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Petrology Catalog

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Alling, H. L. / INTERPRETATIVE PETROLOGY OF THE IGNEOUS ROCKS, New York, 1936, cl, 353 pages, $ 25

Bard, J. P. / MICROTEXTURES OF IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS, Dordrecht, 1986, pb, 246 pages, - 3 -, $ 45

Barth, T. F. W. / THEORETICAL PETROLOGY, 2nd Edition, New York, 1962, cl, 416 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Best, M. G. / IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY, San Francisco, 1982, cl, 630 pages, - 3 -, $ 30

Best, M. G. and Christiansen, E.H. / IGENOUS PETROLOGY, 2001, pb, 458 pages, - 1 -, $ 125

Blatt, H. / SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY, San Francisco, 1982, cl, 564 pages, - 2 -, $ 45

Blatt, H. / SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY, 2nd Edition, New York, 1992, cl, 514 pages, - 3 -, $ 69

Blatt, H. and Terry, R. J. / PETROLOGY: IGNEOUS, SEDIMENTARY, AND METAMORPHIC, 2nd Edition, New York, 1996, cl, 529 pages, - 1 -, $ 100

Carmichael, I. S. E., Turner, F. J., and Verhoogen, J. / IGNEOUS PETROLOGY, New York, 1974, 739 pages, - 3 -, $ 30

Carozzi, A. V. / MICROSCOPIC SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY, New York, 1960, cl, 485 pages, - 2 -, $ 30

Carozzi, A. V. / MICROSCOPIC SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY, New York, 1960, cl, 485 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Carozzi, A. V. / SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY, Englewood Cliffs, 1993, cl, 263 pages, - 1 -, $ 100

Clark, S. P., Jr. / HANDBOOK OF PHYSICAL CONSTANTS, New York, 1966, cl, 1st Edition revised, Geological Society of America Memoir 97, 587 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Coleman, R. G. / OPHIOLITES, Minerals and Rocks 12, Berlin, cl, 1977, 229 pages, - 3 -, $ 65

Doe, B. R. and Smith, D. K. / STUDIES IN MINERALOGY AND PRECAMBRIAN GEOLOGY, A volume in honor of J. W. Gruner, Boulder, 1972, cl, GSA Memoir 135, 348 pages, - 2 -, or - 3 -, $ 30

Ehlers, E. G. and Blatt, H. / PETROLOGY: IGNEOUS, SEDIMENTARY AND METAMORPHIC, San Francisco, 1982, cl, 732 pages, - 3 -, $ 24

Ehlers, E. G. and Blatt, H. / PETROLOGY: IGNEOUS, SEDIMENTARY AND METAMORPHIC, San Francisco, 1982, cl, 732 pages, - 1 -, $ 45

Emmons, R. C., / SELECTED PETROGENIC RELATIONSHIPS OF PLAGIOCLASE, Baltimore, 1953, cl, Geological Society of America Memoir 52, 142 pages, used $ 10

Erickson, J. ROCK FORMATIONS AND UNUSUAL GEOLOGIC STRUCTURES: Exploring the Earth’s Surface, New York, 1993, cl, 195 pages, - 5 -, $ 25

Ernst, W. G. / PETROLOGIC PHASE EQUILIBRIA, San Francisco, 1976, cl, 333 pages, - 3 -, $ 30

Fairburn, H. W. / STRUCTURAL PETROLOGY OF DEFORMED ROCKS, 2nd Edition, Cambridge, 1949, cl, 320 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Fisher, D. J. / SYMPOSIUM ON LAYERED INTRUSIONS AND MINERALOGY OF THE SULFIDES, International Mineralogical Association Special Paper # 1, Washington, D. C., 1963, cl, 332 pages, - 3 -, $ 45

Fletcher, I. / AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ROCKS, British Museum of Natural History Mineral Department, London, 1898, pb, 118 pages, - 3 -, $ 25 [slight shipping on edges of front cover, ovg]

