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Discovery, Geology, Genesis of Ore, the Methods and the Process of Mining

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Ore Deposits: Discovery, Genesis, Geology, Methods and the Process of Mining

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Minobras Publications by E. A. Elecatorski

1978 / Uranium Guidebook for the Paradox Basin, Utah - Colorado, 95 pages, $ 50

1979 / Uranium Deposits of the Central and Southern Colorado, 71 pages, 9 page appendix, $ 50

1981 / Disseminated / Replacement Gold Deposits, 114 pages, $ 50

1982 / Gold Guidebook for Nevada & Utah, 130 pages, $ 50

Regular Inventory of Ore Genesis, Geology, and Methods of Mining Publications

Alcock, F. J. / ZINC AND LEAD DEPOSITS OF CANADA, Ottawa, 1930, pb, 406 pages, Geological Survey of Canada, Economic Geology Series # 8, 34 figs., 8 plates, - 3 -, $ 45

Alpers, C.N. and Blowes, D. W. / ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY OF SULFIDE OXIDATION, ACS Symposium Series 550, 1994, cl, 681 pages, - 3 -, $ 45

Amadei, B., Kranz, R. L., Scott, G. A., and Smeallie, P. H., Ed. / ROCK MECHANICS FOR INDUSTRY, Proceedings of the 37th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, Volume 1, Rotterdam, 1999, cl, 574 pages, - 1 -, small bump to bottom, right corner of front board, ovg, $ 60 [Includes papers under the following categores: keynote lectures and retrospective case histories; Rock slope stability; Mechanical excavation; Numerical modeling; Wellbore stability; Characterization and behavior of very large rock masses; Laboratory testing; Joint characterization; Mining case histories; DDA and key-block analysis]

Amstutz, G. C.,, Ed. / ORE GENESIS: THE STATE OF THE ART, Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits SP No. 2, A Volume in Honor of Professor Paul Ramdohr with special reference to His Main Scientific Interests, Berlin, 1982, cl, 803 pages, - 2 -, $ 100

Anglin, C. D.,, Ed. / GOLD IN THE YELLOWKNIFE GREESTONE BELT, NORTHWEST TERRITORIES: RESULTS OF THE EXTECH III MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH PROJECT, GAC SP No. 3, St. Johns, 2006, cl, 442 pages, cd in pocket, - 1 -. $ 129 [Contents: Historical Background; Regional geology of the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt; Mineral Deposits and regional metallogenic studies; Exploration technology; Data Integration; Appendices; details of cd content] 

Aplin, C. L. and Aregall, G. O., Jr. / TAILING DISPOSAL TODAY, Proceedings of the First International Tailing Symposium, Tucson, 1972, cl, 861 pages, - 3 -, $ 48

Ashworth, E., Ed. / RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS IN ROCK MASSES, Volume 1 and 2, Rotterdam, 1985, cl, 1292 pages total, - 3 -, $ 55/set  [This is the proceedings of the 26th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics held at the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology in Rapid City; Contents include: Slope stability; geological and empirical evaluation of rock properties; numberical modeling of fractured rock; subsidence; rock mass characterization in deep boreholes; applied numerical modeling; problems associated with weak rock; hydraulic fracture; constitutive modeling of rock, rock masses and joints; ground support; fracture mechanics; underground mine design; seismic and acoustic emission / microseismic studies; field testing for nuclear waste; heat and fluid flow; In situ testing results and interpretation, and rock drilling and cutting]


Barnes, H. L., Ed. / GEOCHEMISTRY OF HYDROTHERMAL ORE DEPOSITS, 2nd Edition, New York, 1979, cl, 798 pages, - 2 -, $ 45

Barrie, C. T. and Hannington, M. D., Ed. / VOLCANIC-ASSOCIATED MASSIVE SULFIDE DEPOSITS: PROCESSES AND EXAMPLES IN MODERN AND ANCIENT SETTINGS, SEG Reviews in Economic Geology, Volume 8, Littleton, 1999, pb, 408 pages, - 1 -, $ 40

Bastin, E. S. / INTERPRETATION OF ORE TEXTURES, GSA M 45, New York, 1960, cl, 101 pages, - 3 -, $ 10

Baumann, L. / INTRODUCTION TO ORE DEPOSITS, New York, 1976, cl, 131 pages, - 3 -, $ 50

Berger, B. R. and Bethke, P. M., Ed. / GEOLOGY AND GEOCHEMISTRY OF EPITHERMAL SYSTEMS, SEG Reviews in Economic Geology, Volume 2, El Paso, 1985, pb, 298 pages, - 3 -, $ 18

Bhappu, R. B. and Harden, R. J. / GOLD FORUM ON TECHNOLOGY AND PRACTICES “WORLD GOLD 89", AIME and Australian Institute of Metallurgy, Littleton, 1989, cl, 390 pages, - 2 -, $ 35

Blake, W. and Hedley, D. G. F. / ROCKBURSTS: CASE STUDIES FROM NORTH AMERICAN MINES, Llitteton, 2003, pb, 121 pages, - 1 -, $ 59

Blanchard, R. / INTERPRETATION OF LEACHED OUTCROPS, Reno, 1968, pb, 196 pages, - 1 -, $ 25 

Borecki, M. and Kwasniewski, M. / APPLICATION OF ANALYTICAL METHODS TO MINING GEOMECHANICS, Rotterdam, 1982, cl, 159 pages, - 3 -, $ 55

