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Journal of Geochemical Exploration

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Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam

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Only selected contents of each issue are listed; priced by the number of issues in each volume, $10 for a single issue, $ 15 for two issues in one volume, and $ 20 for 3 issues in one volume


JGE Volumes had this appearance beginning with Volume 1 and continuing to Volume 65 (Size: 16.5 x 24 cm or 6.5 x 9.5 inches)

Volume 1, No. 1, 1972 / $ 10 / The History of the Association of Exploration Geochemists; Alternative sample types in regional geochemical prospecting; A comparison of water, suspended solid and bottom sediment analyses for geochemical prospecting in a northeast Tennessee zinc district; An Evaluation of the quartz crystal microbalance as a mercury vapor sensor for soil gases; Secondary geochemical dispersion patterns associated with the nickel sulphide deposits at Kambalda, Western Australia

Volume 1, No. 2, 1972 / $ 10 / Mercury vapor and other volatile components in the air as guides to ore deposits; Distribution of copper at the Dansey-Rayfield River property, south-central British Columbia; Favor ability for Cornwall-type magnetite deposits in Pennsylvania using geological, geochemical and geophysical data in a discriminant function

Volume 2, No. 1, 1973 / $ 10 / Geochemical prospecting for oil and gas using reference horizons, Analysis of fluoride in rocks and an application to exploration; Comparison of total and partial extractable copper in anomalous and background peat samples; Interpretation of a detailed rock geochemical survey around the Mathiati Mine, Cyprus

Volume 2, No. 2, 1973 / $ 10 / Geochemical prospecting for porphyry copper-type mineralization - a review; Rapid colorimetric determination of phosphorous in geochemical survey samples; Errors in atomic absorption spectrophotometric determination of Pb, Zn, Ni and Co in geologic materials

Volume 2, No. 3, 1973 / $ 10 / Some aspects of the problem of geochemical methods of prospecting for concealed mineralization; Distribution of uranium in the crust of the northwestern Canadian Shield as shown by lake-sediment analysis; The geochemistry of arsenic and its use as an indicator element in geochemical prospecting

Volume 2, No. 4, 1973 / $ 10 / SPECIAL ISSUE: Geochemical exploration in Australia; Implications of geochemical investigations of sedimentary rocks within and around the McArthur zinc-lead-silver deposit, Northern Territory; Geochemistry of mineralized granitic rocks of northeastern Queensland; Geochemical exploration for base and precious metal sulphides associated with the Jimerlana Dyke, Western Australia; A method of distinguishing nickel gossans from other ironstones on the Yilgarn Shield, Western Australia

Volume 3, No. 1, 1974 / $ 10 / Shainigan nickel-copper property - a case history of a reconnaissance geochemical discovery in the Grenville Province of Quebec, Canada; Geochemical and biogeochemical exploration research near early Precambrian porphyry-type molybdenum-copper mineralization, northwest Ontario; A spectrophotometric method for the determination of rhenium in geologic materials

Volume 3, No. 2, 1974 / $ 10 / Selection of threshold values in geochemical data using probability graphs; Major and trace element anomalies in stream sediments of the Teign Valley Orefield; The formation and detection of metal dispersion halos in organic lake sediments; Effect of fallout of windborne zinc, lead, copper and cadmium from a fuming kiln on soil geochemical prospecting at Berg Aukas, South West Africa; A probe for sampling interstitial waters of stream sediments and bog soils

Volume 3, No. 3, 1974 / $ 10 / Fluorine, a direct indicator of fluorite mineralization in local and regional soil geochemical surveys; Mercury in some granitoid rocks of the Yukon and its relation to gold - tungsten mineralization; Simple trace determination of platinum in geological methods

Volume 3, No. 4, 1974 / $ 10 / Determination of background and threshold in exploration geochemistry; The use of major elemental ratios in detailed geochemical prospecting utilizing primary halos; Exploration rock geochemistry - detection of trace element halos at Heath Steele Mines

Volume 4, No. 1, 1975 / $ 10 / A rapid x-ray fluorescence procedure applicable to exploration geochemistry; Uranium determination in natural water by the fission-track technique; The systemic determination of accuracy and precision in geochemical exploration data

Volume 4, No. 1, 1975 / $ 10 / SPECIAL ISSUE: Conceptual models in exploration geochemistry - The Canadian Cordilleran and Canadian Shield, [Contents: Prologue, Canadian Cordilleran models , case histories, Canadian Shield models and case histories]

Volume 4, No. 2, 1975 / $ 10 / Efficacity of electrical mechanisms for ion transport in the formation of geological anomalies; An evaluation of the use of halogen and water abundances in efforts to distinguish mineralization and barren rocks; Relationship of manganese - iron oxides and associated heavy metals to grain size in stream sediments; A rapid field method for extracting the magnetic fraction from stream sediments

Volume 4, No. 3, 1975 / $ 10 / Influence of preglacial dispersion on geochemical exploration in County Offaly, Central Ireland; Aspects of tin mineralization in the Tasman Geosyncline, eastern Australia, as reflected by cluster and factor analysis; Carbon contents of sedimentary rocks within and around the McArthur zinc-lead-silver deposit, Northern Territory

Volume 4, No. 4, 1975 / $ 10 / A rapid x-ray fluorescence procedure applicable to exploration geochemistry; Uranium determination in natural water by the fission-track technique; The systemic determination of accuracy and precision in geochemical exploration data

