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Adams, R. W. / MINING CHEMICALS HANDBOOK, Revised edition, Mineral Dressing Notes No. 26-1, American Cyanamid Company, 1989, cl, 184 pages, - 1 -, $ 45 Biswas, A. K. and Davenport, W. G. / EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY OF COPPER, 2nd Edition, Oxford, 1980, cl, 438 pages, - 2 -, $ 59 Cooper, W. C., Kemp, D. J., Lagos, G. E., and Tan, K. G., Ed. / HYDROMETALLURGY AND ELECTOMETALLURGY OF COPPER, Volume III, New York, 1991, cl, 684 pages, $ 75 [Proceedings of 1991 Copper Symposium in Ottawa] Cotterhill, C. H. and Cigan, J. M. / AIME WORLD SYMPOSIUM ON MINING AND METALLURGY OF LEAD AND ZINC, Volume 2, Extractive Metallurgy of Lead & Zinc, New York, 1970, cl, 1090 pages, - 3 -, $ 35 Dow Chemical Company / FLOTATION FUNDAMENTALS AND MINING CHEMICALS, Midland, 1970, spiral bound, 118 pages, - 2 -, $ 28 E&MJ / THE BEST OF E&MJ: MINING AND PROCESSING IDEA BOOK, pb, 128 pages, - 3 -, $ 20 Evans, D. J. I. and Shoemaker, R. S. / INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF HYDROMETALLURGY, New York, 1973, cl, 1184 pages, - 1 -, $ 50 Fuerstenau, M. C., Jameson, G., and Yoon, R. H., Ed. / FROTH FLOTATION: A CENTURY OF INNOVATION, Littleton, 2007, cl, 891 pages, - 1 -, $ 139 Fuerstenau, D. W., Ed. / FROTH FLOTATION: AIME 50th Anniversary Volume, New York, 1962, cl, 677 pages, - 3 -, $ 50 Fuerstenau, M. C. and Palmer, B. R., Ed. / GOLD, SILVER, URANIUM, AND COAL GEOLOGY, MINING, EXTRACTION AND ENVIRONMENT, AIME, New York, 1983, 526 pages, - 3 -, $ 139 [Contents: 34 papers on Stoping a the Homestake Mine, Silver Mining in Mexico, Metallurgical Practice at Homestake, Chlorine Extraction of Gold, Thermal Drying of Western Coal, Uravan Mineral Belt, much more] Gaudin, A. M., / 50th ANNIVERSARY OF FROTH FLOTATION IN THE USA, In: Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines, Volume 56, # 3, Golden, 1961, pb, 600 pages in two volumes, - 5 -, $ 60 George, D. B. and Taylor, J. C., Ed. / COPPER SMELTING - AN UPDATE, Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by AIME, New York, 1981, cl, 345 pages, - 2 -, $ 30 Hagni, R. D., Ed. / PROCESS MINERALOGY XIII: APPLICATIONS TO BENEFICATION PROBLEMS, PYROMETALLURGICAL PRODUCTS, ADVANCED MINERALOGICAL TECHNIQUES, PRECIOUS METALS, ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS, CERAMIC MATERIALS, HYDROMETALLURGY, AND MINERALS EXPLORATION, Warrendale, 1995, cl, 377 pages, - 1 -, $ 49 Han, K. N. / FUNDAMENTALS OF AQUEOUS METALLURGY, Littleton, 2002, pb, 195 pages, - 1 -, $ 129 Hausen, D. H., / PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOLD ‘90 SYMPOSIUM, Salt Lake City, 1990, cl, 564 pages, - 2 -, $ 48 [Book contains 16 papers on ore geology, 4 papers on ore exploration, and 32 papers on ore processing] Hausen, D. M. and Park, W. C. / PROCESS MINERALOGY: Extractive Metallurgy, Mineral Exploration, Energy Resources, New York, 1981, cl, publication of the Metallurgical Society of AIME (110th Annual Meeting in Chicago, 1981), 713 pages, - 3 -, $ 50 Jergensen, G. V., II, Ed. / COPPER LEACHING, SOLVENT EXTRACTION, AND ELECTROWINNING TECHNOLOGY, Littleton, 1999, pb, 296 pages, - 1 -, $ 85 [Book is divided into four sections: The Business of Technology of SX-EW (7 sections), Theory and Practice of Copper Leaching (4 sections), and Theory and Practice of Solvent Extraction (5 sections)] Johnson, R. E., Ed. / COPPER AND NICKEL CONVERTERS, Proceedings of a TMS-AIME Symposium, New York, 1979, cl, 395 pages, - 2 -, $ 36 Lynch, A. J., Harbort, G. J., and Nelson, M. G. / HISTORY OF FLOTATION, Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Carlton, cl, 348 pages, - 1 -, $ 139 Lynch, A. J. and Rowland, C. A. / THE HISTORY OF GRINDING, Littleton, 2005, pb, 209 pages, - 1 -, $ 89 [Includes these chapters: Size Reduction from the Stone Age to the Space Age; Handstones; Water Wheels, Windmills, and Beyond; Stamp Mills and Crushers; Roller Mills; Fine-Grinding Mills; Classifiers; Explosive Rock Breakage, more....] Mackey, T. S. and Prengaman, R. D. / LEAD-ZINC, LZ’90, Proceedings of a World Symposium on Metallurgy and Environmental Control sponsored by TMS, Warrendale, 1990, cl, 1086 pages, - 2 -, $ 89 Marsden, J. O. and House, C. L. / THE CHEMISTRY