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Adams, A. E., MacKenzie, W. S., and Guilford, C. / ATLAS OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS UNDER THE MICROSCOPE, Essex, various years from 1984 to 1991, pb, 104 pages, - 2 -, $ 35 Adams, A. E., MacKenzie, W. S., and Guilford, C. / ATLAS OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS UNDER THE MICROSCOPE, Essex, various years from 1984 to 1991, pb, 104 pages, - 3 -, $ 25 Anadón, P., Cabrera, Ll. and Kelts, K., Ed. / LACUSTRINE FACIES ANALYSIS, International Association of Sedimentologists SP 13, Oxford, 1991, pb, 318 pages, - 2 -, $ 89 Baker, G. S. and Jol, H. M., Ed. / STRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSES USING GPR (ground penetrating radar), GSA SP 432, Boulder, 2007, pb, 181 pages, - 2 -, $ 45 Bathurst, R. G. C. / CARBONATE SEDIMENTS AND THEIR DIAGENESIS, 1st Edition, Developments in Sedimentology # 12, Amsterdam, 1971, cl, 620 pages, - 3 -, $ 25 Bathurst, R. G. C. / CARBONATE SEDIMENTS AND THEIR DIAGENESIS, 2nd Enlarged Edition, Developments in Sedimentology # 12, Amsterdam, 1975 or 1983, pb, 658 pages, - 3 -, $ 35 Beck, B. F., Ed. / ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF SINKHOLES AND KARST, Rotterdam, 1989, pb, 384 pages, - 2 -, slight crease along edge of front board, $ 60 Bennett, R. H., Bryant, W. R., and Hulbert, M. H., Ed. / MICROSTRUCTURE OF FINE-GRAINED SEDIMENTS FROM MUD TO SHALE, Frontiers in Sedimentary Geology Series, New York, 1991, cl, 582 pages, - 2 -, $ 99 Bergman, K. M. and Snedden, J. W. / ISOLATED SHALLOW MARINE SAND BODIES: SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS AND SEDIMENTOLOGIC INTERPRETATION, SEPM SP 64, Tulsa, 1999, cl, 362 pages, - 2 -, $ 69 Berner, R. A. / EARLY DIAGENESIS: A THEORETICAL APPROACH, Princeton, 1980, pb, 241 pages, - 3 - or - 5 -, $ 15 Bhattacharyya, A. and Friedman, G. M., Ed. / MODERN CARBONATE ENVIRONMENTS, Benchmark Papers in Geology 74, Stroudsburg, 1983, cl, 376 pages, - 3 -, $ 65 Biddle, K. T. and Blick, N.C. / STRIKE-SLIP DEFORMATION, BASIN FORMATION, AND SEDIMENTATION, SEPM No. 37, Tulsa, 1985, cl, 386 pages; - 1 -, $ 30 Blatt, H., Berry, W. B. N., and Brande, S. / PRINCIPLES OF STRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS, Boston, 1991, cl, 512 pages, - 2 -, $ 65 Blatt, H., Berry, W. B. N., and Brande, S. / PRINCIPLES OF STRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS, Boston, 1991, cl, 512 pages, - 3 -, $ 50 Blatt, H. / SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY, 2nd Edition, New York, 1992, cl, 514 pages, - 3 -, $ 69 Blatt, H., Middleton, G. and Murray, R. / ORIGIN OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS, 2nd Edition, Englewood Cliffs, 1980, cl, 782 pages, - 3 -, $ 30 Blatt, H., Middleton, G., and Murray R. / ORIGIN OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS, 2nd Edition, Englewood Cliffs, 1980, cl, 782 pages, - 2 -, $ 65 Boggs, S., Jr. / PETROLOGY OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS, New York, 1992, cl, 707 pages, - 2 -, $ 54 Boggs, S., Jr. / PRINCIPLES OF SEDIMENTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY, 2nd Edition, Upper Saddle River, 1995, cl, 774 pages, - 2 -, $ 95 Brenchley, P. J. and