Volume 5, No. 1, 1976 / $ 10 / The use of helium in mineral exploration; Distribution of sulphur, and sulphide-iron and copper in bedrock associated with porphyry copper deposits, Highland Valley, British Columbia; Hydrogeochemical exploration and sources of anomalous waters

Volume 5, No. 2, 1976 / Reconnaissance geochemistry of the Nechako Plateau, British Columbia, using lake sediments; Extraction of copper from ignited soil samples; Uranium and copper exploration by nearshore lake sediment geochemistry; Kaipokok region of Labrador; The Zonal distribution of selected elements above the Kalamazoo porphyry copper deposit, San Manuel District, Pinal County, Arizona,

Volume 5, No. 3, 1976 / SPECIAL ISSUE: Conceptual Models in Exploration Geochemistry: Introduction; Geochemical migration; Case Histories; Methods; References

Volume 6, No. 1,2, 1976 / $ 10 / The early days of exploration geochemistry; Geochemical prospecting of an Appalachian porphyry copper deposit at Woodstock, New Brunswick; Reconnaissance geochemical techniques for detecting uranium deposits in sandstones of northeast Pennsylvania; Use of mercury in geochemical exploration for Mississippi Valley type of deposits in Tennessee, Techniques of geochemical exploration in the southeast Piedmont of the United States

Volume 16, No. 1, 1982 / $ 10 / Mercury in stratabound copper mineralization in the Mammoth area, northwest Queensland; Horsetails (Equisetum) as direct indicators of gold mineralization; The determination of cassiterite tin in soils and sediments by an atomic absorption - volatile hydride method; Estimation of the geochemical threshold and its statistical significance

Volume 16, No. 2, 1982 / $ 10 / Particulate trace metal speciation in stream sediments and relationships with grain size; Analysis of a weathered profile on sulfide mineralization at Mugga Mugga, Western Australia; Phosphate rich sedimentary rocks: Significance for organic facies and petroleum exploration

Volume 16, No. 3,1982 / $ 10 / Biogeochemical prospecting for uranium in Nova Scotia; Uraniferous opal, Virgin Valley, Nevada: Conditions of formation and implications for uranium exploration; Hydrogeochemical prospecting for porphyry copper deposits in the tropical-marine climate of Puerto Rico

Volume 17, No. 1, 1982 / $ 10 / Comparison of hot hydroxylamine hydrochloride and oxalic acid leaching of stream sediment and coated rock samples as anomaly enhancement techniques; Trace element chemistry of pyrite: A useful guide to the occurrence of sulfide base metal mineralization; Collection of radon decay products - a uranium exploration technique; Guidelines for finding concretionary Mn-Fe oxides in streams

Volume 17, No. 2, 1982 / $ 10 / The secondary geochemical dispersion of some selected elements around the Cravezes scheelite deposit, northeastern Portugal; Biological methods for prospecting for gold; Natural geobatteries associated with sulphide ore deposits: I. Theoretical studies and II. Field studies at the Viburnum Trend, Southeastern Missouri

Volume 17, No. 3, 1982 / $ 10 / Sulfur gases produced by the decomposition of sulfide minerals: application to geochemical exploration; Trace metal adsorption potential of phases comprising black coatings on stream pebbles; Uranium in spring water and bryophytes at Basin Creek in central Idaho; A consideration of some hidden hydromorphic effects on the fines of glacial tills in the Kuhmo-Suomussalmi area, eastern Finland

Volume 18, No. 1, 1983 / $ 10 / On the use of discriminant analysis techniques for classifying chemical data from panned heavy-mineral concentrates - Central East Greenland; Contribution of organic complexation to Ni, Co, and Cu speciation in surface waters: implications for hydrogeochemical surveys; Rock classification by characteristics of aerial gamma-ray measurements; Effect of hydrocarbon volatility and adsorption on source-rock pyrolysis

Volume 18, No. 2, 1983 / $ 10 / Weathering of the zinc-lead lode, Dugal River, Northwest Queensland; 1. The gossan profile; Weathering of the zinc-lead lode, Duglal River, Northwest Queensland: 2. Surface mineralogy and geochemistry; Pisolitic laterite geochemistry in the Golden Grove massive sulphide district, Western Australia

Volume 18, No. 3, 1983 / $ 10 / Biogeochemistry, a prospecting tool in the search for mercury mineralization; A Holocene zinc orebody formed by supergene replacement of mosses; Lead distribution in drainage channels about the Elura zinc-lead–silver deposit, Cobar, New South Wales, Australia; Magnesite abundance as guide to gold mineralization associated with ultramafic flow, Timmins Area; Tuffaceous sediments as source rocks for uranium: A case study of the White River Formation, Wyoming

Volume 18, No. 1,2,3, 1983 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, 1982; Number Three Orebody, Ranger One, Australia; Geochemical exploration for unconformity-type uranium deposits in permafrost terrain, Hornby Basin, Northwest Territories, Canada; Hydrogeochemical exploration for uranium within the Athabasca Basin, northern Saskatchewan; Regional hydrogeochemical patterns in ground water of northwestern Ohio and their relation to Mississippi Valley-type mineral occurrences; Hydrogeochemical exploration for barite, Ouachita Mountains; Identification of diagnostic geochemical alteration in the wallrocks of Archean volcanic-exhalative sulfide deposits; The use of the “immobile” elements Zr and Ti in lithogeochemical exploration for massive sulphide deposits in the Precambrian Pecos greenstone belt of northern New Mexico

