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Odds & Ends Catalog

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Anderson, B. W. / GEMSTONES FOR EVERYMAN, New York, 1976, cl, 368 pages, - 2 -, $ 20

Bailey, E. B., / THE GEOLOGY OF BEN NEVIS AND GLEN COE AND THE SURROUNDING COUNTRY, SCOTLAND, 2nd Edition Revised, Edinburgh, 1960, cl, 307 pages, $ 20 [Contents: Economic geology; faults; glacial geology; volcanics; igenous rocks; petrology, more...]

Berry, L. G. / MINERALOGY: CONCEPTS, DESCRIPTIONS, AND DETERMINATIONS, San Francisco, 1959, cl, 630 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Blainey, G. / THE RUSH THAT NEVER ENDED: A History of Australian Mining, Carlton, 2003, pb, 431 pages, - 2 -, $ 20

Brown, D. A., / THE GEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND, Oxford, 1977, pb, 409 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Chester, D. K., / MOUNT ETNA (SICILY): THE ANATOMY OF A VOLCANO, Stanford, 1985, cl, 404 pages, $ 20

Clark, K. F. and Megaw, P. K. M., and Ruiz, J., Ed. / LEAD-ZINC-SILVER CARBONATE-HOSTED DEPOSITS OF NORTHERN MEXICO, SEG Guidebook for field and mine excursions, 1986, pb, 329 pages, illustrated, travel logs, 2 plates (in pocket), - 3 -, $ 20

Coch, N. K. / GEOHAZARDS: NATURAL AND HUMAN, Englewood Cliffs, 1995, pb, 481 pages, - 2 -, $ 20

Davies, J. L. and Williams, M. A., J., Ed. / LANDFORM EVOLUTION IN AUSTRALASIA, Canberra, 1978, 376 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

De Carolis, E. and Patricelli, G. / VESUVIUS, A.D. 79 - THE DESTRUCTION OF POMPEII AND HERCULANEUM, Los Angeles, 2003, cl, 135 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Deiss, J. J. / HERCULANEUM: ITALY’S BURIED TREASURE, A VIVID RE-CREATION OF LIFE IN POMPEII’S SISTER CITY, Revised and updated, New York, 1985, cl, 222 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Dobbins, J. J. and Foss, P. W., Ed. / THE WORLD OF POMPEII, London, 2009, pb, 662 pages, CD in pocket (sealed), - 2 -, $ 20

Douglas, J. G. and Ferguson, J. A., Ed. / GEOLOGY OF VICTORIA, Victoria Division of the Geological Society of Australia, Melbourne, 1988, pb, 663 pages, geological map (in pocket), - 3 -, $ 20

Ernst, W. G., Ed. / THE GEOTECHNIC DEVELOPMENT OF CALIFORNIA, Rubey Volume 1, Englewood Cliffs, 1981, cl, - 3 -, $ 25

Ford, T. D. / LIMESTONES AND CAVES OF WALES, Cambridge, 1989, cl, 254 pages, index, - 3 -, $ 20

Gohau, G. / A HISTORY OF GEOLOGY, Revised and translated from the French by A. V. Carozzi and M. Carozzi, New Brunswick, 1990, pb, 259 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Jackson, L. A. / BEULAH: A BIOGRAPHY OF THE MINERAL KING VALLEY OF CALIFORNIA, Tucson, 1988, cl, 204 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Jennings, J. N. and Mabbutt, J. A., Ed. / LANDFORM STUDIES FROM AUSTRALIA AND NEW GUINEA, Canberra, 1967, cl, 434 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Lahee, F.H. /  FIELD GEOLOGY, 6th edition, New York, 1961, 926 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

McKee, B. / CASCADIA: THE GEOLOGIC EVOLUTION OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, New York, 1972, cl, 384 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Mitchell, G. H., / THE GEOLOGY OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF EDINBURGH, 3rd Edition, Memoirs of the Geological Society of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1962, cl, 159 pages, 4 appendices, 4 plates, - 3 -, $ 20 [Covers mineral resources; geological formations; glacial deposits; paleontology, more...]