Bostock, H. S. / YUKON TERRITORY: SELECTED FIELD REPORTS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA 1898 TO 1933, Ottawa, 1957, afb, 650 pages, 1 map (in pocket), 9 figs. (2 in pocket) - 2 -, $ 100 [Complete coverage of mining, ore deposits, and geology of the Yukon]

Boyle, R. W. / THE GEOCHEMISTRY OF GOLD AND ITS DEPOSITS (TOGETHER WITH A CHAPTER ON GEOCHEMICAL PROSPECTING FOR THE ELEMENT), Geological Survey of Canada B 280, Ottawa, 1979, cl, 584 pages, - 2 -, $ 199

Boyle, R. W. / GOLD: HIS
TORY AND GENESIS OF DEPOSITS, New York, 1987, cl, 676 pages, - 1 -, $ 189; another volume by Boyle, originally paper bound which had a damaged cover, I repaired the book and rebound it in an acid-free, binder bringing it back to new condition, $ 100

Boyle, R. W. /  THE GEOLOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY, AND ORIGIN OF THE GOLD DEPOSITS OF THE YELLOWKNIFE DISTRICT, NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, CANADA, Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 310, Ottawa, 1961, afb, 193 page, 47 tables, 18 plates, 29 figs. (9 in pocket), - 2 -, $ 125

Brady, B. H. G. and Brown, E. T. / ROCK MECHANICS FOR UNDERGROUND MINING, 2nd Edition, Dordrecht, 2002, pb, 571 pages, - 1 -, $ 100

Brown, J. S., Ed. / Genesis of Stratiform Lead-Zinc-Barite-Fluorite Deposits (Mississippi Valley Type Deposits): A Symposium, SEG Monograph 3, Lancaster, 1966, afb, 443 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Brown, W. S., Green, S. J. and Hustrulid, W. A., Ed.  / MONOGRAPH ON ROCK MECHANICS APPLICATIONS IN MINING, Baltimore, 1977, pb, 249 pages, - 3 -, $ 25
Bucky, P. B. / MINING BY BLOCK CAVING, Published by Hercules Powder Company, Wilmington, 1945, pb, introduction, details and diagrams of the underground structure of the following mines: Miami Mine, Climax Mine, Inspiration Mine, King and Johnson Mine, Sunrise Mine, Emma Nevada Mine, Ray Mines, and the Crestmore Mine, - 3 -, $ 60

Buffa, R. H. and Coyner, A. R. / GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE GREAT BASIN, Field Trip Guidebook Compendium, Reno, 1991, cl, two volume set, 1161 pages, - 1 -, free with any $ 50 order while supply lasts [For the matching Symposium books, see Raines below]

Chamberlain, D., / REMEDIATION OF HISTORICAL MINE SITES – TECHNICAL SUMMARIES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY, Littleton, 1998, pb, 118 pages, - 1 -, $ 35

Chartrand, F., Ed. / GEOLOGY AND GOLD, RARE ELEMENT, AND BASE METAL MINERALIZATION OF THE VAL D’OR AREA, QUEBEC, SEG Guidebook Series, Volume 9, Littleton, 1991, pb, 89 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Cleur, J. K., / GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS 2000: THE GREAT BASIN AND BEYOND, Symposium Proceedings, Reno, 2000, cl, 2 cloth volumes, 1176 pages, appendices, - 5 -, $ 40

Colpron, M. and Nelson, J., Ed. / PALEOZOIC EVOLUTION AND METALLOGENY OF PERICRATONIC TERRANES AT THE ANCIENT PACIFIC MARGIN, CANADA, GAC SP No. 45, St. Johns, cl, 523 pages, 1 plate and cd in pocket, - 1 -, $ 99

Corbett, G. J. and Leach, T. M. / SOUTHWEST PACIFIC RIM GOLD-COPPER SYSTEMS: STRUCTURE, ALTERATION, AND MINERALIZATION, SEG SP # 6, Littleton, 1998, pb, 237 pages, - 1 -, $ 35

orriveau, L. and Mumin, H. / EXPLORING FOR IRON OXIDE COPPER-GOLD DEPOSITS: CANADA AND GLOBAL ANALOGUES, Geological Association of Canada Short Course Notes 20, St. Johns, 2012, pb, 185 pages, - 1 -, $ 72

Coyner, A. R. and Fahey, P. L. / GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE AMERICAN CORDILLERAN SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS, Sponsored by the Geological Society of Nevada, the United States Geological Survey, and the Sociedad Geologica de Chile, Reno, 1996, 1747 pages in three volumes + index, - 1 -, $ 40 

Cudahy, T. J., / MAPPING SKARN AND PORPHYRY ALTERATION MINERALOGY AT YERINGTON, NEVADA, USING AIRBORNE HYPERSPECTRAL TIR SEBASS DATA, Exploration and Mining Report 734R, Floreat Park, 2000, afb, 73 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Cummings, A. B. and Given, I. A. / SME MINING ENGINEERING HANDBOOK, New York, 1973, cl, in two volumes, arranged into 16 sections, - 2 -, $ 45 [This is the smaller size format of these handbooks; see Hartman for the large format handbooks]

Cummings, A. B. and Given, I. A. / SME MINING ENGINEERING HANDBOOK, New York, 1973, cl, in two volumes, arranged into 16 sections, - 5 -, $ 35 [This is the smaller size format of these handbooks; see Hartman for the large format handbooks]