Williams, B. P. J., Ed. / SEDIMENTOLOGY: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLIED ASPECTS, Oxford, 1985, pb, 342 pages, - 2 -, $ 38 Brenner, R. L. and McHargue, T. R. / INTEGRATIVE STRATIGRAPHY, CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS, Englewood Cliffs, 1988, cl, 419 pages, - 2 - or - 3 -, $ 60 Brookfield, M. E. / PRINCIPLES OF STRATIGRAPHY, Oxford, 2004, pb, 304 pages, - 2 -, $ 59 Carozzi, A. V. / CARBONATE ROCK DEPOSITIONAL MODELS: A Microfacies Approach, Englewood Cliffs, 1989, cl, 604 pages, - 2 -, $ 79 Carozzi, A. V. / SEDIMENTARY ROCKS, Benchmark Papers in Geology, Volume 15, Stroudsburg, 1975, cl, 468 pages, very slight wear on boards and spine, tiny scratch on cover, ovg, - 3 -, $ 30 Catuneanu, O. / PRINCIPLES OF SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY, Amsterdam, 2008, cl, 375 pages, 345 figs., - 2 -, $100 Catt, J. A. / QUATERNARY GEOLOGY FOR SCIENTISITS AND ENGINEERS, Chichester, 1988, cl, 340 pages, - 1 -, $ 99 Chilingarian, G. V. and Wolf, K. H. / DIAGENESIS I, Developments in Sedimentology # 41, Amsterdam, 1988, cl, 591 pages, - 5 -, $ 85 Clifton, A. E. / SEDIMENTOLOGIC CONSEQUENCES OF CONVULSIVE GEOLOGIC EVENTS, GSA SP 229, Boulder, 1988, pb, 157 pages, - 1 -, $ 30 Conkin, J. E., / UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE STUDIES IN PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY SERIES, this entire series of publications are now located in the Paleobiology 2 Catalog Conybeare, C. E. B. / LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF SEDIMENTARY BASINS, New York, 1979, cl, 555 pages, - 3 -, $ 75 Cook, T. D. and Bally, A. W., Ed., / STRATIGRAPHIC ATLAS OF NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA (Prepared by the Exploration Department of the Shell Oil Company), Princeton, 1975, spiral bound, oversize format, - 1 -, $ 85 Cross, T. A., Ed. / QUATITATIVE DYNAMIC STRATIGRAPHY, Englewood Cliffs, 1990, cl, 625 pages, - 3 -, $ 58 Cubitt, J. M. and Reyment, R. A., Ed. / QUANTITATIVE STRATIGRAPHIC CORRELATION, Chichester, 1982, cl, 301 pages, - 3 -, $ 45 Cunningham, B. K. and Hedrick, C. L., Ed. / PERMIAN CARBONATE / CLASTIC SEDIMENTOLOGY, GUADALUPE MOUNTAINS: ANALOGS FOR SHELF AND BASIN RESERVOIRS, Permian Basin Section SEPM, Midland, 1985, pb, 155 pages, - 2 -, $ 25 Cys, J. M. and Massullo, S. J. / SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES: DEPOSITIONAL PROCESSES IN ANCIENT CARBONATES, SEPM RS 7, Tulsa, 1978, pb, 235 pages, - 3 -, $ 20 Davis, R. A., Jr. / DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS: A GENETIC APPROACH TO SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, Englewood Cliffs, 1983, cl, 669 pages, - 3 -, $ 49 de Boer, P. L. And Smith, D. G., Ed. / ORBITAL FORCING AND CYCLIC SEQUENCES, International Association of Sedimentologists SP 19, Oxford, 559 pages, - 2 -, $ 69 Doyle, P. and Bennett, M. R., Ed. / UNLOCKING THE STRATIGRAPHIC RECORD: Advances in Modern Stratigraphy, Chichester, 1999, cl, 532 pages, - 1 -, $ 119 Doyle, P. and Bennett, M. R., Ed. / UNLOCKING THE STRATIGRAPHIC RECORD: Advances in Modern Stratigraphy, Chichester, 1999, pb, 532 pages, - 1 -, $ 90 Duff, P. McL. D., / CYCLIC SEDIMENTOLOGY, Developments in Sedimentology 