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USGS Folios

A total of 227 unique folios were produced by the USGS between the years 1894 and 1945.  Each folio measures 18" x 21".  The thickness varies depending on the number of pages of text and the number of maps in each one.  The thickness is apppoximately 3/8" on average.

They are shipped wrapped in heavy painters paper and rolled up inside a heavy 4" carpet tube, please add $ 5 for each tube (A single tube will hold up to about 2 to 4 folios depending on their thickness)

Content:  The text pages of a folio detail the geology and historical geology of particular quadrangles.  If an area was an area with historic mining activity, it will also give details about the geology and mineralogy of the mines found in that quadrangle. Color plates follow the text. Typically a topographic plate appears first, followed by geologic plates.  If a folio is for a city, multiple plates appear showing streets, buildings, streams or rivers, railroads, highways, etc.  Some of these plates are fold-outs which then measure 35" x 22'.  I know of situations where a framed single large folio plate of San Francisco, Chicago, and New York City sold for $ 800 to $2500 range. So folios are collector items or they are used for study of an area late 1800's through the years until 1945.

I now stock folios based on quality.  The front and back covers of folios can become stiff with age especially when stored where the temperature is too high or the humidity is too high.  Fortunately most of what I have was stored inside large facilities in low humidity  locations. 
#1 folios are pristine or nearly pristine which means they are very few or no tears to their covers.  They may have small taped small spots to their covers or extra supportive tape over the spines of the folios.  The content of #1 folios is completely fine.  
#2 folios have a few more small problems with the covers. A little more tape either on the spine or over small tears to page edges.  Some of these had to have new covers which replace old ones where part or most of the original cover was missing.  But their content is again fine.  All folios which had damage to the contents or water damage were discarded.

Example 1.  This Economic Geology plate from Folio 130, Rico, Colorado:

Example 2. Areal Geology plate from folio 130, Rico, Colorado:

3.  Example of a text page 3 with the usual four columns from Folio 130, Rico, Colorado:

4.  Close up of the text from the page above:

5. Example of the photographs taken in the area of the quadrangle (all folios have these photographs which are very useful) from the Rico Folio, Colorado

Here is a list of all the folios and which of them are in stock at the present time. 