Currie, D. and Nielsen, K. / NEW GENERATION GOLD MINES ‘99, CASE HISTORIES OF DISCOVERY, AMF Conference Proceedings, Glenside, 1999, pb, 168 pages, - 3 -, $ 75

DeGraf, J. V. / UNDERSTANDING AND RESPONDING TO HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AT MINE SITES IN THE WESTERN U.S., GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology, Volume XVII, Boulder, 2007, 180 pages, - 1 -, $ 25  [or 1 copy free with any order from any catalog on this website]

Derry, D. R. /  A CONCISE WORLD ATLAS OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL DEPOSITS, London, 1980, cl, 110 pages, slight wrinkling to coating of dust cover, book fine, - 3 -, $ 75; also available in paper bound, $ 40

DeWaal, S. A. / A LITERATURE SURVEY OF THE METALLURGICAL ASPECTS OF MINERALS IN WITWATERSRAND GOLD ORES, Council for Mineral Technology, Randburg, 1982, pb, 36 pages, 23 tables, 5 figs., - 3 -, $ 30 [An NTIS Reprint of PB 83-142687]


Dimitrakopoulos, R., Ed. / ADVANCES IN OREBODY MODELLING AND STRATEGIC MINE PLANNING I, OLD AND NEW DIMENSIONS IN A CHANGING WORLD, Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Carlton, 2010, cl, 330 pages, $ 99

Doggett, M. D. and Parry, J. R., Ed. / WEALTH CREATION IN THE MINERALS INDUSTRY: INTEGRATING SCIENCES, BUSINESS, AND EDUCATION, SEG Special Publication # 12, Littleton, 2006, pb, 329 pages, - 1 -, $ 49

Engineering and Mining Journal / PORTFOLIO OF SUCCESSFUL MINING AND PROCESSING TECHNIQUES, New York, 128 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Eckstrand, O. R., Sinclair, W. D., and Thorpe, R. I. / GEOLOGY OF CANADIAN MINERAL DEPOSIT TYPES, GSA DNAG Volume P1, Geology of Canada No. 8, Ottawa, 1995, cl, 640 pages, one plate in pocket, - 3 -, $ 100

Erickson, A. J., Jr., Ed. / APPLIED MINING GEOLOGY, AIME (American Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.), New York, 1984, pb, 222 pages, - 3 -, $ 35

Evans, A. M., Ed. / METALLIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH ACID MAGMATISM, International Geological Correlation Programme, Chichester, 1982, cl, 385 pages, - 3 -, $ 60; also available, -  5 -, $ 48

Fletcher, W. K., Hoffman, S. J., Mehrtens, M. B., Sinclair, A. J., and Thomson, I. / EXPLORATION GEOCHEMISTRY: DESIGN AND INTERPRETATION OF SOIL SURVEYS, Reviews in Economic Geology Volume 3, El Paso, 1986, pb, 180 pages, - 3 -, $ 18

Force, E. R. / GEOLOGY OF TITANIUM-MINERAL DEPOSITS, GSA SP 259, Boulder, 1991, pb, 112 pages, - 1 -, $ 20

Force, E. R.,, Ed. / Sedimentary and Diagenetic Mineral Deposits: A Basin Analysis Approach to Exploration, Reviews in Economic Geology, Volume 5, El Paso, 1991, pb, 216 pages, - 2 -, $ 20; also available,  - 3 -, $ 15

Forrester, J. D. / PRINCIPLES OF FIELD AND MINING GEOLOGY, New York, 1946, cl, 647 pages, - 3 -, $ 35

Fosters, R. P., Ed. / GOLD ‘82: THE GEOLOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY, AND GENESIS OF GOLD DEPOSITS, Proceedings on the Symposium in 1982 at the University of Zimbabwe, Geological Society of Zimbabwe SP No. 1, Rotterdam, 1984, cl, 753 pages, - 2 -, $ 79

Friedrich, G. H., / GEOLOGY AND METALLOGENY OF COPPER DEPOSITS, Berlin, 1986, cl, 592 pages, - 5 -, $ 50 [Proceedings of the Copper Symposium, 27th International Geological Congress, Moscow, 1984]

Garofalo, P. S. and Ridley, J. R., Ed. / GOLD-TRANSPORTING HYDROTHERMAL FLUIDS IN THE EARTH’S CRUST, Geological Society of London, SP 402, London, 2014, cl, 263 pages, - 1 -, $ 69 [Contents: 9 chapters including several comprehensive case studies of different gold deposits in the United States, Brazil, Eqypt, Slovakia and Bulgaria]

Gillson, J. L. / INDUSTRIAL MINERALS AND ROCKS, 3rd Edition, AIME, New York, 1960, cl, 934 pages, - 3 -, $ 35

Glasson, K. R. and Rattigan, J. H., Ed. / GEOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE DISCOVERY OF SOME IMPORTANT MINERAL DEPOSITS IN AUSTRALIA, AIMM Monograph # 17, Parkville, 1990, cl, 503 pages, - 2 -, $ 150

Gluskoter, H. J., Rice, D. D., and Taylor, R. B. / ECONOMIC GEOLOGY, U.S., Boulder, 1991, cl, 622 pages, GSA DNAG P2, 9 plates in accompanying slipcase, - 1 -, $ 75 [Covers mineral deposits including metals and industrial metals, oil, gas, and coal deposits of the United States]

