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Archiblad, J. D. / DINOSAUR EXTINCTION AND THE END OF AN ERA: What the Fossils Say, New York, 1996, pb, 237 pages, - 1 -, $ 28

Benton, M. L. / WHEN LIFE NEARLY DIED: THE GREATEST MASS EXTINCTION OF ALL TIME, London, 2003, cl, 336 pages, - 1 -, $ 25

s, L. and Rowe, T. / THE MISTAKEN EXTINCTION: Dinosaur Evolution and the Origin of Birds, New York, 1997, cl, 332 pages, - 1 -, $ 35

Donovan, S. K. / MASS EXTINCTIONS: Processes and Evidence, New York, 1989, pb, 266 pages, - 1 -, $ 36

Eldredge, N. / THE MINER’S CANARY: Unraveling the Mysteries of Extinction, New York, 1991, cl, 246 pages, - 5 -, $ 15

Erwin, D. H. / THE GREAT PALEOZOIC CRISIS: Life and Death in the Permian, New York, 1993, pb, 327 pages, - 1 -, $ 32

Erwin, D. H. / THE GREAT PALEOZOIC CRISIS: Life and Death in the Permian, New York, 1993, pb, 327 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Keller, G. and  Kerr, A. C. /  VOLCANISM, IMPACTS, AND MASS EXTINCTIONS: CAUSES & EFFECTS, GSA SP 505, pb, 2014, 455 pages, - 1 -, $ 20

Kurten, B. / THE CAVE BEAR STORY: Life and Death of a Vanished Animal, New York, 1995, pb, 163 pages, - 1 -, $ 16

McGhee, G. R. / THE LATE DEVONIAN MASS EXTINCTION: The Frasnian / Famennian Crisis, New York, 1996, pb, 303 pages, - 1 -, $ 32

Prothero, D. R. / THE EOCENE - OLIGOCENE TRANSITION: Paradise Lost, New York, 1994, pb, 291 pages, - 1 -, $ 30

Russell, D. A. and Rice, G., Ed. / CRETACEOUS -TERTIARY EXTINCTIONS AND POSSIBLE TERRESTRIAL AND EXTRATERRESTRIAL CAUSES, K-TEC GROUP, In: Syllogeous No. 39, Proceedings of a workshop held in Ottawa, May, 1981, pb, 151 pages, - 2 -, $ 30

Sengör, A. M. C. and Atayman, S. / THE PERMIAN EXTINCTION AND THE TETHYS: AN EXERCISE IN GLOBAL GEOLOGY, GSA SP 448, Boulder, 2009, pb, 96 pages, - 1 -, $ 10

Ward, P. D. / ON METHUSELAH’S TRAIL: Living Fossils and the Great Extinctions, New York, 1992, cl, 212 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Ward, P. D. / ON METHUSELAH’S TRAIL: Living Fossils and the Great Extinctions, New York, 1992, pb, 212 pages, - 3 -, $ 10

Ward, P. D. / RIVERS IN TIME: The Search for Clues to Earth’s Mass Extinctions, New York, 2000, cl, 315 pages, - 1 -, $ 30

Ward, P. D. / RIVERS IN TIME: The Search for Clues to Earth’s Mass Extinctions, New York, 2000, pb, 315 pages, - 1 -, $ 20

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