One state listed below you may have forgotten:  IT - Indian Territory

Number Title Primary Author Year # of pages, # of maps State(s) #1 cost Number available #2 cost number available
1 Livingston Iddings, J. P. 1894 5 pages, 4 maps MT 55 0 40 0
2 Ringgold Hayes, W. 1894 5 pages, 4 maps GA / TN 35 4 25 2
3 Placerville Lindgren, W. 1894 3 pages, 4 maps CA 100 1 80 0
4 Kingston Hayes, C. W. 1894 5 pages, 4 maps TN 35 6 25 3
5 Sacramento Lindgren, W., 1894 3 pages, 4 maps CA 100 3 80 0
6 Chattanooga Hayes, C. W. 1894 5 pages, 4 maps TN 55 2 40 1
7 Pikes Peak Cross, W. 1894 8 pages, 5 maps CO 100 0 80 0
8 Sewanee Hayes, C. W. 1894 8 pages, 4 maps TN 35 6 25 1
9 Anthracite-Crested Butte Emmons, S. F. 1894 11 pages, 8 maps CO 100 0 80 0
10 Harpers Ferry Keith, A. 1894 5 pages, 4 maps VA / WV / MD 45 0 30 0
11 Jackson Turner, H. W. 1894 6 pages, 4 maps CA 100 2 80 0
12 Estillville Campbell, M. R. 1894 7 pages, 4 maps KY 35 7 25 1
13 Fredericksburg Darton, N. H. 1894 6 pages, 2 maps VA / MD 35 4 25 2
14 Staunton Darton, N, H, 1894 4 pages, 4 maps VA / WV 35 7 25 2
15 Lassen Peak Diller, J. S. 1895 6 pages, 4 maps CA 55 40 0
16 Knoxville Keith, A. 1895 6 pages, 4 maps TN / NC 45 10 30 2
17 Marysville Lindgren, W. 1895 2 pages, 4 maps CA 100 3 80 0
18 Smartville Lindgren, W. 1895 6 pages, 4 maps CA 100 3 80 0
19 Stevenson Hayes, C. W. 1895 4 pages, 4 maps AL / GA / TN 35 7 25 2
20 Cleveland Hayes, C. W. 1895 5 pages, 4 maps TN 35 29 25 0
21 Pikesville Hayes, C. W. 1895 5 pages, 4 maps TN 35 16 25 1
22 McMinnville Haynes, C. W. 1895 3 pages, 4 maps TN 35 24 25 1
23 Nomini Darton, N. H. 1896 4 pages, 3 maps MD 35 1 25 4
24 Three Forks Peale, A. C. 1896 7 pages, 4 maps MT 35 2 25 6
25 Loudon Keith, A. 1896 7 pages, 4 maps TN 35 11 25 1
26 Pocahontas Campbell, M. R. 1896 7 pages, 4 maps VA / WV 35 5 25 0
27 Morristown Keith, A. 1896 7 pages, 4 maps TN 35 9 25 0
28 Piedmont Darton, N. H. 1896 7 pages, 4 maps WV / MD 35 0 25 0
29 Nevada City Lindgren, W. 1896 7 pages, 9 maps CA 100 1 80 0
30 Yellowstone National Park Hague, H. 1896 6 pages, 3 maps WY 200 0 160 0
31 Pyramid Peak Lindgren, W. 1896 8 pages, 4 maps CA 75 1 55 1
32 Franklin Darton, N. H. 1896 7 maps, 4 maps WV / VA 35 1 25 10
33 Briceville Keith, A. 1896 5 pages, 4 maps TN 35 7 25 5
34 Buckhonnon Taff, J. A. 1896 5 pages, 4 maps WV 35 11 25 1
35 Gadsden Hayes, C. W. 1896 5 pages, 4 maps AL 35 0 25 1
36 Pueblo Gilbert, G. K. 1897 11 pages, 5 maps CO 35 1 25 0
37 Downievillw Turner, H, W. 1897 9 pages, 4 maps CA 100 1 80 0
38 Butte Special Weed, W. H. 1897 8 pages, 4 maps MT 100 0 85 2
39 Truckee Weed, W. H. 1897 8 pages, 4 maps CA 100 85 1
40 Wartburg Keith, A. 1897 4 pages, 4 maps TN 35 1 25 1
41 Sonora Turner, H, W. 1897 7 pages, 4 maps CA 35 1 25 0
42 Nueces Hill, R. T. 1898 6 pages, 2 maps TX 35 0 25 1
43 Bidwell Bar Turner, H. W. 1898 7 pages, 3 maps CA 100 2 85 0
44 Tazewell Campbell, M. R. 1897 7 pages, 4 maps VA / WV 35 0 25 1
45 Boise Lindgen, W. 1898 7 pages, 4 maps ID 100 1 55 2
46 Richmond Campbell, M. R. 1898 4 pages, 4 maps KY 35 10 25 1