Goldfarb, F. J. and Nielsen, R. L., Ed. / INTEGRATING METHODS FOR DISCOVERY: GLOBAL EXPLORATION IN THE 21st CENTURY, SEG Special Publication # 9, Littleton, 2002, pb, 382 pages, - 1 -, $ 49

Goldfarb, R. J. and Miller, L. D., Ed. / MINERAL DEPOSITS OF ALASKA, Economic Geology Monograph 9, Stanford, 1997, cl, 482 pages, - 1 -, $ 50; another copy with slight use, $ 30


Goodfellow, W. D., Ed. / MINERAL DEPOSITS OF CANADA: A SYNTHESIS OF MAJOR DEPOSIT TYPES, DISTRICT METALLOGENY, THE EVOLUTION OF GEOLOGICAL PROVINCES AND EXPLORATION METHODS, Geological Association of Canada SP No. 5, St. Johns, 2007, cl, 1061 pages, - 1 -, $ 120 [Major topics: Introduction and Mining History: Synthesis of Major Deposit-Types; Metallogeny of Major Deposit-Types; Metallogeny of Major Mining Districts; Evolution and Metallogeny of Canadian Geological Provinces; Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration Methods; 4 DVD’s included containing 1. Spreadsheets of key attributes of ore deposits in Canada and Worldwide, 2. ArcGIS database of mineral deposits, 3. Ore photo library of VMS Deposits, SEDEX Deposits, MVT Deposits, Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE Deposits, Porphyry Deposits, Lode Gold Deposits; 4. Digital file of all figures and tables from book, 5. Endnote bibliography, and 6. pdf’s of all papers in volume]

Goovaerts, P. / GEOSTATISTICS FOR NATURAL RESOURCES EVALUATION, 1997, cl, New York, 483 pages, - 1 -, $ 35

Guilbert, J. M. and Park, C. F., Jr. / THE GEOLOGY OF ORE DEPOSITS, New York, 1986, cl, 985 pages, - 3 -, $ 65

Guild, P. W. / PRELIMINARY METALLOGENIC MAP OF NORTH AMERICA, 1981, in four large plates, folded, 1:5,000,000, - 3 -, $ 75

Halbe, D., Ed. / PLANT OPERATORS' FORUM, Littleton, 1998, pb, 243 pages, - 1 -, $ 49

Hannington, M. D. and Barrie, C. T., / THE GIANT KIDD CREEK VOLCANOGENIC MASSIVE SULFIDE DEPOSIT, WESTERN ABITIBI SUBPROVINCE, CANADA, Economic Geology Monograph 10, Littleton, 1999, cl, 672 pages, - 1 -, $ 50

Harben, P. W. and Bates, R. L. / GEOLOGY OF THE NONMETALLICS, Souderton, 1984, cl, 392 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Harben, P. W. and Kužvart, M. / A GLOBAL - INDUSTRIAL GEGOLOGY, London, 1996, cl, 462 pages, - 2 -, $ 20

Hartman, H. L. / SME MINING ENGINEERING HANDBOOK, 2nd Edition, Littleton, 1992, cl, in two volumes, total of 2260 pages, appendix, index, very clean set, - 2 -, $ 45 [This is the larger size format of these handbooks; see Cummings for the smaller format of these handbooks]

Hartman, H. L., Ed. / CASE STUDIES OF SURFACE MINING, Proceedings of the II International Surface Mining Conference, Minneapolis, 1968, New York, 1969, cl, 322 pages, - 5 -, $ 28

Hasan, S. E. / GEOLOGY AND HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT, Upper Saddle River, 1996, cl, 387 pages, - 1 -, $ 70

Henley, R. W., Truesdell, A. H., and Barton, P. B., Jr. / FLUID-MINERAL EQUILIBRIA IN HYDROTHERMAL SYSTEMS, Reviews in Economic Geology, Volume 1, El Paso, 1984, pb, 267 pages, - 3 -, $ 9

Hodder, R. W. and Petruk, W. / GEOLOGY OF CANADIAN GOLD DEPOSITS, CIMM SP 24, Lachine, 1982, cl, 2nd printing, 286 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Hollister, V. F. / GEOLOGY OF THE PORPHYRY COPPER DEPOSITS OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE, New York, 1978, cl, 219 pages, - 3 -, $ 40

Hollister, V. F., Ed. / DISCOVERIES OF EPITHERMAL PRECIOUS METAL DEPOSITS, Case Histories of Mineral Discoveries Volume 1, Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, New York, 1985, cl, 169 pages, - 3 -, $ 100

Hollister, V.F., Ed. / DISCOVERIES OF VALUABLE MINERALOGICAL AND PRECIOUS METALS DEPOSITS RELATED TO INTRUSIONS AND FAULTS, Case Histories of Mineral Discoveries, Volume 2, Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, New York, 1990, cl, 423 pages, - 3 -, $ 125

Hollister, V. F., Ed. / PORPHYRY COPPER, MOLYBDENUM, AND GOLD DEPOSITS, VOLCANOGENIC DEPOSITS (MASSIVE SULFIDES) AND DEPOSITS IN LAYERED ROCK, Case Histories of Mineral Discoveries, Volume 3, Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, New York, 1990, cl, 423 pages, - 3 -, $ 125

Hustrulid, W. and Bullock, R. L., Ed. / UNDERGROUND MINING METHODS: ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS AND INTERNATIONAL CASE STUDIES, Littleton, 2001, cl, 718 pages, - 1 -, $ 159 [Sections of the book include: General Mine Design Considerations (5 chapters); Room-And-Pillar Mining of Hard Rock (6 chapters); Room-And-Pillar Mining of Soft Rock (4 chapters); Longwall Mining of Hard Rock (3 chapters); Shrinkage Stoping (2 chapters); Sublevel Stoping (11 chapters); Cut-And-Fill Mining (11 chapters); Sublevel Caving (5 chapters); Panel Caving (8 chapters); Foundations for Design (17 chapters); Underground Mining Looks to the Future (5 chapters); most chapters are detailed with an actual mine location demonstrating a certain mining method; these mining locations are explained in detail usually with the layout, geology, mine structure, raises and stoping, production, etc.]