10, Amsterday, 1967, cl, 280 pages, - 3 -, $ 70 Dyer, K. R., Ed. / ESTUARINE HYDROGRAPHY AND SEDIMENTATION, Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association Handbook, Cambridge, 1979, pb, 230 pages, - 3 -, $ 25 Dzulynski, S. and Walton, E. K. / SEDIMENTARY FEATURES OF FLYSCH AND GREYWACKES, Developments in Sedimentology 7, Amsterdam, 1965, cl, 274 pages, - 3 -, $ 40 Einsele, G. / SEDIMENTARY BASINS: EVOLUTION, FACIES, AND SEDIMENT BUDGET, Berlin, 1992, cl, 628 pages, 269 figs., - 3 -, $ 79 Einsele, G., Ricken, W., and Seilacher, A., Ed. / CYCLES AND EVENTS IN STRATIGRAPHY, Berlin, 1991, cl, 955 pages, - 1 -, $ 89 Feinberg, J. M., Gao, Y., and Alexander, E. C. / CAVES AND KARST ACROSS TIME, GSA SP 516, Boulder, 2016, pb, 300 pages, - 1 -, $ 25 Francus, P. Ed. / IMAGE ANALYSIS, SEDIMENTARY AND PALEOENVIRONMENTS, Developments in Paleoenvironments Research Volume 7, Dordrecht, 2004, cl, 330 pages, - 1 -, $ 120 Frenseen, E. K.,, Ed. / SEDIMENTARY MODELING: Computer Simulations and Methods for improved parameter definition, Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin 233, Lawrence, 1991, cl, 524 pages, - 3 -, $ 35 Friedman, G. M. / PRINCIPLES OF SEDIMENTARY DEPOSITS: Stratigraphy and Sedimentology, New York, 1992, cl, 717 pages, - 2 -, $ 69 Fritz, W. J. and Moore, J. N. / BASICS OF PHYSICAL STRATIGRAPHY AND SEDIMENTOLOGY, New York, 1988, cl, 371 pages, - 1 -, $ 49 Frost, S. H.,, Ed. / REEFS AND RELATED CARBONATES - ECOLOGY AND SEDIMENTOLOGY, AAPG Studies in Geology No. 4, Tulsa, 1977, pb, 421 pages, - 3 -, $ 49 Frostick, L. E., / SEDIMENTATION IN THE AFRICAN RIFTS, Geological Society of London Special Publication No. 25, Oxford, 1986, cl, 382 pages, - 2 -, $ 69 Frostick, L. E. and Steel, R. J., Ed. / TECTONIC CONTROLS AND SIGNATURES IN SEDIMENTARY SUCCESSIONS, International Association of Sedimentologists SP 20, Oxford, 1993, pb, 520 pages, - 2 -, $ 199 Galloway, W. E. and Hobday, D. K. / TERRIGENOUS CLASTIC DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS: Applications to Petroleum, Coal, and Uranium Exploration, New York, 1983, cl, 423 pages, - 1 -, $ 55; also available, - 3 -, $ 35 Galloway, W. E. and Hobday, D. K. / TERRIGENOUS CLASTIC DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS: Applications to Fossil Fuel and Groudwater Resources, 2nd Edition, New York, 1996, cl, 288 pages, 18 tables, - 1 -, $ 100 Garcia, M. H., Ed. / SEDIMENTATION ENGINEERING: PROCESSES, MEASUREMENTS, MODELING, AND PRACTICE, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 110. Reston, 2008, cl, 1132 pages, - 1 -, $ 159 Garrels, R. M. and Mackenzie, F. T. / EVOLUTION OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS, A NEW APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF MATERIAL TRANSFER AND CHANGE THROUGH TIME, 1971, New York, 397 pages, - 2 -, $ 28 Gentile, R. J. / INFLUENCE OF STRUCTURAL MOVEMENT ON SEDIMENTATION DURING THE PENNSYLVANIAN PERIOD IN WESTERN MISSOURI, Columbia, 1968, cl, 84 pages, 8 plates (in separate pocket), - 2 -, $ 25 Gerdes, G. and Krumbein, W. E. / BIOLAMINTED DEPOSITS, Lecture Notes in Earth Science Series # 9, Berlin, 1987, pb, 183 pages, - 1 -, $ 41 Gregory, K. J. and Walling, D. E. / DRAINAGE BASIN FORM AND