47 London Campbell, M. R. 1898 4 pages, 4 maps KY 35 12 25 0
48 Tenmile District Emmons, S. F. 1898 6 pages, 4 maps CO 200 1 80 1
49 Roseburg Diller, J. S. 1898 5 pages, 4 maps OR 35 0 25 0
50 Holyoke Emerson, B. K. 1898 8 pages, 5 maps MA / CT 35 0 25 0
51 Big Trees Turner, H. W. 1898 9 pages, 3 maps CA 100 1 55 0
52 Absaroka Hague, A. 1899 8 pages, 4 maps WY 75 1 55 0
53 Standingstone Campbell, M. R. 1899 6 pages, 4 maps TN 35 3 25 6
54 Tacoma Willis, B. 1899 14 pages, 2 maps WA 35 0 25 1
55 Fort Benton Weed, W. H. 1899 9 pages, 4 maps MT 35 0 25 4
56 Little Belt Mountains Weed, W. H. 1899 11 pages, 4 maps MT 55 3 40 2
57 Telluride Cross, W. 1899 22 pages, 4 maps CO 200 0 175 0
58 Elmoro Hills, R. C. 1899 7 pages, 5 maps CO 35 0 25 1
59 Bristol Campbell, M. R. 1899 12 pages, 4 maps VA / TN 35 0 25 4
60 La Plata Cross, W. 1901 17 pages, 4 maps CO 100 0 80 1
61 Monterey Darton, N. H. 1899 9 pages, 4 maps VA 45 1 30 0
62 Menominee Special Van Hise, C. R. 1900 13 pages, 3 maps MI 40 4 30 5
63 Mother Lode Ransome. F. L. 1900 11 pages, 8 maps CA 200 1 80 2
64 Uvalde Vaugh, T. W. 1900 7 pages, 3 maps TX 35 10 25 0
65 Tintic Special Tower, G. W. 1900 8 pages, 8 maps UT 150 2 80 1
66 Colfax Lindgren, W. 1900 10 pages, 4 maps CA 100 1 80 2
67 Danville Campbell, M. R. 1900 11 pages, 3 maps IL / IN 35 17 25 3
68 Walsenburg Hills, R. C. 1900 8 pages, 6 maps CO 35 1 25 1
69 Huntington Campbell, M. R. 1900 8 pages, 3 maps WV / OH 35 16 25 1
70 Washington, D. C. Darton, N. H. 1901 7 pages,  5 maps MD / VA 100 0 80 0
71 Spanish Peaks Hills, R. C. 1901 10 pages, 6 maps CO 45 10 30 0
72 Charleston Campbell, M. R. 1901 12 pages, 4 maps WV 35 4 25 1
73 Coos Bay Diller, J. S. 1901 7 pages, 4 maps OR 35 2 25 1
74 Coalgate Taff, J. A. 1901 7 pages, 4 maps IT 35 8 25 2
75 Maynardville Keith, A. 1901 7 pages, 4 maps TN 35 17 25 0
76 Austin Hill, R. T. 1902 13 pages, 3 maps TX 35 0 25 0
77 Raleigh Campbell, M. R. 1902 11  pages, 4 maps WV 35 14 25 1
78 Rome Hayes, C. W. 1902 9 pages, 4 maps GA / AL 35 1 25 0
79 Atoka Taff, J. A. 1902 11 pages, 4 maps IT 35 7 25 0
80 Norfolk Darton, N. H. 1902 6 pages, 2 maps VA / NC 35 2 25 2
81 Chicago Alden, W. C. 1902 16 pages, 12 maps IL 200 0 165 1
82 Masontown - Uniontown Campbell, M. R. 1902 24 pages,  8 maps PA 35 0 25 0
83 New York City Merill, F. J. H. 1902 21 pages, 13 maps NY / NJ 200 1 165 0
84 Ditney Fuller, M. L. 1902 12 pages, 3 maps IN 35 21 25 4
85 Oelrichs Darton, N.H. 1902 8 pages, 4 maps SD 35 0 25 8
86 Ellensburg Smith, G. O. 1903 10 pages, 3 maps WA 35 3 25 2
87 Camp Clarke Darton, N. H. 1903 6 pages, 2 maps NE 35 8 25 7
88 Scottsbluff Darton, N. H. 1903 7 pages, 2 maps NE 35 10 25 0
89 Port Oxford Diller, J. S. 1903 6 pages, 4 maps OR 35 2 25 3
90 Cranberry Keith, A. 1903 10 pages, 4 maps NC / TN 35 12 25 3
91 Hartville Smith, W. S. T. 1903 10 pages, 3 maps WY 35 9 25 1
92 Gaines Fuller, M. L. 1903 11 pages, 4 maps PA / NY 35 19 25 6
93 Elkland - Tioga Fuller, M. L. 1903 11 pages, 8 maps PA 35 12 25 5