Hustrulid, W. and Kuchta, M. / OPEN PIT MINE PLANNING AND DESIGN, 2nd Edition, Volume 1 - FUNDAMENTALS, London, 2006, pb, 735 pages, sections of book include Mine Planning, Mining Revenues and Accounts; Orebody Descriptions; Geometric Considerations; Pit Limits; Production Planning; Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves; Responsible Mining, also included is Volume 2 - CSMine Software Package and Orebody Case Examples, London, 2006, pb, pages 736 - 971, - 1 -, $ 169 [The CD for the software package comes sealed in the back of Volume 1]

Hustrulid, W. A., McCarter, M. K., and Van Zyl, D. J. A., Ed. / SLOPE STABILITY IN SURFACE MINING, Littleton, 2000, cl, 442 pages, - 1 -, $ 129 [Book contains 49 chapters; sections of the book include: Rock Slope Design Considerations, Case Studies in Rock Slope Stability, Stability of Waste Rock Embankments, Tailings and Heap Leaching]


Jaeger, C. /  ROCK MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, Cambridge, 1972, cl, 417 pages, - 3 -, $ 45

Jambor, J. L. and Blowes, D. W., Ed. / SHORT COURSE HANDBOOK ON ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY OF SULFIDE MINE WASTES, Mineralogical Association of Canada, Volume 22, Waterloo, 1994, pb, 438 pages, - 2 -, $ 26

Jensen, M. L. and Bateman, A. M. / ECONOMIC MINERAL DEPOSITS, 3rd Edition, Revised Printing, New York, 1981, cl, 593 pages, - 2 -, $ 30

Johnson, J. L., Ed. / BULK MINEABLE SYMPOSIUM GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS, Geological Society of Nevada, Reno, 1987, pb, 418 pages, - 2 -, $ 25 [for the matching Symposium Proceedings, see Schafer below]

Johnson, J. L. and Steininger, R. C. / EXPLORATION FOR ORE DEPOSITS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN CORDILLERA, 1984 Regional Symposium, Association of Exploration Geochemists, Reno, 1984, - 3 -, $ 20 [Contains 11 field trips to sediment-hosted gold deposits, pre
cious metal districts, massive sulfide deposits, porphyry molybdenum deposits, sulphur deposits, more...]  [For matching sympsoium, see Coyner above]

Karmis, M., Ed. / Application of Rock Characterization Techniques in Mine Design, AIME, New York, 1986, pb, - 3 -, $ 30

Kelley, V. C. / TECTONICS AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF SOUTHWESTERN NORTH AMERICA, Socorro, 1976, pb, 218 pages, - 5 -, $ 25 [Contents include: Grants Mineral Belt, New Mexico; copper mineralization in the vicinity of Copper Butte, Arizona; Systematic distribution of large uranium deposits, more...]

Kennedy, B. A., Ed. / SURFACE MINING, 2nd Edition, Littleton, 1990, cl, 1194 pages, - 3 -, $ 30

Kerr, P. F. / TUNGSTEN MINERALIZATION IN THE UNITED STATES, GSA M 15, Baltimore, 1946, cl, 241 pages, - 3 -, $ 10

Kistler, R. W., / THE ROLE OF HEAT IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES IN THE NORTHERN BASIN AND RANGE PROVINCE, Davis, 1983, cl, 384 pages, - 3 -, $ 48 [Geothermal Resources Council, SR # 13]


Kuhn, M. C., Ed. / MANAGING INNOVATION IN THE MINERALS INDUSTRY, Littleton, 1998, pb, 83 pages, - 1 -, $ 39 [Chapters of book include: Innovative Technology: Its Development and Commercialization; Managing Innovation from the Perspective of a Supplier; Managing Innovation in the Engineering Construction Industry; Innovation and its Management: Some Perspectives from the Gold Industry; Innovation and its Management: A Production Manager’s Perspective; and Innovation in the Copper Industry]

Kyle, J. R., Ed. / INDUSTRIAL MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE DELAWARE BASIN, TEXAS AND NEW MEXICO, SEG Guidebook Series Volume 8, Ft. Collins, 1990, pb, 203 pages, - 3 -, $ 23

Lamey, C. A. / METALLIC AND INDUSTRIAL MINERAL DEPOSITS, New York, 1966, cl, 567 pages, - 3 -, $ 39

Landva, A. and Knowles, G. D., Ed. / GEOTECHNICS OF WASTE FILLS - THEORY AND PRACTICE, ASTM STP 1070, Philadelphia, 1990, cl, 375 pages, - 1 -, $ 59