PROCESS, A GEOMORPHOLOGICAL APPROACH, New York, 1973, cl, 456 pages, - 3 -, slight dust cover repairs, $ 38 Graf, W. H. / HYDRAULICS OF SEDIMENT TRANSPORT, New York, 1921, cl, 513 pages, - 3 -, $ 20 [Book is divided into 4 sections: 1. Short history of sediment transport, 2. Hydrodynamics of fluid-particle systems, 3. Sediment transport in open channels, and 4. Sediment transport in closed pipes] Hallam, A. / FACIES INTERPRETATION AND THE STRATIGRAPHIC RECORD, Oxford, 1981, cl, 290 pages, - 1 -, $ 30; another copy, - 3 -, $ 25 Hardie, L. A. / SEDIMENTATION ON THE MODERN CARBONATE TIDAL FLATS OF NORTHWEST ANDROS ISLAND, BAHAMAS, Johns Hopkins University Studies in Geology No. 22, Baltimore, 1972, cl, 202 pages, - 3 -, $ 65 Harvey, A. M.,, Ed. / ALLUVIAL FANS: GEOMORPHOLOGY, SEDIMENTOLOGY, DYNAMICS, Geological Society of London SP No. 251, London, 2005, cl, 248 pages, - 1 -, $ 69 Haynes, J. T. / THE ORDOVICIAN DEICKE AND MILLBRIG K-BENTONITE BEDS OF THE CINCINNATI ARCH AND THE SOUTHERN VALLEY AND RIDGE PROVINCE, GSA SP 290, Boulder, 1994, pb, 80 pages, - 1 -, $ 28 Heckel, P. H. / NATURE, ORIGIN, AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TULLY LIMESTONE, GSA SP 138, Boulder, 1973, pb, 244 pages, 10 plates, 47 figs., 16 tables, - 3 -, $ 20 Hein, J. R. and Obradovic, J., Ed. / SILICEOUS DEPOSITS OF THE TETHYS AND PACIFIC REGIONS, New York, 1989, cl, 244 pages, - 2 -, $ 79 Heling, D.,, Ed. / SEDIMENTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY, SELECTED ASPECTS AND CASE HISTORIES, Berlin, 1990, cl, 321 pages, - 1 -, $ 159 [Faint scratch across lower portion of front board, otherwise a mint book] Herak, M. and Stringfield, V. T. / KARST: Important Karst Regions of the Northern Hemisphere, Amsterdam, 1972, cl, 551 pages, - 2 -, $ 55 Hsü, K. J. / PHYSICS OF SEDIMENTOLOGY, TEXTBOOK AND REFERENCE, 2nd Edition, 240 pages, - 1 -, $ 109 Hsü, K. J. and Jenkyns, H. C., Ed. / PELAGIC SEDIMENTS: ON LAND AND UNDER THE SEA, Special Publication 1, International Association of Sedimentologists, Oxford, 1974, pb, 447 pages, - 3 -, $ 65 Hutcheon, I. E. / SHORT COURSE IN BURIAL DIAGENESIS, 1989, pb, 409 pages, Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course Handbook Volume 15, - 3 -, $ 30 Iijima, A., Hein, J. R., and Siever, R., Ed. / SILICEOUS DEPOSITS IN THE PACIFIC REGION, Developments in Sedimentology # 36, Amsterdam, 1983, cl, 472 pages, - 5 -, $ 75 Iijima, A., Hein, J. R., and Siever, R., Ed. / SILICEOUS DEPOSITS IN THE PACIFIC REGION, Developments in Sedimentology # 36, Amsterdam, 1983, cl, 472 pages, - 2 -, $ 99 James, N. P. and Choquette, P. W., Ed. / PALEOKARST, New York, 1988, cl, 416 pages, - 2 -, $ 99 James, N. P. and Dalrymple, R. W., Ed. / FACIES MODELS 4, Geological Association of Canada, St. Johns, 2010, pb, 586 pages, - 1 -, $ 100 Jennings, J. N. / KARST: AN INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMATIC GEOMORPHOLOGY, Volume 7, Cambridge, 1971, cl, 252 pages, - 3 -, $ 30 Johnsson, M. J. and Basu, A. / PROCESSES CONTROLLING THE COMPOSITION OF CLASTIC SEDIMENTS, GSA SP 284, Boulder, 1993, pb, 342 pages, - 3 -, top of book shaded black, $ 20; also available, - 1 - , $ 30 Jones, M. E. and Preston, M. F., Ed. / DEFORMATION OF SEDIMENTS