94 Brownsville - Connellsville Campbell, M. R. 1903 23 pages, 8 maps PA 35 9 25 4
95 Columbia Hayes, C. W. 1903 11 pages, 4 maps TN 35 9 25 2
96 Olivet Todd, J. E. 1903 6 pages, 3 maps SD 35 9 25 1
97 Parker Todd, J. E. 1903 6 pages, 3 maps SD 35 8 25 1
98 Tishomingo Taff, J. A. 1903 10 pages, 3 maps IT 35 20 25 0
99 Mitchell Todd, J. E. 1903 7 pages, 3 maps SD 35 7 25 1
100 Alexandria Todd, J. E. 1903 6 pages, 3 maps SD 35 11 25 3
101 San Luis Fairbanks, H. W. 1904 17 pages, 4 maps CA 35 2 25 0
102 Indiana Richardson 1904 10 pages, 3 maps PA 35 13 25 1
103 Nampa Lindgren, W. 1904 5 pages, 2 maps ID / OR 35 9 25 3
104 Silver City Lindgren, W. 1904 6 pages, 3 maps ID 75 1 55 1
105 Patoka Fuller, M. L. 1904 14 pages, 2 maps IN / IL 35 33 25 2
106 Mount Stuart Smith, G. O. 1904 11 pages, 4 maps WA 35 8 25 2
107 Newcastle Darton, N. H. 1904 11 pages, 5 maps WY 35 1 25 1
108 Edgemont Darton, N. H. 1904 12 pages, 4 maps SD 35 3 25 0
109 Cottonwood Falls Ptrosser, C. S. 1904 6 pages, 2 maps KS 35 21 25 6
110 Latrobe Campbell, M. R. 1904 19 pages, 4 maps PA 35 7 25 1
111 Globe Ransome, F. L. 1905 18 pages, 6 maps AZ 200 1 150 3
112 Bisbee Ransome, F. L. 1904 21 pages, 6 maps AZ 200 3 175 2
113 Huron Todd, J. E. 1904 6 pages, 3 maps SD 35 15 25 1
114 DeSmet Todd, J. E. 1904 6 pages, 3 maps SD 35 8 25 5
115 Kittanning Butts, C. 1904 19 pages, 3 maps PA 35 8 25 2
116 Ashville Keith, A. 1904 11 pages, 4 maps NC 35 4 25 3
117 Casselton - Fargo Hall, C. M. 1905 7 pages, 6 maps ND 35 19 25 2
118 Greenville Keith, A. 1905 9 pages, 3 maps TN / NC 35 22 25 0
119 Fayetteville Adams, G. I. 1905 9 pages, 3 maps AR / MO 35 8 25 1
120 Silverton Cross, W. 1905 36 pages, 4 maps CO 250 0 200 0
121 Waynesboro Stone, R. W. 1905 15 pages, 3 maps PA 35 0 25 0
122 Talhequah Taff, J. A. 1905 7 pages, 3 maps IT / AR 35 11 25 3
123 Elders Ridge Stone, R. W. 1905 13 pages, 3 maps PA 35 1 25 0
124 Mount Mitchell Keith, A. 1905 10 pages, 4 maps NC / TN 35 2 25 1
125 Rural Valley Butts,C. 1905 15 pages, 3 maps PA 35 1 25 0
126 Bradshaw Mountains Jagger,, T. A. 1905 12 pages, 3 maps AZ 75 1 55 0
127 Sundance Darton, N. H. 1905 14 pages, 5 maps WY 35 0 25 1
128 Aladdin Darton, N. H. 1905 9 pages, 4 maps WY / SD / MT 35 0 25 2
129 Clifton Lindgren, W. 1905 14 pages, 4 maps AZ 100 2 80 1
130 Rico Cross, W. 1905 22 pages, 5 maps CO 100 0 80 1
131 Needle Mountains Cross, W. 1905 16 pages, 4 maps CO 100 0 80 2
132 Muskogee Taff, J. A. 1906 8 pages, 3 maps IT 35 1 25 0
133 Ebensburg Butts, C. 1905 10 pages, 4 maps PA 35 11 25 1
134 Beaver Woolsey, L. H. 1905 17 pages, 3 maps PA 35 9 25 4
135 Nepesta Fisher, C. A. 1906 6 pages, 3 maps CO 35 6 25 2
136 St. Marys Shattuck, G. B. 1906 7 pages, 2 maps MD / VA 35 8 25 2
137 Dover Miller, B. L. 1906 10 pages, 2 maps DE 45 8 30 0
138 Redding Diller, J. S. 1906 15 pages, 3 maps CA 35 0 25 0
139 Snoqualmie Smith, G. O. 1906 15 pages, 3 maps WA 35 1 25 1
140 Milwaukee Special Alden, W. C. 1906 13 pages, 2 maps WI 45 7 30  
141 Bald Mountain - Dayton Darton, N. H. 1906 18 pages, 7 maps WY 35 0 25 2