Volume 20, No. 1, 1984 / $ 10 / A geochemical aid to igneous rock type identification in deeply weathered terrain; The effect of temperature of reaction on the extraction of tin from calc-silicate rocks by ammonium iodide volatilisation; The distribution of iodine and chloride in soils over lead-zinc mineralisation, east of Glogfawr, mid-Wales; Trace-elemental anomalies in surface water near a small lead-zinc mineralisation at Menez-Albot, France; Geological, geochemical, stable isotope, and fluid inclusion characteristics of epithermal gold mineralisation, Velvet District, Nevada; Copper and cobalt in aquatic mosses and stream sediments from the Idaho Cobalt Belt

Volume 20, No. 2, 1984 / $ 10 / Use of partial dissolution techniques in geochemical exploration; Distribution and mode of occurrence of zinc and lead in glacial soils; A comparison of iron oxide-rich joint coatings and rock chips as geochemical sampling media in exploration for disseminated gold deposits; Enhancement of stream-sediment geochemical anomalies in Belgium and France by selective extractions and mineral separations

Volume 20, No. 3, 1984 / $ 10 / The geochemistry of antimony and its use as an indicator element in geochemical prospecting; Gold in natural water: a method of determination by solvent extraction and electrothermal atomization; A biogeochemical orientation in an arid rock desert; Gases and trace elements in soils at the North Silver Bell deposit, Pima County, Arizona; Integrated mineralogical and geochemical exploration and geochemical exploration for tin in the Ardlethan Tin Field, southern NSW, Australia; A rapid, partial leach and organic separation for the sensitive determination of Ag, Bi, Cd, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sb, and Zn in surface geological materials by flame atomic absorption

Volume 21, No. 1,2,3, 1984 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, 1983; Radon as a geochemical exploration tool; Statistical applications in geochemical prospecting: a survey of recent developments; The use of aquatic bryophytes in prospecting; The geochemistry of Precambrian bedrock

Volume 22, No. 1,2,3, 1984 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: Geochemical Exploration in arid and deeply weathered terranes; Some observations on the geochemistry of gold mineralization in the weathered zone at Norseman, West Australia; The influence of climate, geomorphology and primary geology on the supergene migration of gold and silver; Geochemical investigations associated with the Wilga and Currawong massive sulphide deposits, Benambra, Victoria; Exploration rock geochemistry for Pinnacles-type mineralization at Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia

Volume 23, No. 1, 1985 / $ 10 / Trace element behavior in the W-Sn granite of Regoufe, Portugal;
The method of partial extraction of metals in a constant current electrical field for geochemical exploration; The use of fluorine as a pathfinder for volcanic-hosted massive sulfide ore deposits; Hydrogoechemical exploration for Mississippi Valley-type deposits, Arkansas; Indication of methane movement from petroleum reservoir to surface

Volume 23, No. 2, 1985 / $ 10 / The copper-nickel concentration log: a tool for stratigraphic interpretation within the ultramafic and basal zones of the Stillwater Complex, Montana; Lithogeochemistry in exploration for Proterozoic porphyry-type molybdenum and copper deposits, southern Finland; Adsorption of platinum, gold and silver by filter paper and borosilicate glass and its relevance to biogeochemical studies

Vbolume 23, No. 3, 1985 / $ 10 / A procedure for estimating Bacillus spores in soil and stream-sediment samples - a potential exploration technique; Use of seaweed and slope sediments in fjord prospecting for lead-zinc deposits near Maarmorilik, West Greenland; Fuzzy cluster analysis in geochemical exploration; The automated photometric determination of total fluorine in mineral exploration; Selective extraction of organically bound gold in soils, lake sediments and stream sediments

Volume 24, No. 1, 1985 / $ 10 / Quantifying chemical changes in hydrothermally altered volcanic sequences - silica enrichment as a guide to the Crandon massive sulfied deposit, Wisconsin; A study of the soil geochemistry of the Platreef in the Bushfield Complex, South Africa; Evaluation of lead isotopic methods for uranium exploration, Koongarra area, Northern Territory, Australia; Drainage sampling for uranium in the Torrington District, New South Wales, Australia

Volume 24, No. 2, 1985 / $ 10 / Helium in soil and overburden gas as an exploration pathfinder - an assessment; A comparative study of stream water and stream sediment as geochemical exploration media in the Rio Tanama porphyry copper district, Puerto Rico; Iron-rich veins related to structural lineaments, and the search for base metals in Israel

Volume 24, No. 3 / 1985 / $ 10 / Gold, silver, and other elements in aquatic bryophytes from a mineralized area of North Wales; Geochemical alteration halos around the Mount Morgan gold-copper deposit, Queensland, Australia; The use of plants in prospecting for gold: a brief overview with a selected bibliography and topic index; Evaluation of drilling priorties using lead isotopes at the Lady Loretta lead-zinc-silver deposit, Australia

Volume 25, No. 1,2, 1986 / $ 15 / SPECIAL ISSUE: Exploration for Ore Deposits of the North American Cordillera; Precious metals and Cenozoic volcanism in the Chilean Andes; Elemental dispersion associated with alteration and mineralization at the Hall (Nevada Moly) quartz monzonite-type porphyry molybdenum deposit, with a section on comparison patterns with those from Climax-type deposits; Geochemical and fluid conation in the scorn environment at the Tomboy-Minnie gold deposits, Lander County, Nevada; Geology and interpretation of geochemistry at the Standard Mine, Humboldt County, Nevada