AND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS, Geological Society Special Publication No. 29, London, 1987, cl, 350 pages, - 2 -, rubbed in shipping on top edge of spine, ovg, $ 69 Jones, S. J. and Frostick, L. E. / SEDIMENT FLUX TO BASINS: CAUSES, CONTROLS AND CONSEQUENCES, Geological Society SP 191, London, 2002, cl, 284 pages, - 1 -, $ 69 [Contains 18 sections on various topics including the impact of periodicity; river-capture-induced base-level changes; tracer pebble entrainment; more....][locations include Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana; Mediterranean Sea; Borneo; Spain; Italy; England, more...] Kauffman, E. G. and Hazel, J. E., Ed. / CONCEPTS AND METHODS OF BIOSTRATIGRAPHY, Stroudsburg, 1977, cl, 658 pages, - 3 -, $ 65 Kay, M. / NORTH AMERICAN GEOSYNCLINES, New York, reprint of 1950 original, cl, GSA Memoir 48, 143 pages, - 3 -, $ 10 Kemp, A. E. S., Ed. / PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY AND PALAEOCEANOGRAPHY FROM LAMINATED SEDIMENTS, Geological Society of London SP No. 116, London, 1996, cl, 258 pages, - 1 -, $ 179 [Contains 17 papers divided into these topics: Controls on formation and strategies for study; methods and techniques; lacustrine environments; California Borderland Basins; continental margin and other marine basins and deep-sea laminated sediment records] Klimchouk, A. / HYPOGENE SPELEOGENESIS: HYDROGEOLOGICAL AND MORPHOGENETIC PERSPECTIVE, Simferopol, Ukraine, 2007, pb, 106 pages, 19 plates, 62 figs., 2 tables, - 1 -, $ 100 Kleinspehn, K. L. and Paola, C., Ed. / NEW PERSPECTIVES IN BASIN ANALYSIS, Frontiers in Sedimentary Geology Series, New York, 1988, cl, 453 pages, - 3 -, $ 99 Kolate, D. R., / ORDOVICIAN K-BENTONITES OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA, GSA SP 313, Boulder, 1996, pb, 84 pages, - 1 -, $ 35 Land, L., / CAVES AND KARST OF SOUTHEASTERN NEW MEXICO, New Mexico Geological Society 57th Annual Field Conference, Socorro, 2006, pb, 344 pages, - 1 -, $ 38 Larsen, G. and Chilingar, G. V., Ed. / DIAGENESIS IN SEDIMENTS, Developments in Sedimentology # 8, Amsterdam, 1967, cl, 551 pages, - 3 -, $ 55 Larsen, G. and Chilingar, G. V., Ed. / DIAGENESIS IN SEDIMENTS AND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS, Developments in Sedimentology # 25B, Amsterdam, 1983, cl, 572 pages, - 3 -, $ 99 Leeder, M. R. / SEDIMENTOLOGY: PROCESS AND PRODUCT, London, 1982, pb, 344 pages, - 3 -, $ 19 Leeder, M. / SEDIMENTOLOGY AND SEDIMENTARY BASINS FROM TURBULENCE TO TECTONICS, Malden, 2008, pb, 592 pages, - 2 -, $ 25 Lemon, R. R. / PRINCIPLES OF STRATIGRAPHY, Columbus, 1990, cl, 559 pages, - 2 -, $ 65 Lewis, D. W. and McConchie, D. / PRACTICAL SEDIMENTOLOGY, 2nd Edition, New York, 1994, cl, 213 pages, - 2 -, $ 55 Longwell, C. R, / SEDIMENTARY FACIES IN GEOLOGIC HISTORY, GSA Memoir 39, New York, 1952, cl, 171 pages, - 3 -, $ 10 Lucchi, F. R. / SEDIMETOGRAHICA: A PHOTOGRAPHIC ATLAS OF SEDIMENTARY STRUCTURES, 2nd Edition, New York, 1992, cl, 255 pages, - 1 -, $ 99 Marshall, J. R., Ed. / CLASTIC PARTICLES: SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND SHAPE ANALYSIS OF SEDIMENTARY AND VOLCANIC CLASTS, New York, 1987, cl, 346 pages, - 1 -, $ 295 [Sections of book include: Sedimentary