (macro and micro) for each]

Older Classic Ore Mineral - Assay Publications:

Argall, P. H. / WESTERN MILL AND SMELTER METHODS OF ANALYSIS, A Practical Laboratory Handbook for the Assayer and Chemist, Describing the Methods of Analysis in Every-day Use in Western Mills, Smelters and Custom Assay Offices, Denver, 1905, cl, 123 pages, - 2 -, $ 55

Azaroff, L. V. and Buerger, M. J. / THE POWDER METHOD IN X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, New York, 1958, cl, 342 pages, - 3 -, $ 36 [includes a laminated card showing symmetry of a number of elements]

Bastin, E. S. / INTERPRETATION OF ORE TEXTURES, GSA M 45, Baltimore, 1960, cl, 101 pages, - 2 -, $ 45

Berry, L. G. and Thompson, R. M. / X-RAY POWDER DATA FOR ORE MINERALS: THE PEACOCK ATLAS, GSA Memoir 85, New York, 1962, cl, 279 pages, - 3 -, $ 24

Berry, L. G. and Thompson, R. M. / X-RAY POWDER DATA FOR ORE MINERALS: THE PEACOCK ATLAS, GSA Memoir 85, New York, 1962, cl, 279 pages, - 5 -, $ 18

Craig, J. R. and Vaugh, D. J. / ORE MICROSCOPY AND ORE PETROGRAPHY, New York, 1981, cl, 406 pages, - 1 -, $ 125

Craig, J. R. and Vaughan, D. J. / ORE MICROSCOPY AND ORE PETROGRAPHY, New York, 1981, cl, 406 pages, - 3 -, $ 75

Fulton, C. H. / A MANUAL OF FIRE ASSAYING, 1st Edition, New York, 1907, cl, 178 pages, - 3 -, some written comments in text, ovg, $ 30 [covers assay furnances and tools, sampling, cupellation, parting, assay of ore containing impurities, special methods of assay, errors in assay. etc.]

Fulton, C. H. / A MANUAL OF FIRE ASSAYING, 2nd Edition, New York, 1911, cl, 219 pages, - 3 -, wear to edges of boards, ovg, $ 40 [covers assay furnances and tools, sampling, cupellation, parting, assay of ore containing impurities, special methods of assay, errors in assay. etc.]

Furman, N. H. / STANDARD METHODS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, 6th Edition, Volume One - The Elements, Princeton, 1966, cl, 1401 pages, - 3 -, $ 65

Johannsen, A. / ESSENTIALS FOR THE MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION OF ROCK-FORMING MINERALS AND ROCKS, 2nd Edition, Chicago, 1928, cl, 55 pages, 23 figs., - 3 -, $ 35

Linnen, R. L. and Samson, I. M., Ed. / RARE-ELEMENT GEOCHEMISTRY AND MINERAL DEPOSITS, Geological Association of Canada SCN 17, St. Johns, 2005, pb, 342 pages, - 1 -, $ 99

Low, A. H. / TECHNICAL METHODS OF ORE ANALYSIS FOR CHEMISTS AND COLLEGES, 10th Edition Revised, New York, 1927, cl, 348 pages, - 3 -, $ 35

Schoeller, W. R. and Powell, A. R. / THE ANALYSIS OF MINERALS AND ORES OF THE RARER ELEMENTS: A Manual for Analytical Chemists, Metallurgists, and Advanced Students, 3rd Edition, New York, 1955, cl, 408 pages, - 3 -, $ 55

Short, M. N. / MICROSCOPIC DETERMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS, 2nd Edition, USGS Bulletin 914, 1940, 314 pages, pb, 14 plates (some in color), 4 tables, list of corrections, - 3 -, $ 25

Short, M. N. / MICROSCOPIC DETERMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS, 2nd Edition, USGS Bulletin 914, 1940, 314 pages, afb, 14 plates (some in color), 4 tables, list of corrections, - 3 -, $ 30

Stanton, R. L. / ORE PETROLOGY, New York, 1972, cl, 713 pages, - 3 -, $ 32

The Mine and Smelter Supply Company / CATALOG 54, Denver, 1920, cl, 833 pages, - 3 -, $ 100 [a complete catalog for all the assay, grinding, crushing, concentrating, chemicals, and related items you might want for your mine; has excellent illustrations; a loose Bausch & Lomb Supplement is enclosed in this book]

Uytenbogaardt, W. and Burke, E. A. J. / TABLES FOR MICROSCOPIC IDENTIFICATION OF ORE MINERALS, 2nd Revised Edition, Amsterdam, 1971, pb, 430 pages, - 3 -, $ 38

Weintrab, D., / GRADE OF ORE, Works Progress Administration National Research Project and the USBM, Report E-6, Philadelphia, 1938, pb, 114 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

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