142 Cloud Peak - Fort McKinney Darton, N. H. 1906 19 pages, 7 maps WY 35 5 25 0
143 Nantahala Keith, A. 1907 12 pages, 4 maps NC 35 1 25 1
144 Amity Clapp, A. 1907 16 pages, 3 maps PA 35 8 25 2
145 Lancaster - Mineral Point Grant, U.S. 1907 14 pages, 4 maps WI / IA / IL 35 12 25 0
146 Rogersville Clapp, F. G. 1907 15 pages, 3 maps PA 35 24 25 2
147 Pisgah Keith, A. 1907 9 pages, 4 maps NC / SC 35 15 25 4
148 Joplin District Smith, W. S. T. 1907 21 pages, 5 maps MO / KS 60 6 40 3
149 Penobscot Bay Smith, G. O. 1907 14 pages, 3 maps ME 35 5   1
150 Devils Tower Darton, N. H. 1907 10 pages, 4 maps WY 55 0 45 0
151 Roan Mountain Keith, A. 1907 14 pages, 4 maps TN / NC 35 7 25 4
152 Patuxent Shattuck, G. B. 1907 13 pages, 3 maps MD / DC 35 4 25 4
153 Ouray Cross, W. 1907 21 pages, 3 maps CO 200 0 185 3
154 Winslow Purdue, A. H. 1907 7 pages, 2 maps AR / IT 35 13 25 1
155 Ann Arbor Russell, I. C. 1908 / 1915 15 pages, 3 maps MI 35 10 25 0
156 Elk Point Todd, J. E. 1908 8 pages, 3 maps SD / NE / IA 35 17 25 4
157 Passaic Darton, N. H. 1908 28 pages, 4 maps NJ / NY  35  0 25 0
158 Rockland Bastin, B. S. 1908 15 pages, 5 maps ME 35 4 25 2
159 Independence Shrader, F. C. 1908 10 pages, 3 maps KS / IT 35 0 25 0
160 Accident - Grantsville Martin, G. C. 1908 14 pages, 1 map MD / PA / WV 35 1 25 0
161 Franklin Furnace Spencer, A. C. 1908 27 pages, 6 maps NJ 75 0 55
162 Philadelphia Bascom, F. 1909 25 pages, 10 maps PA 75 1 55 0
163 Santa Cruz Branner, J. C. 1909 14 pages, 3 maps CA 35 1 25 0
164 Belle Fourche Darton, N. H. 1909 9 pages, 4 maps SD 35 25 1
165 Aberdeen - Redfield Todd, J. E. 1909 13 pages, 12 maps SD 35 2 25 2
166 El Paso Richardson, G. B. 1909 12 pages, 2 maps TX 55 1 45 0
167 Trenton Bascom, F. 1909 25 pages, 3 maps NJ 35 2 25 1
168 Jamestown - Tower Williard, D. E. 1909 10 pages, 9 maps ND 35 0 25 2
169 Watkins Glen - Catatonk Williams, H. S. 1909 35 pages, 6 maps NY 45 1 35 4
170 Mercersburg - Chambersburg Stose, G. W. 1910 21 pages, 6 maps PA 35 5 25 1
171 Engineer Mountain Cross, W. 1910 16 pages, 3 maps CO 75 2 55 1
172 Warren Butts, C. 1910 11 pages, 3 maps PA / NY 35 23 25 8
173 Laramie - Sheridan Darton, N. H. 1910 19 pages, 7 maps WY 45 35 11 
174 Johnstown Phalen, W. C. 1910 16 pages, 3 maps PA 35 8 25 0
175 Birmingham Butts, C. 1910 26 pages, 4 maps AL 35 1 25 0
176 Sewickley Munn, M. J. 1911 17 pages, 4 maps PA 35 8 25 1
177 Burgestttown - Carneige Shaw, E. W. 1911 18 pages, 8 maps PA 35 4 25 1
178 Foxburg - Clarion Shaw, E. W. 1911 19 pages, 8 maps PA 35 3 25 0
179 Pawpaw - Hancock Stose, G. W. 1912 27 pages, 6 maps MD / WV / PA 35 3 25 0
180 Claysville Munn, M. J. 1912 15 pages, 4 maps PA 35 13 25 6
181 Bismarck Leonard, A. G. 1912 8 pages, 2 maps ND 35 9 25 1
182 Choptank Miller, B. L. 1912 8 pages, 2 maps MD 35 9 25 1
183 Llano - Burnett Paige, S. 1912 17 pages, 6 maps TX 35 5 25 1
184 Kenova Phalen, W. C. 1912 17 pages, 3 maps KY / WV / OH 35 4 25 0
185 Murphysboro - Herrin Shaw, E. W. 1912 15 pages, 6 maps IL 35 16 25 0