materials, volcanic materials from the geological record, products of active volcanoes, laboratory simulations, shape analysis, shape and texture] Matter, A. and Tucker, M. E., Ed. / MODERN AND ANCIENT LAKE SEDIMENTS, International Association of Sedimentolosits SP 2, Oxford, 1978, pb, 290 pages, - 2 -, $ 29 Matthews, R. K. / DYNAMIC STRATIGRAPHY: An Introduction to Sedimenation and Stratigraphy, 2nd Edition, Englewood Cliffs, 1984, cl, 459 pages, - 3 -, $ 40 McLane, M. / SEDIMENTOLOGY, New York, 1995, cl, 423 pages, - 2 -, $ 90 Miall, A. D., Ed. / FLUVIAL SEDIMENTOLOGY, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 5, Calgary, 1978, cl, 859 pages, - 2 -, $ 89 Miall, A. D., Ed. / FLUVIAL SEDIMENTOLOGY, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 5, Calgary, 1978, cl, 859 pages, - 3 -, $ 49 Miall, A. D., Ed. / SEDIMENTATION AND TECTONICS IN ALLUVIAL BASINS, Geological Association of Canada SP 23, Waterloo, 1981, cl, 272 pages, - 1 -, $ 85 Miall, A. D. / THE GEOLOGY OF STRATIGRAPHIC SEQUENCES, Berlin, 1996 or 1997, cl, 433 pages, 337 figs., 11 tables, - 1 -, $ 100 Miall, A. D. / PRINCIPLES OF SEDIMENTARY BASIN ANALYSIS, 1st Edition, New York, 1984, cl, 490 pages, - 2 -, $ 55; also available with slight use, - 3 -, $ 45 Miall, A. D. / PRINCIPLES OF SEDIMENTARY BASIN ANALYSIS, 3rd Edition updated & enlarged edition, Berlin, 1999, cl, 613 pages, 468 figs., 24 tables, - 2 -, $ 99 Middleton, J. and Waltham, T. / THE UNDERGROUND ATLAS: A Gazetteer of the World’s Cave Regions, Enderby, 1992, cl, 239 pages, - 1 -, $ 29 Milliman, J. D. / RECENT SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES, in two parts, Part I: MARINE CARBONATES, New York, 1974, cl, 375 pages, - 3 - or - 5 -, $ 45 [Sections of book: Introduction, Carbonate Components, Marine Carbonate Sediments, Carbonate Diagenesis] Moore, D. M. and Reynolds, R. C., Jr. / X-RAY DIFFRACTION AND THE IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF CLAY MINERALS, Oxford, 1989, spiral bound, 332 pages, several small highlighted words, ovg, - 3 -, $ 55 Morton, A. C., Todd, S. P. and Haughton, P. D. W. / DEVELOPMENTS IN SEDIMENTARY PROVENCE STUDIES, Geological Society of London Special Publication Classic, London, 1991, pb, 370 pages, - 1 -, $ 149 Müller, G. and Friedman, G. M. / RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN CARBONATE SEDIMENTOLOGY IN CENTRAL EUROPE, New York, cl, 255 pages, - 3 -, $ 55 Nations, J. D. and Eaton, J. G. / STRATIGRAPHY, DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS, AND SEDIMENTARY TECTONICS OF THE WESTERN MARGIN, CRETACEOUS WESTERN INTERIOR SEAWAY, GSA SP 260, Boulder, 1991, pb, 216 pages, - 3 -, $ 20 Nichols, G. / SEDIMENTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY, Oxford, 1999, pb, 355 pages, - 2 -, $ 55 Nissenbaum, A., Ed. / HYPERSALINE BRINES AND EVAPORITIC ENVIRONMENTS, Developments in Sedimentology # 28, Amsterdam, 1980, cl, 270 pages, - 2 -, $ 85 Odin, G. S. / GREEN MARINE CLAYS: OOLITIC IRONSTONE FACIES, VERDINE FACIES, GLAUCONY FACIES, AND CELADONITE-BEARING FACIES - A COMPARATIVE STUDY, Amsterdam, 1998, cl, 445 pages, - 3 -, $ 99 [very light highlighting of a couple of sentences, ovg] Palmer, A. N. / A GEOLOGICAL GUIDE TO MAMMOTH CAVE