OF GOLD EXTRACTION, 2nd Edition, Littleton, 2006, cl, 651 pages, - 1 -, $ 169 Merritt, R. C. / THE EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY OF URANIUM, Golden, 1971, cl, 576 pages, - 2 -, $ 125 Petruk, W., Ed. / PROCESS MINERALOGY IX: APPLICATIONS TO MINERAL BENEFICIATION, METALLURGY, GOLD, DIAMONDS, CERAMICS, ENVVIRONMENT AND HEALTH, Warrendale, 1990, cl, 666 pages, - 1 -, $ 75 Petrunk, J. B.,, Ed. / PROCESS MINERALOGY XII: APPLICATIONS TO ENVIRONMENT, PRECIOUS METALS, MINERAL BENEFICATION, PYROMETALLURGY, COAL AND REFRACTORIES, Warrendale, 1994, cl, 459 pages, - 1 -, $ 49 Pfeiffer. J. B. / SULFUR REMOVAL AND RECOVERY FROM INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES, Washington, 1975, cl, 221 pages, - 3 -, $ 28 Power and Mining Machinery Company Bulletin 40 / WOODBURY SYSTEM OF CONCENTRATION, Cudahy, 1912, pb, 24 pages, 4 figs., 4 plates, - 3 -, $ 125 [This is an original copy; Covers the Woodbury System of concentration, Woodbury slime classifiers, Woodbury jigs, Woodbury Bull jigs, water requirements, general application, diagrams of set ups, more...] Power and Mining Machinery Company Bulletin 43 / WET GRINDING TUBE MILLS, Cudahy, 1913, pb, 21 pages, 11 figs., - 3 -, $ 110 [This is an original copy; Cover wet grinding mills, their structure, components and operation with illustrations; shows internal structure with cross-sections; diagram of set up; tables of dimensions for spur gear driven tube mills; and silent chain drives for tube mills] Rausch, D. O. and Mariacher, B. C., Ed. / AIME WORLD SYMPOSIUM ON MINING AND METALLURGY OF LEAD AND ZINC, Volume 1, Mining and Concentrating of Lead and Zinc, New York, 1970, cl, 1017 pages, - 2 -, $ 35 Schlitt, W. J., Larson, W. C., and Hiskey, J. B. / GOLD AND SILVER: Leaching, Recovery, and Economics, Hoboken, 1981, pb, 148 pages, proceedings of the 110th AIME meeting in Chicago, $ 28 Scott, P.W. and Bristow, C. M., Ed. / INDUSTRIAL MINERALS AND EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRY GEOLOGY [Produced by the Geological Society of London], Bath, 2002, cl 376 pages, $ 125 Sohn, H. Y., George, D. B., and Zunkel, A. D. / ADVANCES IN SULFIDE SMELTING in two volumes, Volume 1. Basic Principles, Warrendale, 1983, cl, 393 pages, - 1 -, and Volume 2. Technology and Practice, Warrendale, 1983, cl, pages 399 - 1143, - 1 -, $ 265 [Produced by the Metallurgical Society of AIME] Taggart, A. F. / HANDBOOK OF MINERAL DRESSING, ORES AND INDUSTRIAL MINERALS, New York, 1945, cl, 22 sections, 47 page index, - 3 -. $ 395 Thomas, R., Ed. / E/MJ OPERATING HANDBOOK OF MINERAL PROCESSING, Volume 1: E/MJ Library of Operating Handbooks, New York, 1977, cl, 426 pages, - 5 -, $ 40 Van Zyl, D. J. A.,, Ed. / INTRODUCTION TO EVALUATION, DESIGN AND OPERATION OF PRECIOUS METAL HEAP LEACHING PROJECTS, Littleton, 1988, pb, 372 pages, - 1 -, $ 30 Van Zyl, D. J. A.,, Ed. / INTRODUCTION TO EVALUATION, DESIGN AND OPERATION OF PRECIOUS METAL HEAP LEACHING PROJECTS, Littleton, 1988, pb, 372 pages, - 3 -, $ 25 Weiss, N. L., Ed. / SME MINERAL PROCESSING HANDBOOK VOLUME 1: INTRODUCTION, UNIT OPERATIONS, AND PROCESSES, AND VOLUME 2: PROCESS PLANTS, New York, 1985, cl, approximately 2000 pages, - 1 -, $ 125 Yannopoulus, J. C. / THE EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY OF GOLD, New York, 1991, cl, 281 pages, - 1 -, $ 125 ERC Particle Science & Technology - A National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center - Instructional Module Series: 1. Klimpel, R. R. / INTRODUCTION TO SOLID-SOLID SEPARATION OF FINE PARTICLES BY FROTH FLOATATION, Gainsville, 1998, pb, 40 pages, $ 10 2. Klimpel, R. R. / INTRODUCTION TO SOLID-LIQUID SEPARATION, Gainesville, 1998, pb, 36 pages, $ 10 3. Klimpel, R. R. / INTRODUCTION TO SOLID-SOLID SEPARATION OF FINE PARTICLES BY PHYSICAL MEANS, Gainsville, 1998, pb, 48 pages, $ 10 4. Zaman, A. A. / TECHNIQUES IN RHEOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS: FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS, Gainesville, 1998, pb, 48 pages, - 3 -, $ 10 Note: Older Extractve Mellurgy books have been moved iinto the Classic Book Catalog End of the Extractive Metallurgy Catalog! Click any link to continue. 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