Gill, J. / OROGENIC ANDESITES AND PLATE TECTONICS, Minerals and Rocks Volume 16, Berlin, 1981, cl, 390 pages, - 3 -, $ 165

Grout, F. F. / PETROGRAPHY AND PETROLOGY: A Textbook, 1st Edition, New York, 1932, cl, 522 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Grout, F. F. / A HANDBOOK OF ROCKS for use without the petrographic microscope by J. F. Kemp, Toronto, 1940, cl, 6th Edition, 300 pages, - 3 - or - 5 -, $ 30

Groves, A. W. / SILICATE ANALYSIS, London, 1937, cl, 1st Edition, 230 pages, name written inside cover, ovg, $ 45

Gueguen, Y. and Palciauskas, V. / INTRODUCTION TO THE PHYSICS OF ROCKS, Princeton, 1994, cl, 292 pages, - 1 -, $ 60

Harker, A. / PETROLOGY FOR STUDENTS: An Introduction to the Study of Rocks under the Microscope
4th Edition, 1908, 336 pages, - 3 -, $ 20
6th Edition, 1923, 302 pages, - 3 -, $ 30
7th Edition, 1935, 300 pages, - 3 -, $ 35
8th Edi
tion, 1960, 283 pages, - 3 -, $ 40

Harvey, P. K.,, Ed. / PETROPHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CRYSTALLINE ROCKS, Geological Society SP No. 240, London, 2005, cl, 351 pages, - 1 -, $ 69

Hatch, F. H. / TEXTBOOK OF PETROLOGY, Volume 1, The Petrology of Igneous Rocks, New York, 1926, cl, 566 pages, - 3 -, $ 25 [original owners name on spine and inside cover, one page with small chip, ovg]

Hatch, F. H. a
nd Rastall, R. H. / THE PETROLOGY OF THE SEDIMENTARY ROCKS, 3rd Edition, revised by M. Black, London, 1950, cl, 383 pages, - 3 -, $ 22

Hatch, F. H. and Wells, A. K. / THE PETROLOGY OF THE IGNEOUS ROCKS, 8th Edition, London, 1926, cl, 566 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Hatch, F. H. and Wells, A. K. / THE PETROLOGY OF THE IGNEOUS ROCKS, 9th Edition, London, 1937, cl, 368 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Heard, H. C., / FLOW AND FRACTURE OF ROCKS, AGU Geophysical Monograph 16, Washington, D. C., 1972, cl, 352 pages, -3 -, $ 45

Heinrich, E. Wm. / MICROSCOPIC PETROGRAPHY, New York, 1956, cl, 296 pages, - 2 -, $ 16

Hollister, L. S. and Crawford, M. L. / SHORT COURSE IN FLUID INCLUSIONS: Applications to Petrology, Calgary, 1981, pb, 304 pages, - 2 -, $ 45

Hollister, L. S. and Crawford, M. L. / SHORT COURSE IN FLUID INCLUSIONS: Applications to Petrology, Calgary, 1981, pb, 304 pages, - 3 -, $ 38

Huang, W. T. / PETROLOGY, New York, 1962, cl, 127 figs., 63 tables, 480 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Hughes, C. J. / IGNEOUS PETROLOGY, Amsterdam, 1982, cl, 551 pages, - 3 -, $ 38

Hyndman, D. M. / PETROLOGY OF IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS, New York, 1972, cl, 533 pages, - 3 -, $ 35

Jackson, K. C. / TEXTBOOK OF LITHOLOGY, New York 1970, cl, 552 pages, - 3 -, $ 26

Johannsen, A. / ESSENTIALS FOR THE MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION OF ROCK-FORMING MINERALS IN THIN SECTIONS, 1st Edition, Chicago, 1922, cl, 53 pages, - 3 -, wear to corners of boards, one custom insert by previous owner, $ 20


Johannsen, A. / MANUAL OF PETROGRAPHIC METHODS, 2nd Edition, New York, 1918, cl, 649 pages, - 3 -, $ 40