NATIONAL PARK, Teaneck, 1981, pb, 196 pages, - 3 -, $ 15 Parker, A. and Sellwood, B. W. / SEDIMENT DIAGENESIS, NATO ASI series, Dordrecht, 1983, cl, 427 pages, - 2 -, $ 99 [Includes these topics: facies, sequences, diagenetic relations, depositional models, early diagnesis, and burial diagenesis] Pettijohn, F. J., / SAND AND SANDSTONE, New York, 2nd Edition, 1983, pb, 553 pages, 355 figs., - 2 -, $ 100 Pickering, K. T., / DEEP MARINE ENVIRONMENTS, CLASTIC SEDIMENTATION AND TECTONICS, London, 1989, cl, 416 pages, - 3 -, $ 49 Posamentier, H. W.,, Ed. / SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY AND FACIES ASSOCIATIONS, International Association of Sedimentologists SP 18, Oxford, 1993, pb, 644 pages, - 1 -, $ 150 Posamentier, H. W. and Allen, G. P. / SILICLASTIC SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY - CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS, SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology # 7, Tulsa, 1999, cl, 204 pages, indicies, - 1 -, $ 99 Potter, P. E., Maynard, J. B., and Pryor, W. A. / SEDIMENTARY OF SHALE: STUDY GUIDE AND REFERENCE SOURCE, New York, 1980, cl, 154 figs., colored insert, - 3 -, $ 79 Potter, P. E. and Pettijohn, F. J. / PALEOCURRENTS AND BASIN ANALYSIS, 1st edition, Berlin, 1963, cl, 296 pages, 30 plates (at end), 130 figs., - 3 -, $ 28 Potter, P. E. and Pettijohn, F. J. / PALEOCURRENTS AND BASIN ANALYSIS, 2nd corrected and updated edition, Berlin, 1977, cl, 425 pages, 30 plates (at end), 167 figs., - 3 -, $ 68 Prothero, D. R. and Schwab, F. / SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY: AN INTRODUCTION TO SEDIMENTARY ROCKS AND STRATIGRAPHY, New York, 1996, cl, 575 pages, - 1 -, $ 75 Prothero, D. R. / SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY: AN INTRODUCTION TO SEDIMENTARY ROCKS AND STRATIGRAPHY, 2nd Edition, New York, 2004, cl, 557 pages, - 1 -, $ 120 Prothero, D. R. / INTERPRETING THE STRATIGRAPHIC RECORD, New York, 1990, cl, 410 pages, - 2 -, $ 60 Pye, W. D. / RAPID METHODS OF MAKING SEDIMENTATIONAL ANALYSES OF ARENACEOUS SEDIMENTS, Offprint from the Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Vol. 13, # 3, pages 85-104, 1943, $ 5 Raymond, L. A. / SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY, Dubuque, 1995, pb, pages 264 - 742, 6 pages introduction, plus xxiv., - 1 - $ 19 [This is the sedimentary section of the larger book Petrology: The Study of Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Rocks] Reading, H. G., Ed. / SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENTS AND FACIES, 2nd Edition, Oxford, 1986, pb, 615 pages, - 2 -, $ 25 Reading, H. G., Ed. / SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENTS: PROCESSES, FACIES AND STRATIGRAPHY, 3rd Edition, Oxford, 688 pages, - 2 -, $ 35 Reineck, H. E. and Singh, I. B. / DEPOSITIONAL SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENT WITH REFERENCE TO TERRIGENOUS CLASTICS, corrected reprint to the 1st Edition, Berlin, 1973-1975, cl, 439 pages, - 2 -, $ 49 Retallack, G. J. / SOILS OF THE PAST: AN INTRODUCTION TO PALEOPEDOLOGY, 2nd Edition, 2001, pb, 404 pages, - 1 -, $ 59 Schlanger, S. O. and Cita, M. B., Ed. / NATURE AND ORIGIN OF CRETACEOUS CARBON-RICH FACIES, London, 1982, cl, 