Volume 25, No. 3, 1986 / $ 10 / The behavior of uranium, thorium and tin during leaching from a coarse-grained granite in an arid environment; Sulphide geochemistry and wall rock alteration as a guide to mineralization, Mammoth area, NW Queensland, Australia; Base metals and mercury in bryophytes and stream sediments from a geochemical reconnaissance survey of Chandalar Quadrangle, Alaska; Electrochemical technique for exploration of base metal sulphides

Volume 26, No. 1, 1986 / $ 10 / Evaluation of mercury pathfinder techniques: basal metal and uranium deposits as applied to various copper-lead-zinc deposits of Australia

Volume 26, No. 2, 1986 / $ 10 / Biogeochemical studies of areas of sulphide mineralisation in northern Greece; The analysis of geological materials for fluorine, chlorine and sulphur using pyrohydrolysis and ion chromatography; Geochemical patters in the laterie profile at the Boddington gold deposit, Western Australia; The selective extraction of Pb and Zn in selected mineral and soil samples, application in geochemical exploration

Volume 26, No. 3, 1986 / $ 10 / Particle size and abundance of gold in selected stream sediments, southern British Columbia; Thallium, a biogeochemical prospecting tool for gold; Biogeochemical exploration for gold at a site in the Cordilleran Cantabrica, Spain; Biogeochemical studies at the Khetri copper deposits of Rajasthan, India

Volume 27, No. 1,2 / $ 15 / Depletion haloes is fresh rocks surrounding the Cobar orebodies, New South Wales, Australia: Implications for exploration and ore genesis; The oxidized profile of BIF-associated Pb-Zn mineralization: Pegmont, northwest Queensland; Ammonium silicates associated with sedimentary exhalative ore deposits: A geochemical exploration tool; Biogeochemical prospecting for gold in the Canadian Arctic

Volume 27, No. 3 / $ 10 / Electron spin resonance of auriferous and barren quartz at Beaconfield, northern Tasmania; Ironstone-gossan discrimination: Pitfalls of a simple geochemical approach - A case study from northwest Scotland; The use of geochemical methods to characterize the metamorphic domain in the Belgian Ardennes; Field determination of copper, manganese and zinc in sulphide materials by flameless atomic absorption spectometry

Volume 28, No. 1,2,3, 1987 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION 1985, Part 1: Distribution of gold, arsenic, antimony and tungsten around the Dest-Or orebody, Noranda District, Abitibi, Quebec; Pyrite of distinctive isotopic composition from the Hemlo deposit: A potential tool to identify this type of gold mineralization in Archean terrain; Lithogeochemical exploration for polymetallic Sn-Cu-Ag-Pb-Zn veom mineralization at North Mammoth Prospect, northeast Victoria, Australia; Geochemical alteration association with the Selbaie copper-zinc-silver deposit; Distribution and dispersion of gold in glacial till associated with gold mineralization in the Canadian Shield

Volume 29, No. 1,2,3, 1987 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 11TH INTERNATIONAL GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION SYMPOSIUM held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Canada from April, 28 to May 2, 1985, types of papers presented included: Environmental geochemical studies, Case histories and regional studies, Analytical chemical studies, and Interpretive studies; workshops and abstracts

Volume 30, No. 1, 1988 / $ 10 / Determination of gold cyanidation and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy; Stone line profiles: Importance in geochemical exploration; Determination of W and Mo in natural spring waters by ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy) and ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasa Mass Spectrometry): Application to South Nahanni River area; Concenration of gold in natural waters

Volume 30, No. 2, 1988 / $ 10 / Geological, geophysical and geochemical studies around the Allan Lake Carbonatite, Algonquin Park, Ontario;A comparison of drainage sediment and rock-geochemical surveys for sheeted-vein tin mineralization near Emmaville, N.S.W., Australia; The mineralogy and geochemistry of two copper-rich weathering profiles in Burkina Faso, West Africa; A geochemical study of a breccia body in the central Tennessee Zinc District; Hydromorphic dispersion of Cu and Mo over mineralized granodiorite in a high rainfall peaty area in Ireland: geochemical interpretation and case study

Volume 30, No 3, 1988 / $ 10 / Application of rock geochemistry to productive plutons and volcanic sequences; Discriminant analysis involving CO2/CaO and arsenic in gold exploration; Review of methods to determine gold, platinum and palladium in production-oriented geochemical laboratories, with application of a statistical procedure to test for bias

Volume 31, No. 1, 1988 / $ 10 / Gold exploration In the Callion area, Eastern Goldfields, West Australia; Geochemical behavior of uranium in soils, I and II; An application of lithogeochemistry to the evaluation of the Ni-sulphide ore potential of weathered serpentinites in the Fortaleza de Minas greenstone belt, Minas Gerais, Brazil; Comparison of stream sediment and soil sampling for regional exploration in the Eastern Alps, Austria

Volume 31, No. 2, 1989 / $ 10 / Geochemistry of placer gold, Koyykuk-Chandalar Mining District, Alaska; Geochemical stream overburden surveys of a zinc- and barium-mineralized area, Freuchen Land, Central North Greenland; Derivation of gold by oxidative metamorphism of a deep ductile shear zone, part 1 and 2; seasonal variation of gold and arsenic in biogeochemical samples from a disseminated gold deposit in the Northern Cordilleran

Volume 32, No. 1,2,3, 1989 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION 1987: Soil Geochemistry of Mother Lode-type gold deposits in the Hodson Mining District, central California; Geochemical signature (bedrock and saprolite) of gold mineralization and associated hydrothermal alteration at Dorlan, French Guyana; Use of stream sediment elemental enrichment factors in geochemical exploration for carbonatite and uranium; Instrumental neutron activation analysis as an analytical technique for gold exploration; Lithogeochemical and mineralogical indicators of Andean precious-metal and polymetallic vein mineralization; Contribution of organic geochemistry to regional exploration and characterization of Mississippi-type mineralization in the Causses Basin, France; Mineral exploration for gold-bearing levels in the central-western zone of Asturias, Spain, more...