Kemp, J. F. / A HANDBOOK OF ROCKS for use without the Petrographic Microscope, with a Glossary of the Names of Rocks and of other Lithological Terms:  (These are interesting for their binding in dark brown, and all of these are in remarkable condition)
2nd Edition, New York, 1900, cl, 185 pages, - 3 -, $ 20
5th Edition, New York, 1922 or 1929, cl, 282 pages, - 3 -, $ 25
6th Edition, Toronto, 1940, 1950, or 1952, cl, 300 pages, - 3 -, $ 30


LaPoint, P. R. and Hudson, J. A. / CHARACTERIZATION AND INTERPRETATION OF ROCK MASS JOINT PATTERNS, GSA SP 199, Boulder, 37 pages, - 3 -, $10

Levin, E. M., Robbins, C. R., and McMurdie, H. F. / PHASE DIAGRAMS FOR CERAMISTS, 2nd Edition, Columbus, 1969, cl, 601 pages, 2066 figs., <and> the 1969 supplement, cl, 625 pages, figs., 2067 - 4149, both volumes - 2 -, $ 75

Marmo, V. / GRANITE PETROLOGY AND THE GRANITE PROBLEM, Developments in Petrology 2, Amsterdam, 1971, cl, 244 pages, - 2 -, $ 60

Martin-Hernández, F.,, Ed. / MAGNETIC FABRIC: Methods and Applications, Geological Society SP No. 238, London, 2004, cl, 551 pages, - 1 -, $ 69

McBirney, A. R. / IGNEOUS PETROLOGY, San Francisco, 1984, cl, 504 pages, - 3 -, $ 55

Moorhouse, W. W. / THE STUDY OF ROCKS IN THIN SECTION, New York, 1959, cl, 514 pages, - 2 -, $ 25

Morse, S. A. / BASALTS AND PHASE DIAGRAMS, Part 1 and 2, Amherst, part 1: 1976, part 2: 1978, pb, 349 total pages, $ 49

Morse, S. A. / BASALTS AND PHASE DIAGRAMS, Part 1 only, Amherst,: 1976, pb, 158 total pages, - 3 -, a few marks in text, ovg, $ 24

Mueller, R. F. and Saxena, S. K. / CHEMICAL PETROLOGY WITH APPLICATIONS TO THE TERRESTRIAL PLANETS AND METEORITES, New York, 1977, cl, 394 pages, - 3 -, $ 30

Niggli, P. / ROCKS AND MINERAL DEPOSITS, English Translation by R. L. Parker, San Francisco, 1954, cl, 559 pages, - 5 -, $ 36

Nockolds, S. R., / PETROLOGY FOR STUDENTS, Cambridge, 1978, pb, 435 pages, - 1 -, $ 24

Parkhomenko, E. I. / ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS, New York, 1967, cl, 314 pages, - 3 -, $ 45

Pirsson, L. V. / ROCKS AND ROCK MINERALS: A Manual of the Elements of Petrology without the use of a Microscope, New York, 1908, 1st Edition, cl, 414 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Pirsson, L. V. / ROCKS AND ROCK MINERALS: A Manual of the Elements of Petrology without the use of a Microscope, New York, 1908 or 1913, 2nd Edition, cl, 414 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Pirsson, L. V. / ROCKS AND ROCK MINERALS: A Manual of the Elements of Petrology without the use of a Microscope, New York, various dates from 1935 to 1958, 3rd Edition, cl, 349 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Ragland, P. C. / BASIC ANALYTICAL PETROLOGY, New York, 1989, pb, 369 pages, - 2 -, $ 45

Raymond, L. A. / PETROLOGY: The Study of Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Rocks, Dubuque, 1995, cl, 742 pages, - 3 -, $ 65