Lane, K. F. / THE ECONOMIC DEFINITION OF ORE CUT-OFF GRADES IN THEORY AND PRACTICE, London, 1991, pb, 149 pages, - 1 -, $ 35; also available, - 3 -, $ 20

Langefors, U. and Kihlström, B. / THE MODERN TECHNIQUE OF ROCK BLASTING, 3rd Edition, New York, 1978, cl, 438 pages, - 5 -, $ 30

Lentz, D. R., Ed. / ALTERATION AND ALTERATION PROCESSES ASSOCIATED WITH ORE-FORMING SYSTEMS, GAC Short Course Notes Volume 11, St. Johns, 1994, spiral bound, 467 pages, -1 -, $ 100 [Contents: Graphic view of hydrothermal mineral stability relations; vector diagrams for the composiiton of alteration minerals; Oxidation and Sulphidation Reactions; Alteration factors affecting ore deposition; Lithogeochemical exploration for hydrothermal ore deposits using Pearce Element ratio analysis, much more...]

Levinson, A. A., E.d / PRECIOUS METALS IN THE NORTHERN CORDILLERA, Proceedings of a Symposium held in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1981, Calgary, 1982, cl, 214 pages, - 2 -, $ 55; also available, - 3 - or - 5 -, $ 35

Li, Ta. M. and Plouf, M., Ed. / SMALL MINES DEVELOPMENT IN PRECIOUS METALS, AIME, New York, 1987, pb, - 3 -, $ 25

Linnen, R. L. and Samson, I. M., Ed. / RARE-ELEMENT GEOCHEMISTRY AND MINERAL DEPOSITS, Geological Association of Canada SCN No. 17, St. Johns, 2005, pb, 342 pages, - 1 -, $ 99

Lynch, A. J. and Rowland, C. A. / THE HISTORY OF GRINDING, Littleton, 2005, pb, 209 pages, - 1 -, $ 89 [Includes these chapters: Size Reduction from the Stone Age to the Space Age; Handstones; Water Wheels, Windmills, and Beyond; Stamp Mills and Crushers; Roller Mills; Fine-Grinding Mills; Classifiers; Explosive Rock Breakage, more....]

Lydon, J. W., / THE GEOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE SULLIVAN DEPOSIT, BRITISH COLUMBIA, GAC SP 1, St. Johns, 2000, cl, 834 pages, additional tables and appendices on cd (in pocket), - 1 -, $ 129 [I have slices of the sulfide ore from this mine if you are interested]

MacDonald, E. H. / ALLUVIAL MINING: THE GEOLOGY, TECHNOLOGY, AND ECONOMICS OF PLACERS, London, 1983, cl, 508 pages, - 3 -, as new, $ 100

MacDonald, A. J., Ed. / GOLD ‘86: AN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE GEOLOGY OF GOLD DEPOSITS, Proceedings Volume, Toronto, `986, cl, 517 pages, - 3 -, $ 100 [Books includes 6 major sections: Canadian Precambrian Gold Deposits Re-interpreted, New Canadian Gold Deposits, Gold in Precambrian Shields, Hemlo Gold Camp, Epithermal Deposits, Epithermal and other Deposits]

Majumdar, S. K. And Miller, E. W. / MANAGEMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS AND WASTES, ISSUES AND PROGRESS, Phillipsburg, 1985, cl, 405 pages, - 1 -, $ 45

Marshall, D., Auglin, C. D., and Hamid, M. / ORE MINERAL ATLAS, Geological Association of Canada, St. Johns, 2011, spiral bound, 112 pages, - 1 -, $ 60 [Lists ore minerals in alphabetical order with photographs and thin section images, distinguishing features, modes of occurrence, references]

Maynard, J. B. / GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY ORE DEPOSITS, New York, 1983, cl, 305 pages, 149 figs., - 2 -, $ 35

McCulloch, R., Lewis, B., Keill, D., and Shumaker, M. / APPLIED GOLD PLACER EXPLORATION AND EVALUATION TECHNIQUES, Butte, 2003, spiral bound, 267 pages, - 1 -, $ 50

Mulamoottil, G..,, Ed. / CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS FOR THE TREATMENT OF LANDFILL LEACHATES, Boca Raton, 1999, cl, 281 pages, $ 85

Naldrett, A. J. / MAGMATIC SULFIDE DEPOSITS, Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics No. 14, New York, 1989, cl, 186 pages, - 2 -, $ 65

Noakes, M. and Lanz, T., Ed. / COST ESTIMATION HANDBOOK for the Australian Mining Industry, AIMM, Parkville, 1993, cl, 412 pages, - 2 -, $ 55

Pariseau, W. G. / GEOMECHANICS APPLICATIONS IN UNDERGROUND MINING, AIME, 1984, pb, 256 pages, - 2 -, $ 35

Pariseau, W. G. / DESIGN ANALYSIS IN ROCK MECHANICS, 2nd Ed., Boca Raton, 2012, cl, 682 pages, - 1 -, $ 145  [Chapters include introduction, slope stability; Shafts; Tunnels; Entries in Statified Ground; Pillars in Stratified Ground; Three-dimensional Excavations; Subsidence; Appendix; Background; Literature; Appendix - Mechanical Properties of Intact Rock and Joints; Appendix - Rock Mass Classification Schemes for Engineering; Appendix - Some Useful Formulas]

Parnell, J.,, Ed. / SEDIMENT HOSTED MINERAL DEPOSITS, International Association of Sedimentologists SP No. 11, Oxford, 1990, pb, 227 pages, - 2 -, $ 65