Morán-Zenteno, D. / GEOLOGY OF THE MEXICAN REPUBLIC, AAPG Studies in Geology # 39, Tulsa, 1994, cl, 160 pages, - 2 -. $ 20

Newell, D. / TECHNOLOGY ON THE FRONTIER: Mining in Old Ontario, 1986, cl, 220 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Oldroyd, D. / THINKING ABOUT THE EARTH: A HISTORY OF IDEAS IN GEOLOGY, Cambridge, 1996, cl, 410 pages, - 3 -, $ 20


Orozco, R. / LA INDUSTRIA MINERA DE MEXICO, DISTRITO DE GUANAJUATO, MEXICO, 1922, afb, 167 pag, indice, 54 lamina (in Spanish, numerous mine cross sections showing mine structure of early Mexican Mines, also mine claim diagrams, also photographs), - 3 -, $ 20

Place, M. T. / GOLD DOWN UNDER: The Story of the Australian Gold Rush, London, 1969, cl, 169 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Rahn, P. H. / ENGINEERING GEOLOGY: AN ENVIRONMENTAL APPROACH, New York, 1986, cl 589 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Rice, P. C. / AMBER: THE GOLDEN GEM OF THE AGES, New York, 1980, cl, 289 pages, - 3 -, $ 20 [slight damage to dust cover]


Schroder, J. F., Jr. / HIMALAYA TO THE SEA: GEOLOGY, GEOMORPHOLOGY AND THE QUARTERNARY, London, 1993, cl, 429 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Schumm, S. A. / TO INTERPRET THE EARTH, TEN WAYS TO BE WRONG, New York, 1991, cl, 133 pages, - 3 -, $ 20


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Ballantyne, C. K. and Harris, C. / THE PERIGLACIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN, Cambridge, 1994, cl, 330 pages, - 2 -, $ 50

Craig, G. Y. / GEOLOGY OF SCOTLAND, 2nd Edition, Edinburgh, 1983, cl, 472 pages, - 1 -, $50

Lyell, Charles / PRINCIPLES OF GEOLOGY with an introduction by M. J. S. Rudwick, in 3 volumes - volume 1, 511 pages, last page of introduction was crunched during printing (repaired with a photocopy insert), volume 2, 330 pages, and volume 3, 398 pages, and two appendices, one with tables on fossil shells, a comparison of species, and a list of fossil shells collected by the author, followed by a glossary and index, Chicago, 1990, cl, - 3 - , $ 50

Mitchell, W. I., Ed. / THE GEOLOGY OF NORTHERN IRELAND, OUR NATURAL FOUNDATION, 2nd Edition, Geological Survey of Northern Ireland, Belfast, 2004, pb, 318 pages, - 3 -, $ 50

Naqvi, S. M. and Rogers, J. J. W. / PRECAMBRIAN GEOLOGY OF INDIA, Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics No. 6, New York, 1987, cl, 223 pages, - 2 -, $ 50

Smyth, R. B. / REPORTS ON THE GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, AND PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF VARIOUS PARTS OF THE COLONY, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA, Report of Progress II, Melbourne, 1875, cl[3], 141 pages, contents cover the early gold fields at Ballarat, Ararat, Stawell, Sandhurst, 6 lithographs, 28 illustrations, $ 50

Smyth, R. B. / REPORTS ON THE GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, AND PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF VARIOUS PARTS OF THE COLONY, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA, Report of Progress III, Melbourne, 1876, cl[3], 307 pages, contents cover the early gold fields at Stawell, Upper Yarra, Eltham, Allandale, 101 illustrations, $ 50

Smyth, R. B. / REPORTS ON THE GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, AND PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF VARIOUS PARTS OF THE COLONY, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA, Report of Progress IV, Melbourne, 1877, cl[3], 189 pages, contents cover the early gold fields at Creswick, Stawell, Victoria, 64 illustrations, $ 50

Trewin, N, H.,, Ed. / THE GEOLOGY OF SCOTLAND, 4th Edition, Bath, 2002, 576 pages, - 1 -, $ 50  [Published by the Geological Society of London]

Vernon, R. / BENEATH OUR FEET: THE ROCKS OF PLANET EARTH, Cambridge, 2000, cl, 216 pages, - 2 -, $ 50 [very fine photography, esp. the thin section details, very nice!]

Yoshikawa, T., Kaizuka, S., and Ota, Y / THE LANDFORMS OF JAPAN, Tokyo, 1981, cl, 222 pages, - 2 -, $ 50

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