Volume 33, No. 1,2,3, 1989 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION IN CHINA, Distribution of trace Hg and its mode of occurrence over Fankou Pb-Zn Deposit, Guangdong, China; A model of the primary halo and the geochemical mechanism of halo-ore-forming processes over a strata bound Pb-Zn-FeS2 deposit; Electrogeochemical extraction technique in the prospecting of buried gold deposits; Geochemical zoning pattern of the Yinyan tin deposit; A case history of finding ore deposits by mercury gas survey; Gold concentration from well water by the hydroelectrical extraction method, more...

Volume 34, No. 2, 1989 / $ 10 / Mineralogical and geochemical analysis of shallow overburden as an aid to gold exploration in southwestern Gaspésie, Quebec; Lithogeochemical exploration for uranium in leucogranites; Bias in the analysis of geological materials for gold using current methods; Stream sediment tourmaline geochemistry in massive sulphide exploraton: an example from Virginia; Orientation studies for gold in the central pediplain of the Saudi Arabian shield

Volume 34, No. 3, 1989 / $ 10 / Analysis of geological methods for precious metals using plasma atomic fluorescence; Gold dispersion in a tropical rainforest weathering profile at Dondo Mobi, Gabon; A comparative hydrocarbon soil-gas study of the Flathead Valley and Townsend Vallely areas, Montana

Volume 36 I, No. 1,2,3, 1990 / $ 20 / SPEPCIAL ISSUE: Epithermal Gold Mineralization of the Circum-Pacific; Geology, Geochemistry, Origin and Exploration; Deposit Studies - Kelian, Mt. Muro, Porgera, Umuna, Acupan, Exciban; Regional Studies - North Sulawesi, Philippines, Palau and Yap; General Studies - Rock Geochemistry

Volume 36 II, No. 1,2,3, 1990 / $ 20 / SPEPCIAL ISSUE: Epithermal Gold Mineralization of the Circum-Pacific; Geology, Geochemistry, Origin and Exploration; Deposit Studies - Hishikari, Laforma, Cherry Hill, El Indio, Emperor; Regional Studies - Kamchatha, Chile, Northeastern Queensland; General Studies - Geophysics, Geophysical Exploration, Environments and guides

Volume 37, No. 1 , 1990 / $ 10 / Geochemistry of Platinum-Group Elements: As, Bi, Hg, S, Sb, Sn, and Te geochemistry of the J-M Reef, Stillwater Complex, Montana: Constraints on the origin of PGE-enriched sulfides in layered intrusions; The use of metal ratios in prospecting for platinum-group element deposits in mafic and ultramafic intrusions; Comparative geochemistry of platinum-ultramafic intrusions in the Appalachian Orogen, more..

Volume 37, No. 2, 1990 / $ 10 / Trace-metal content of Mississippi Oil Field Brines; Unmasking multivariant anomalous observations in exploration geochemical data from sheeted-vein tin mineralization near Emmaville, N.S.W., Australia; A comparison of geochemical exploration techniques and sample media within accretionary continental margins: an example from the Pacific Border Ranges, Southern Alaska, more..

Volume 37, No. 3, 1990 / $ 10 / A geochemical sampling technique for use in areas of active alpine glaciation: an application from the central Alaska Range; Kimberlite xenolcryst wear in high-energy fluvial systems: Experimental studies; Rb-Sr open system behaviour and its application as a pathfinder for Sn mineralisation in granites of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa, more..

Volume 38, No. 1,2, 1990 / $ 15 / SPECIAL ISSUE: Soil and Rock Gas Geochemistry; Production of sulfur gases and carbon dioxide by synthetic weathering of crushed drill cores from the Santa Cruz porphry copper deposit near Casa Grande, Pinal County, Arizona; Stable isotopes of carbon dioxide in soil gas over massive sulfide mineralization at Crandon, Wisconsin; Dispersion of soil gas around micron gold deposits; Regional soil-gas helium distribution of the Ely and Delta 1x2 Quadrangles, Basin and Range Province; Application of soil-gas geochemistry to mineral exploration in Africa

Volume 38, 3, 1990 / $ 10 / The Schefferville Area: Multivariate analysis and variography used to enhance interpretation of lake sediment geochemical data; Exploration for Mississippi-Valley type stratabound Zn ores with stream suspensates and stream sediments, Virginia; Evaluation of the fluid-inclusion crushing-stage as an aid in exploration for mesothermal gold-quartz deposits; Quantitative analysis of anomalous sources and geochemical signatures in the Walker Lake Quadrangle of Nevada and California

Volume 39, No. 1,2, 1991 / $ 15 / SPECIAL ISSUE: International Geochemical Mapping IGCP Project 259, Some problems, strategical and tactical, in international geochemical mapping; geochemical patterns related to major tectono-stratigraphic units in the Precambrian of northern Scandinavia and Greenland; Tectonic terranes, metallogeny and regional geochemical surveys: an example from northern British Columbia