Park, C. F. and MacDiarmid, R. A. / ORE DEPOSITS, 3rd Edition, San Francisco, 1975, cl, 529 pages, new, $ 25

Peele, R. / MINING ENGINEERS’ HANDBOOK, New York, 1973, cl, two Volume set, - 3 -, exceptionally clean, $ 25 / set

Petruk, W., Ed. / WASTE CHARACTERIZATION AND TREATMENT, Littleton, 1998, pb, 162, - 1 -, $ 38 [Contents: Metal Speciation (2 chapters), Characterization of Products from Mining and Metallurgy (7 chapters); and Treatment of Waste Materials (3 chapters); index]

Pierce, F. W. And Bolm, J. G., Ed. / PORPHYRY COPPER DEPOSITS OF THE AMERICAN CORDILLERA, Arizona Geological Society, Tucson, 1995, cl, 656 pages, - 1 -. $ 79

Plafker, G. and Berg, H. C. / THE GEOLOGY OF ALASKA, GSA DNAG Volume G1, Boulder, 1994, cl, 1055 pages, 13 plates (in a separate slipcase), - 1 -, $ 200

Power and Mining Machinery Company Bulletin 40 / WOODBURY SYSTEM OF CONCENTRATION, Cudahy, 1912, pb, 24 pages, 4 figs., 4 plates, - 3 -, $ 25 [This is an original copy; Covers the Woodbury System of concentration, Woodbury slime classifiers, Woodbury jigs, Woodbury iBll jigs, water requirements, general application, diagrams of set ups, more...]

Power and Mining Machinery Company Bulletin 43 / WET GRINDING TUBE MILLS, Cudahy, 1913, pb, 21 pages, 11 figs., - 3 -, $ 25 [This is an original copy; Covers wet grinding mills, their structure, components and operation with illustrations; shows internal structure with cross-sections; diagram of set up; tables of dimensions for spur gear driven tube mills; and silent chain drives for tube mills]

Raines, G. L., Lisle, R. E., Schafer, R. W., and Wilkinson, W. H. / GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE GREAT BASIN, Symposium Proceedings, Reno, 1991, cl, two volume set, 1257 pages, - 1 -, $ 20  [For the matching field guides, see Buffa above]

Ramani, R. V., Ed. / LONGWALL-SHORTWALL MINING, STATE OF THE ART, New York, 1981, cl, 296 pages, - 5 -, $ 25

Reineck, H. E. and Singh, I. B. / DEPOSITIONAL SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENTS with Reference to Terrigenous Clastics, Berlin, 1975, pb, 439 pages, - 3 -, $ 35

Richards, J. P. and Tosdal, R. M., Ed. / STRUCTURAL CONTROLS ON ORE GENESIS, SEG Reviews in Economic Geology # 14, Littleton, 2008, pb, 181 pages, - 1 -, $ 45

Ridge, J. D., Editor / ORE DEPOSITS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1933-1967, Graton Sales Volume, Rocky Mountain Fund Series, New York, 1968 or 1970, cl, 2 volume set, 1880 pages total, - 3 -, $ 25

Robb, L. / INTRODUCTION TO ORE-FORMING PROCESSES, Malden, 2005, pb, 373 pages, - 2 -, $ 80

Robinson, L. R., Bunt, E. A., and Kraft, K. / INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HOISTING MEN, MATERIALS, AND MINERALS, Arranged by the South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Cape, 1973, pb, 464 pages, - 3 -, $ 100 [Excellent historical details of when improvements in hoisting occurred starting with the year 1899; also give details of hoist construction, shaft design, winding plants, detailed mine structure, etc.]

Roberts, R. G. and Sheahan, P. A., Ed. / ORE DEPOSIT MODELS, Geoscience Canada Reprint Series 3, Ottawa, 1988, pb, 194 pages, slight use, (- 3 -), $ 35 or new, (- 1 -), $ 50  [for Ore Deposit Models II, see Sheahan, P. A. below]

Rona, P. A., Boström, K., Laubier, L., and Smith, K. L., Jr. / HYDROTHERMAL PROCESSES AT SEAFLOOR SPREADING CENTERS, Marine Sciences Series Volume 12, New York, 1983, cl, 796 pages, - 2 -, $ 60

Sangster, D. F., Ed. / CARBONATE-HOSTED LEAD-ZINC DEPOSITS, SEG Special Publication Number 4, 75th Anniversary Volume, Littleton, 1997, cl 664 pages, - 1 -, $ 400

Sangster, D. F. / SHORT COURSE IN SEDIMENT-HOSTED STRATIFORM LEAD-ZINC DEPOSITS, Toronto, 1983, pb, Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course Handbook # 8, 309 pages, new, $ 45; also available, copy with slight use, $ 20

Schafer, R. W., Cooper, J. J., and Vikre, P. G. / BULK MINEABLE PRECIOUS METAL DEPOSITS OF THE WESTERN UNITED STATES, Symposium Proceedings of the Geological Society of Nevada, April, 1987, 1988, cl, 755 pages, - 1 -, $ 25  [for the matching Symposium Proceedings, see Johnson above]

Schroeter, T. G., Ed. / PORPHYRY DEPOSITS OF THE NORTHWESTERN CORDILLERAN OF NORTH AMERICA, Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Special Volume 46, Montreal, 1995, cl, 888 pages, - 1 -, $ 79


