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Geology of Greenland, Iceland, and the North Atlantic Catalog

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Geology of Greenland, Iceland, and the North Atlantic Catalog

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Greenland and the North Atlantic Geology Catalog

Geological Survey of Canada & Geological Society of America DNAG Publications related to Greenland, Iceland, and the North Atlantic Region

, Boulder, 1989, cl, 839 pages, five plates in separate slipcase, - 2 -, $ 50

Keen, M. J. and Williams, G. L., Ed. / GEOLOGY OF THE CONTINENTAL MARGIN OF EASTERN CANADA, GSA DNAG VOLUME I1, Ottawa, 1990, cl, 855 pages, - 1 -, $ 50

Ottawa, 1998, cl, 387 pages, five maps (in 8 sheets) and one figure (with two parts) in separate slipcase, - 1 -, $ 100

Trettin, H. P. / GEOLOGY OF THE INNUITIAN OROGEN AND ARCTIC PLATFORM OF CANADA AND GREENLAND, GSA DNAG Volume E, Ottawa, cl, 569 pages, 9 figures in separate slipcase, - 1 -, $ 50

Williams, H. / GEOLOGY OF THE APPALACHIAN-CALEDONIAN OROGEN IN CANADA AND GREENLAND, GSA DNAG Volume F1, Ottawa, 1995, cl, 944 pages, 1 plate in pocket, - 1 -, $ 50


Boyd, L. A. / THE FIORD REGION OF EAST GREENLAND, American Geographical Society SP 30, New York, 1935, cl, 369 pages, 14 plates ( in separate slipcase), - 3 -, $ 65

Boyd, L. A. / THE COAST OF NORTHEAST GREENLAND, with Hydrographic Studies in the Greenland Sea, the Louise A. Boyd Arctic Expeditions of 1937 and 1938, American Geographical Society SP 30, New York, 1948, cl, 339 pages, 10 plates (7 maps and 5 panoramas) in separate slipcase, slight foxing throughout text, ovg, - 3 -, $ 40

Boyd, L. A. / THE COAST OF NORTHEAST GREENLAND, with Hydrographic Studies in the Greenland Sea, the Louise A. Boyd Arctic Expeditions of 1937 and 1938,
American Geographical Society SP 30, New York, 1948, cl, 339 pages, 10 plates (7 maps and 5 panoramas) in separate slipcase, very clean text, - 3 -, $ 75

Fulton, R. J., Ed. / QUATERNARY GEOLOGY OF CANADA AND GREENLAND, GSA DNAG Volume K1, Boulder, 1989, cl, 839 pages, five plates in separate slipcase, - 2 -, $ 175

Ghisler, M., / REPORT OF ACTIVITIES, 1985, Køßenhavn, 1986, pb, 129 pages, illustrated, - 5 -, $ 15 [includes glacial studies, occurrence of scheelite and tungsten, exploration, much more...]

Gibson, I. L. / GEOLOGY OF THE FÁSLRÚDSFJÖTFIT AREA. EASTERN ISLAND <and> GEOLOGY OF THE SETBERG AREA, SNAEFELLSNESS, WESTERN ICELAND, In: Visindafélag Islendinga - Greinar IV. 2., Reykjavik, 1966, pb, 125 pages, 2 plates, 46 figs., - 3 -, $ 48

Haller, J. / GEOLOGY OF THE EAST GREENLAND CALEDONIDES, London, 1971, cl, 413 pages, - 3 -, $ 49 [Book Sections: I. Physiography; II. History of geological exploration; III. The pre-caledonian succession; IV. The caledonian orogeny; V. Post-caledonian block faulting and the transgressions of the Mesozoic Sea; VI. Cenozoic disturbances and igneous activity]

Higgins, A. K., Gilotti, J. A., and Smith, M. P. / THE GREENLAND CALEDONIDES: EVOLUTION OF THE NORTHEAST MARGIN OF LAURENTIA, GSA M 202, Boulder, 2008, cl, 368 pages, well illustrated, 1 loose plate (map of east Greenland Caledonian orogen, 1:1,000,000 scale, 1 cd (contains plate for chapter 14 of book, - 1 -, $ 45

Kosiba, A. and Loewe, F. / METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS IN THE TASERSIAQ AREA, SOUTHWEST GREENLAND DURING SUMMER 1963, Inst. Polar Studies Rept. No. 11, Columbus, 1964, pb, 19 pages, 18 figs., 23 tables, - 2 -, $ 10

Langway, C. C. Jr. / STRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF A DEEP ICE CORE FROM GREENLAND, GSA SP 125, Boulder, 1970, pb, 186 pages, 14 plates, 16 figs., 32 tables, - 3 -, $ 20

Loewe, F., / RECONNAISSANCE OF SUKKERTOPPEN ICE CAP AND ADJACENT TASERSIAG AREA, SOUTHWEST GREENLAND, Institute of Polar Studies Publication, Columbus, 1962, pb, 35 pages, 4 figs., - 2 -, $ 10

Rundle, A. S. / GLACIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS ON SUKKERTOPPEN ICE CAP, SOUTHWEST GREENLAND, SUMMER 1964, Columbus, 1965, pb, 11 pages, 9 figs., - 2 -, $ 5

Trettin, H. P. / GEOLOGY OF THE INNUITIAN OROGEN AND ARCTIC PLATFORM OF CANADA AND GREENLAND, GSA DNAG Volume E, Ottawa, cl, 569 pages, 9 figures in separate slipcase, - 1 -, $ 50

Wagner, L. R. and Deer, W. A. / GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN EAST GREENLAND, Part III. The Petrology of the Skaergaard Intrusion, Kobenhavn, 1962 reissue of 1939 original, 352 pages, 22 plates, 1 map, - 3 -, $ 40

Williams, R. S., Jr. and Ferrigno, J. G. / SATELLITE IMAGE ATLAS OF GLACIERS OF THE WORLD - GREENLAND, USGS PP 1386 C,  1995, pb, 141 pages, 67 figs., 14 tables, 1 plate (in pocket), $ 25

Williams, H. / GEOLOGY OF THE APPALACHIAN-CALEDONIAN OROGEN IN CANADA AND GREENLAND, GSA DNAG Volume F1, Ottawa, 1995, cl, 944 pages, 1 plate in pocket, - 1 -, $ 50

Meddelelser om Grønland

Bd. 172 / Nr. 7 / Watterson, J. / PLUTONIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE Ilordleg Area, South Greenland, Part 1: Chronology, and occurrence and recognition of metamorphosed basic dykes, København, 1965, pb, 147 pages, 70 figs., 9 plates, - 3 -, $ 26

Bd. 175 / Nr. 6 / Watterson, J. / HOMOGENEOUS DEFORMATION OF THE GNEISSES OF VESTERLAND, SOUTHWEST GREENLAND, København, 1968, pb, 72 pages, 46 figs., 2 plates, - 3 -, $ 20

Bd. 185 / Nr. 3 / Watterson, J. / PLUTONIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE Ilordleg Area, South Greenland, Part 2, Late Kinematic basic dykes, København, 1968, pb, 104 pages, 39 figs., 4 plates, 4 tables, - 3 -, $ 25

End of the Greenland and the North Atlantic Geology Catalog.

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