Volume 39, No. 3, 1991 / $ 10 / SPECIAL ISSUE: Gold Geochemistry in Finland; Geologic setting, history of discovery and exploration economics of Precambrian gold occurrences in Finland

Volume 40, No. 1,2,3, 1991 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION SYMPOSIUM, Rio de Janeiro, October, 1989, Part 1, 452 pages, Geochemical dispersion of gold related to copper-gold mineralization in northeastern Thailand; The morphology and chemistry of transported gold grains as an exploration tool; Gold distribution and mobility in the surficial environment, Carajas region, Brazil; Spergene geochemistry and crystal morphology of gold in a semiarid weathering environment: application to gold exploration; Adsorption of colloidal gold on colloidal iron oxides; The behaviour of platinum group elements in the surficial environment at Ferguson Lake, N.W.T., Rottenstone Lake, Saskatchewan, and Sudbury, Ontario; The main geochemical features of carbonatites; High-technology metals in alkaline and carbonatitic rocks, Greenland; The use of tourmaline in geochemical prospecting for gold and copper mineralization; Applications of some statistical techniques to weathered rock geochemical data, from the Broken Hill area, New South Wales, Australia

Volume 42, No. 1, 1991 / $ 10 / Includes the following papers: Fluid inclusion gas chemistry as a potential minerals exploration tool: Case studies from Creede, Colorado, Jerritt Canyon, Nevada, Coeur d’Alene District, Idaho and Montana, Southern Alaska mesothermal veins, and mid-Continent MVT’s; Geology and geochemical analysis of mineralization fluids at the St. Cloud and U.S. Treasury Mines, Chloride Mining District, New Mexico, Application of gas analysis of jasperoid inclusion fluids to exploration for micron gold deposits; Application of fluid inclusions in mineral exploration, more..

Volume 42, No. 2, 3, 1991 / $ 15 / Field-based identification of minerals using a battery-operated electrochemical measuring system with mechanical transfer of the solid to a graphite electrode; Geochemistry and clast lithology as an aid to till classification, Matheson, Ontario; Reconnaissance exploration geochemistry in the central Brooks Range, Northern Alaska: Implications for exploration of sediment-hosted zinc-lead-silver deposits; Geochemical exploration for copper-nickel deposits in the cool-humid climate of northern Minnesota, more..

Volume 44, No. 1,2,3, 1992 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: Geoanalysis / Papers include: Reference samples for use in analytical geochemistry: their availability, preparation, and appropriate use; Decomposition techniques; The role of atomic absorption spectrometry in geochemical exploration; Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry in exploration geochemistry; X-ray fluorescence spectrometry; The role of neutron activation with radiochemistry in geoanalysis, more....

Volume 45, No. 1,2,3, 1992 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: The Poços de Caldas Project: natural analogues of processes in a radioactive waste repository, 603 pages, $ 20 [Issue also contains: Hydrothermal and Supergene Uranium Mineralization at Osamu Utsumi Mine; Goços de Caldas Project: Implications for Radioactive Waste Disposal, Minas Gerais, Brazil; Supergene Th-REE Deposit at Morro Do Ferro, Poços de Caldes, Brazil; Geomorphology and Hydrology of Poços de Caldas Analogue Study Sites; Natural Decay Series Redox Front System....Redox Front Geochemistry and Weathering: Theory and Application..., more

Volume 46, No. 1, 1992 / $ 10 / SPECIAL ISSUE: The Poços de Caldas Project: natural analogues of processes in a radioactive waste repository, Part II, [Issue contains: Natural analogues for the design and performance assessment of radioactive waste forms, a review; Natural analogues for predicting the reliability of the engineered barrier system for high-level waste; Using data from natural environments to improve models of uranium speciation in groundwaters; more...

Volume 46, No. 2, 1992 / $ 10 / Papers include: Gold patterns in big sagebrush over the CX and Mag deposits, Pinson Mine, Humboldt County, Nevada; Fluid inclusion chemistry as a guide to tin mineralization in the Dartmoor granite, southwest England; Transport and fixation of Au, Pt and Pd around the Lac Sheen Cu-Ni-PGE occurrence in Quebec, Canada, more....

Volume 46, No. 3, 1992 / $ 10 / Papers include: Identification of geochemical anomalies using principal component analysis and factorial kriging analysis; Distribution and behaviour of platinum in soils, sediments and waters of the Tulamen ultramafic complex, southern British Columbia; Hydrothermal alteration of the Beira schists around the W-Sn specialized Regoufe granite, Northwest Portugal; more

Volume 47, No. 1,2,3, 1993, / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION 1991 [ Papers include: A geochemical atlas of North Carolina; Geochemical and geophysical signatures at three precious metals exploration targets in Nevada; Reconnaissance guidelines for gold exploration in Central Alaska; Diamondiferous kimberlite in Saskatchewan, Canada; Gold distribution in laterite profiles in South America, Africa, and Australia: Applications to geochemical explorations in tropical regions, more....

Volume 48, No. 1, 1993 / $ 10 / Interesting exploration geochemical data from Outokumu, Finland: A MVE-robust factor analysis; Chlorine as an exploration guide for the platinum-group elements in layered intrusions; Multi-media geochemistry and surficial geology of the Yava Pb Deposit, southeastern Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada; Trace element chemistry of vegetation applied to mineral exploration in eastern Nova Scotia, Canada

Volume 48, No 2, 1993 / $ 10 / SPECIAL ISSUE: Deep Exploration using Lithogeochemistry, [Papers include: Volcanic lithogeochemistry and alteration at the Delbridge massive sulfide deposit, Noranda, Quebec; Characteristics of semi-conformable alteration zones associated with volcanogenic massive sulphide districts; Alteration and geochemical zoning in Bodie Bluff, Bodie Mining District, Eastern California, more...