229 pages, book is composed of 12 papers, - 2 -, $ 79 Schwarzacher, W. / SEDIMENTATION MODELS AND QUANTITATIVE STRATIGRAPHY, Developments in Sedimentology Series # 19, Amsterdam, 1975, cl, 382 pages, - 3 -, $ 199 Scoffin, T. P. / AN INTRODUCTION TO CARBONATE SEDIMENTS AND ROCKS, New York, 1987, pb, 274 pages, -2 -, $ 79 Selley, R. C. / AN INTRODUCTION TO SEDIMENTOLOGY, 1st Edition, London, 1976, 408 pages, - 2 -, $ 25 Selley, R. C. / AN INTRODUCTION TO SEDIMENTOLOGY, 2nd Edition, London, 1982, pb, 417 pages, - 3 -, $ 26 Selley, R. C. / APPLIED SEDIMENTOLOGY, London, 1988, pb, 446 pages, - 3 -, $ 50 Selley, R. C. / ANCIENT SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENTS AND THEIR SUB-SURFACE DIAGNOSIS, 4th Edition, London, 1996, pb, 300 pages, - 2 -, $ 75 Singer, A. and Galan, E., Ed. / PALYGORSHITE - SEPIOLITE: OCCURRENCES, GENESIS AND USES, Developments in Sedimentology 37, Amsterdam, 1984, cl, 352 pages, - 2 -, $ 69 Sloss, L. L., Ed. / SEDIMENTARY COVER – NORTH AMERICAN CRATON: U.S., GSA DNAG Volume D2, Boulder, 1988, cl, 506 pages, 8 plates (in separate slipcase), - 3 -, $ 75 Sonnenfeld, P. / BRINES AND EVAPORITES, Orlando, 1984, cl, 613 pages, - 2 -, $ 85 Stott, D. F. and Aitken, J. D., Ed. / SEDIMENTARY COVER OF THE CRATON IN CANADA, GSA DNAG Volume D1, Ottawa, cl, 826 pages, two maps, three geotectonic correlation charts and several figures in a separate slipcase, - 3 -, $ 75 Stow, D. A. V. and Piper, D. J. W. / FINE-GRAINED SEDIMENTS: DEEP-WATER PROCESSES AND FACIES, Geological Society SP 15, Oxford, 1984, cl, 659 pages, - 2 -, $ 69 Strakhov, N. M. / PRINCIPLES OF LITHOGENESIS, Volume 1, Translated from Russian, New York, 1967, cl, - 2 -, $ 35 [Contents: Stages of humid climate lithogenesis; humid sedimentary complexes; glacial, arid, and volcanic sedimentary lithogenesis, more....] Tucker, M., Ed. / TECHNIQUES IN SEDIMENTOLOGY, Oxford, 1988, pb, 394 pages, - 2 -, $ 89 Weedon, G. P. / TIME - SERIES ANALYSIS AND CYCLOSTRATIGRAPHY: Examining Stratigraphic Records of Environmental Cycles, Cambridge, 2003, cl, 139 pages, - 1 -, $ 70 Wilson, J. L. / CARBONATE FACIES IN GEOLOGIC HISTORY, New York, 1975, pb, 471 pages, 183 figs., 30 plates, - 3 -, $ 29 Wilson, J. L. / CARBONATE FACIES IN GEOLOGIC HISTORY, New York, 1975, cl, 471 pages, 183 figs., 30 plates, - 2 -, $ 59 Wright, V. P. / PALEOSOLS: THEIR RECOGNITION AND INTERPRETATION, Princeton, 1986, cl, 315 pages, - 2 -, $ 69 COSUNA Maps - Correlation of Stratigraphic United of North America (COSUNA) Project Maps Atlantic Coastal, $ 10 Central California, $ 10 Great Basin, $ 10 Gulf Coast Region, $ 10 Mid-Continent, $ 10 Midwestern Basin and Arches, $ 10 New England, $ 10 Northern Appalachian, $ 10 Northern California, $ 10 Northern Mid-Continent, $ 10 Northern Rockies / Williston Basin, $ 10 Northwest (Pacific), $ 10 Piedmont / Blue Ridge, $ 10 Southern Alaska, $ 10 Southern Appalachian, $ 10 Southern California, $ 10 Southwest / Southwest Mid-Continent, $10 Texas - Oklahoma Tectonic Region, $ 10 End of the Sedimentary Catalog! Links to other website catalogs: Home Page Catalogs on this Website Geology Index Mineral Specimens Mineralogy Books Select Mineral Books USGS Publications Ore Deposits Paleontology Books |