186 Apisphapa Stose, G. W. 1912 13 pages, 3 maps CO 35 4 25 3
187 Ellijay Phalen, W. C. 1913 18 pages, 4 maps GA / NC / TN 35 17 25 2
188 Tallula - Springfield Shaw, E. W. 1913 12 pages, 4 maps IL 35 25 25 2
189 Barnesboro - Patton Campbell, M. R. 1913 13 pages, 6 maps PA 35 18 25 2
190 Niagara (Falls) Kindle, E. M. 1913 29 pages, 4 maps NY 100 2 55 3
191 Raritan Bayley, W. S. 1914 38 pages, 5 maps NJ 35 2 25 0
192 Eastport Baston, E. S. 1914 17 pages, 4 maps ME 35 11 25 0
193 San Francisco Lawson, A. C. 1914 26 pages, 15 maps CA 200 0 165 0
194 Van Horn Richardson, G. B. 1914 10 pages, 3 maps TX 35 11 25 0
195 Belleville - Breese Udden, J. A. 1915 14 pages, 4 maps IL 35 37 25 0
196 Philipsburg Calkins, F. C. 1915 27 pages, 3 maps MT 60 2 50 0
197 Columbus Hubbard, G. D. 1915 17 pages, 3 maps OH 35 11 25 0
198 Castle Rock Richardson, G. B. 1915 20 pages, 3 maps CO 60 2 500 0
199 Silver City Paige, S. 1916 21 pages, 3 maps NM 100 2 80 2
200 Galena - Elizabeth Shaw, E. W. 1916 14 pages, 3 maps IL / IA 50 12 45 1
201 Minneapolis - St. Paul Sardeson, F. W. 1916 16 pages, 8 maps MN 45 11 35 3
202 Eureka Springs - Harrison Purdue, A. H. 1916 24 pages, 4 maps AR / MO 35 8 25 3
203 Colorado  Springs Finlay, G. I. 1916 19 pages, 5 maps CO 100 2 80 0
204 Tolchester Miller, B. L. 1917 16 pages, 2 maps MD 35 17 25 0
205 Detroit Sherzer, W. H. 1917 23 pages, 11 maps MI 35 2 25 1
206 Leavenworth-Smithville Hinds, H. 1917 14 pages, 4 maps MO/ KS 35 34 25 0
207 Deming Darton, N. H. 1917 16 pages, 4 maps NM 50 9 40 1
208 Colchester-Macomb Hinds, H. 1917 14 pages, 4 maps IL 35 17 25 0
209 Newell Darton, N.H. 1919 8 pages, 3 maps SD 35 6 25 0
210 Herman - Morris Sardeson, F. W. 1919 10 pages, 8 maps MN 35 15 25 0
211 Elkton - Wilmington Bascom, F. 1920 22 pages, 4 maps MD / DE / PA 35 12 25 2
212 Syracuse - Lakin Darton, N. H. 1920 11 pages, 6 maps KS 35 27 25 3
213 New Athens, Okawville Shaw, E. W. 1921 12 pages, 4 maps IL 35 31 25 1
214 Raton - Brilliant Lee, W. T. 1922 19 pages. 10 maps NM 35 1 25 0
215 Hot Springs Purdue, A. H. 1923 14 pages, 3 maps AR 55 3 45 0
216 Carlyle - Centralia Shaw, E. W. 1923 10 pages, 4 maps IL 35 42 25 4
217 Ray Ransome, F. L. 1923 25 pages, 4 maps AZ 75 5 65 0
218 Riddle Diller, J. S. 1924 8 pages, 3 maps OR 35 12 25 4
219 Central Black Hills Darton, N. H. 11925 35 pages, 3 maps SD 200 0 175 0
220 Gillespie - Mount Olive Lee, W. 1196 14 pages, 4 maps IL 35 29 25 2
221 Bessemer - Vandiver Butts, C. 1927 26 pages, 4 maps AL 35 3 25 1
222 Gaffney - Kings Mountain Keith, A. 1931 14 pages, 8 maps SC / NC 35 2 25 3
223 Coatsville - West Chester Bascom, F. 1932 17 pages, 6 maps PA / DE 35 3 25 2
224 Somerset - Windber Richardson, G. B. 1935 16 pages, 8 maps PA 35 4 25 2
225 Fairfield - Gettysburg Stose, G. W. 1929 26 pages, 8 maps PA 45 4 35 2
226 Montevallo - Columbia Butts, C. 1940 23 pages, 7 maps AL 35 12 25 1
227 Hollidaysburg - Huntington Buttes, C. 1945 25 pages, 6 maps PA 35 4 25 0

End of the USGS Folio Catalog!

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