Volume 49, No. 1, 2, 1993 / $ 15 / Special Issure: Geochemical Mapping: Geochemical mapping of stream water for environmental studies and mineral exploration in the UK; Geochemical mapping employing active and overbank stream-sediment lake sediment and lake water in two areas of Newfounldland; Simulation of regional geochemical survey maps at variable sample density

Volume 51, No. 1, 1994 / $ 10 / Geology and lithogeochemistry of the Ren gold prospect, Elko County, Nevada - the role of rock sampling in exploration for deep Carlin-type deposits; Compositions of garnet and spinel from the Aries diamoniferous kimberlite pipe, central Kimberly Block, Western Australia - Implications for exploration; Exploration history and geology of disseminated gold deposit at Maoling in Proterozoic sedimentary rocks in North China Platform

Volume 51, No. 2, 1994 / $ 10 / The separation of geochemical anomalies from background by fractal methods; A freeze-sampling technique for the collection of active stream sediments used in mineral exploration and environments studies; Geochemical maps of Finland and Sweden; Platinum distribution in soil profiles of the Tulameen ultramafic complex, Southern British Columbia

Volume 51, No. 3, 1994 / $ 10 / Reconnaissance geochemistry and its environmental relevance; Criteria for distinguishing between gold-bearing and barren ironstones at Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia; Ultra-low density sampling of overbank sediment in Fennoscandia

Volume 52, No. 1, 2, / 1995 / $ 15 / SPECIAL ISSUE: HEAVY METAL ASPECTS OF MINING POLLUTION AND ITS REMEDIATION: Environmental impact of metals derived from mining activities: Processes predictions, prevention; Trace elements in water, sediments, porewater, and biota polluted by tailings from an abandoned gold mine in British Columbia, Canada; Geomorphology and pollution: the environmental impacts of lead mining, Leadhills, Scotland; An integrated approach to the determination of the quantity, distribution, and dispersal of mercury in Lahontan Reservoir, Nevada

Volume 52, No. 3 / 1995 / $ 10 / Geochemistry of till in Fennoscandia from ultra-low density sampling; Lithogeochemistry of altered rocks at the New Insco VMS deposit, Noranda, Quebec; Anomalous gold, antimony, arsenic, and tungsten in ground water and alluvium around disseminated gold deposits along the Gerchell Trend, Humboldt County, Nevada

JGE Journals had a larger format beginning with Volume 53  (Size: 19 x 26 cm or 7.5 x 10.25 inches)

Volume 53, No. 1,2,3 / 1995 / $ 20 / Diamond Exploration: Into the 21st Century

Volume 54, No. 1 / 1995 / $ 10 / Application of indicator halos (signs of ore remobilization) in exploration for blind gold and silver deposits; Sagebrush as a sampling medium for gold exploration in the Great Basin - evaluation from a greenhouse study; Enrichment of platinum and associated elements in organic seepage soils of the Tulameen ultramafic complex, southern British Columbia; Effects of grinding and chemical factors on the generation and composition of the till fine fraction; an experimental study; A drainage sediment geochemical orientation study at Boddington, Western Australia

Volume 54, No. 2 / 1995 / $ 10 / Epithermal gold deposits of the Southwest Pacific; Local cariability of gold in active stream sediments

Volume 54, No. 3 / 1995 / $ 10 / Crustal paleo-hydrogeological mapping as a tool in exploration for mineral deposits; Comparison of decrepitation, microthermometric and compositional characteristics of fluid inclusions in barren and auriferous mesothermal quartz veins of the Cowra Creek Gold District, New South Wales, Australia; The geochemical correlation between coarse and fine fractions of till in southern Finland; Oxygen and carbon isotopes zonations of wall rocks around the Kamioka Pb-Zn skarn deposits, central Japan: Application to prospecting

Volume 55, No. 1,2,3 / 1993 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: 16th INTERNATIONAL GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION SYMPOSIUM, 1993, BEIJING, CHINA; Primary geochemical anomalies in the Caijiaying Pb-Zn-Ag deposits, Hebei, China; A rapid field analytical method for gold in geochemical exploration; Concepts for geochemical gold exploration based on the abundance and distribution of ultrafine gold; EPR spectra and lithogeochemistry of jasperoids at Carlin, Nevada: distinction between auriferous and barren rock; Geochemical exploration for concealed nickel-copper deposits

Volume 56, No. 1 / 1996 / $ 10 / The increased reactivity of pyrrhotite and magnetite phases in sulphide mine tailings; Biogeochemical studies of metal-tolerant plants from Southern Morocco; Transport equivalence of cassiterite and its application to stream sediment surveys for heavy metals; Some aspects of practical use of geoelectrochemical methods of exploration for deep-seated mineralization

Volume 56, No. 2 / 1996 / $ 10 / Geochemical mapping based on overbank sediments in the heavily industrialised border area of Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands; Palimpsest glacial dispersal trains and their significance for drift prospecting; Regional geochemical mapping of Western Europe towards the year 2000