Shrock, R. R. / SEQUENCE IN LAYERED ROCKS: A Study of Features and Structures Useful for Determining Top and Bottom or Order of Succession in Bedded and Tabular Rock Bodies, New York, 1948, cl, 507 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Sinha, A. K., Hewitt, D. A., and Tracy, R. J., Ed. / FRONTIERS IN PETROLOGY, A Special Volume of the American Journal of Science, Volume 288A, New Haven, 1988, afb, 511 pages, - 2 -, $ 35 [Contents: Accreted terrains and the effect of metamorphism; Silicate-Sulfide-Oxide-Fluid Reactions; Nature and origin of the Root of the Sierra Nevada; Isotope geochemistry of granitic plutons; Role of Fluids during contact Metamorphism, much more....]

Sorgenfrei, T., Ed. / PETROGRAPHIC PROVINCES, IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS, Report of the 21st Session Norden International Geological Congress, Copenhagen, 1960, pb, 451 pages, - 2 -, $ 25 [Contents: 42 papers including - Igneous and Tectonic Provinces of the Western U.S.; Origin of the Ultramafic Complexes in Southeastern Alaska; Layered Intrusions; Lower grade mineral facies in New Zealand; Petrology of lower Paleozoic rocks for the Slate Belt of Western Vermont, more....]

Spilhaus, A. F. / FLOW AND FRACTURE OF ROCKS, The Griggs Volume, 1972, cl, 352 pages, - 3 -, $ 60 [Book was produced by the Geophysical Union]

Spock, L. E. / GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF ROCKS, 2nd Edition, New York, 1962, cl, 298 pages, - 3 -, $ 30

Tickell, F. G. / THE EXAMINATION OF FRAGMENTAL ROCKS, Revised Edition, Stanford, 1947 - 1950, cl, 154 pages, - 3 -, $ 15

Travis, R. B. / CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS, Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines, Volume 50, # 1, Golden, 1955, afb, 98 pages, - 3 -, $ 40

Tucker, M. E. / SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY: An Introduction, Geoscience Texts, Volume 3, New York, 1981, pb, 252 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Turner, F. J. and Verhoogen, J. / IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY, 2nd Edition, New York, 1960, cl, 694 pages, - 3 -, $ 39

Tyrrell, G. W. / THE PRINCIPLES OF PETROLOGY: An Introduction to the Science of Rocks, 2nd Edition, London, various dates from 1929, 1952 or 1958, cl, 349 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Wahlstrom, E. E. / INTRODUCTION TO THEORETICAL IGNEOUS PETROLOGY, 1st Edition, New York, 1958, cl, 365 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Welton, J. E. / SEM PETROLOGY ATLAS, AAPG Methods in Exploration Series, Tulsa, 1984, cl, 237 pages, - 2 -, some wear on dust cover, $ 49

Williams, H., Turner, F. J. and Gilbert, C. M. / PETROGRAPHY: An Introduction to the Study of Rocks in Thin Sections, 2nd Edition, San Francisco, 1982, cl, 626 pages, - 2 -, $55; - 3 -, $ 39

Wülfing, E. A. / MIKROSKOPISCHE PHYSIOGRAPHIE DER PETROGRAPHISCH WICHTIGEN MINERALIEN, Begründet von H. Rosenbusch, Band I Erste Hälfte Untersuchungsmethoden,846 seite, und Band I Zweite Häfte Spezieller Teil, 209 textfiguren, 221 einzeldarstellungen, 802 seite, Stuttgart, 1924, cl, - 3 -, $ 150

Wyllie, P. J., Ed. / ULTRAMAFIC AND RELATED ROCKS, New York, 1967, cl, 464 pages, - 3 -, $ 40

Yoder, H. S., Jr. and Tilley, C. E. / ORIGIN OF BASALT MAGMAS: AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC ROCK SYSTEMS, Reprint from Journal of Petrology, Volume 3, # 3, 1962, 190 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Zubov, V. / GENERAL PETROGRAPHY: A Short Course, 2nd Edition, Moscow, 1972, cl, 228 pages, - 3 -, $ 28

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