Shanks, W. C. III, Ed. / CAMERON VOLUME ON UNCONVENTIONAL MINERAL DEPOSITS, New York, 1983, cl, 246 pages, - 1 -, $ 69

Shcheglov, A. D. / FUNDAMENTALS OF METALLOGENIC ANALYSIS, Translated from Russian by V. Shiffer, Moscow, 1979, cl, 335 pages, - 2 -, $ 25

Sheahan, P., Ed. / ANDEAN COPPER DEPOSITS: NEW DISCOVERIES, MINERALIZATION, STYLES, AND METALLOGENY, SEG Special Publication No. 5, Littleton, 1996, pb 198 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Sheahan, P. A. and Cherry, M. E. / ORE DEPOSIT MODELS, Volume II, Geoscience Canada Reprint 6, St. John’s, 1993, pb, 154 pages, - 1 -, $ 50  [For Ore Deposit Models I, see Roberts, R. G. above]

Sindeeva, N. D. / MINERALOGY AND TYPES OF DEPOSITS OF SELENIUM AND TELLURIUM, New York, 1964, cl, 363 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Stein, H. J. and Hannah, J. L., Ed. / ORE - BEARING GRANITE SYSTEMS; Petrogenesis and Mineralizing Processes, Boulder, 1990, pb, 364 pages, - 1 -, $ 30

Stephansson, O. / ROCK BOLTING: Theory and Application in Mining and Underground Construction, Rotterdam, 1984, cl, 630 pages, - 2 -, $ 75

Stout, K. S. / THE PROFITABLE SMALL MINE, PROSPECTING TO OPERATION, New York, 1984, 174 pages, - 2 -, $ 20

Sturgul, J. R. / MINE DESIGN: EXAMPLES USING SIMULATION, Litteton, 2000, pb, 366 pages, - 1 -, $ 99 [Book contains 28 chapters and is divided into three parts: 1) review of simulation in mining, 2) introduction to GPSS/H simulation language, and 3) the language of GPSS/H is presented; a sealed CD is included to run 30 simulation examples from a wide variety of mining operations, some large, some small, some from surface mines, some from underground mines, some foreign, some domestic]

Thompson, A. J. B., / ATLAS OF ALTERATION: A FIELD AND PETROGRAPHIC GUIDE TO HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION MINERALS, Geological Association of Canada, St. Johns, 1996, pb, 119 pages, -1 -, $ 80 [Contents: Lists hydrothermal minerals in alphabetical order with their classification of alteration, typical mineral assemblages, standard terminology, environment of formation, characteristics, related minerals, discussion, references of photographs (macro and micro) for each]

Titley, S. R. / ADVANCES IN GEOLOGY OF THE PORPHYRY COPPER DEPOSITS, Tucson, 1982, cl, 560 pages, - 3 -, $ 65

Tucker, T. L. and Smith, M. T. / THE TINTINA GOLD BELT: CONCEPTS, EXPLORATION, AND DISCOVERIES, Special Volume 2, British Columbia and Yukon Chamber of Mines, Cordilleran Roundup, Vancouver, 2000, pb, 225 pages, - 1 -, $ 95; - 3 -, $ 69

Turner, R. J. W. and Einaudi, M. T., Ed. / THE GENESIS OF STRATIFORM SEDIMENT-HOSTED LEAD AND ZINC DEPOSITS CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Stanford University Publications in the Geological Sciences Volume 20, Stanford, 1986, pb, 227 pages, - 1 -, $ 50

Verwoerd, W. J., Ed. / MINERALIZATION IN METAMORPHIC TERRANES, Papers presented at Geokongres 75, the Sixteenth Congress of the Geological Society of South Africa held at the University of Stellenbosch, 30 June - 4 July, 1975 [Geological Society of South Africa Special Publication, No 4], Pretoria, 1978. cl, 552 pages, numerous illustrations and plates, - 5 -, $ 100 [Contents: Introduction, Metamorphic Terranes of Southern Africa (Early Archean, Limpopo Mobile Belt, Okiep Copper District, Damara Mobile Belt), and Metamorphic Belts of the World (Broken Hill, New South Wales; Ultramafic Complexes, Red Lodge, Montana; Ireland), more...]

Vikre, P./, Thompson, T. B., / CARLIN-TYPE GOLD DEPOSITS FIELD CONFERENCE, BARNEYS CANYON, MERCUR, AND STERLING MINES, SEG Guidebook Series Volume 28, Littleton,1997, pb, 287 pages, - 2 -, $ 35


Wells, J. H. / PLACER EXAMINATION: Principles and Practice, BLM Technical Bulletin 4, 1969, 209 pages, - 3 -, cloth, $ 35; paper bound, $ 25

Whitney, J. A. and Naldrett, A. J. / ORE DEPOSITION ASSOCIATED WITH MAGMAS, Reviews in Economic Geology – Volume 4, El Paso, 1989, pb, 250 pages, - 3 -, $ 15

Wisser, E. / RELATION OF ORE DEPOSITION TO DOMING IN THE NORTH AMERICAN CORDILLERA, New York, 1960, cl, GSA Memoir 77, 117 pages, - 3 - or - 5 - , $ 10

Woodwworth, R. B. / Mine Timbering in Steel and the Timbering of Mines, Particularly with Steel, Pittsburgh, 1911, afb, 31 pages, - 5 -, $ 28

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