Volume 56, No. 3 / 1996 / $ 10 / Multipurpose geochemical maps produced by integration of geochemical exploration data sets in the Paraná Shield, Brazil; A spatial analysis method for geochemical anomaly separation; Secondary dispersion from gold deposits in west Turkey; A geomicrobiological study of soils collected from auriferous areas of Argentina; PGE mineralization in Archean volcanic systems: geochemical evidence from thick, differentiated mafic-ultramafic flows, Abitibi green belt, Ontario, and implications for exploration

Volume 57, No. 1,2,3 / 1995 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION; Transport of cassiterite in a Malaysian stream: Implications for geochemical exploration; Thermal setting of the Cadjebut Zn-Pb deposit, Western Australia; Discovery of the Mt. Bini porphyry copper-gold-molybdenum deposit in the Owen Stanley Ranges, Papua New Guinea - A geochemical case history; Mineralogy, morphology and chemistry of gold in the stone line lateritic profile of the Poswse deposit, Central Brazil; Biochemical exploration for gold in tropical rain forest regions of Papua New Guinea

Volume 58, No. 1 / 1997 / $ 10 / SPECIAL ISSUE: GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION II, The role of biogeochemical processes in minimising uranium dispersion from a mine site; 200 years of mining mining activities at La Paz, San Luis Potosí, Mexico - Consequences for environmental and geochemical exploration

Volume 58, No. 2, 3 / 1997 / $ 15 / SPECIAL ISSUE: MINING AND METALS IN THE ENVIRONMENT; The role of fluvial geomorphic processes in the dispersal of heavy metals from mine sites; Mechanisms of physico-chemical interaction of mercury with river sediments from a gold mining region in Brazil: Relative mobility of mercury species; Heavy metals in stream sediments from copper and gold mining areas in southern Brazil; Mobility of heavy metals as a function of pH of samples from an overbank sediment profile contaminated by mining activities

Volume 59 , No. 1 / 1997 / $ 10 / A sulphur isotopic study of the Navia gold belt (Spain); A geochemical investigation on overbank sediments in the Inari area, northern Finnish Lapland; Trace element concentrations and stable lead isotopes in soils as tracers of lead pollution in Graft-De Rijp, the Netherlands; High metal inputs to closed seas: the New Caledonian lagoon

Volume 59, No. 2 / 1997 / $ 10 / Surface geochemical techniques in gemstone exploration at the Rockland Ruby Mine, Mangare area, SE Kenya; Geochemistry of hydrothermal alteration at the Deri massive sulphide deposit, Sirohi district, Rajasthan, NW India; The forum of European Geological Surveys Geochemistry Task Group Inventory, 1994-1996

Volume 59, No. 3 / 1997 / $10 / Detection of past underground nuclear events by geochemical signatures in soils; Mobility and retention of heavy metals, arsenic and sulphur in podzols at eight locations in northern Finland and Norway; Physical partioning of mercury in till: an example from central British Columbia; Statisical techniques for the classification of chromites in diamond exploration samples; the geochemistry if wall rock alteration in turbidite-hosted gold vein deposits, central Virctoria, Australia

Volume 60, No. 1 / 1997 / $ 10 / Geochemical atlas of the Slovak Republic; Geochemical and radioactivity mapping in Poland; Low-density geochemical mapping in Hungary; Experience and goals of geochemical mapping for environmental protection in Lithuania; Baseline geochemical mapping of Sardinia; Geochemical mapping in China

Volume 60, No. 2 / 1997 / $ 10 / A comparison of differing lake sediment field sample sizes: application to geochemical exploration for epithermal gold deposits in central British Columbia; Geochemical patterns in soils of the karst region, Croatia; A catchment basin approach to the analysis of reconnaissance geochemical-geologic data from Albay Province, Philippines; Geochemical characterization of tungsten-bearing granites from Rajasthan, India

Volume 60, No. 3 / 1998 / $ 10 / Geochemical discrimination of volcanic rocks associated with borate deposits: an exploration tool?; Discovery and exploration fo the Gosowong epithermal gold deposit, Halmahera, Indonesia; Determination of trace elemental signatures in placer gold by laser ablation - inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry as a potential aid for gold exploration

Volume 61, No. 1,2,3 / 1998 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: SELECTIVE EXTRACTIONS; Analytical perspective on trace element species of interest in exploration; Application of the mobile metal ion technique to routine geochemical exploration; Enzyme leach anomalies associated with deep Mississippi Valley-type zinc ore bodies at the Elmwood Mine, Tennessee; A comparison of selective extraction soil geochemistry and biogeochemistry in the Cobar Area, New South Wales

Volume 62, No. 1,2,3 / 1998 / $ 20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: GEOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING: CURRENT APPLICATIONS AND FUTURE TRENDS; Biogeodynamics of contaminated sediments and soils: perspectives for future research; Some guidelines for economic evaluation of geochemical engineering projects; A concise analytical strategy applied to waste treatment technology; Preserving our in situ archaeological heritage: a challenge to the geochemical engineer

Volume 63, No. 1 / 1988 / $10 / The original of alluvial gold in the Leadhills area of Scotland: evidence from interpretation of internal chemical characteristics; Lilthogeochemical halos and geochemical vectors to stratiform sediment hosted Zn-Pb-Ag deposits, 1. Lady Loretta Deposit, Queensland; Geogenic and anthropogenic zinc in epiphytic and terriolous lichens in Finland

Volume 63, No. 2 / 1998 / $ 10 / Alteration and primary geochemical dispersion associated with the Bulletin lode-gold deposit, Western Australia; Carbon and oxygen isotope zoning around Carlin-type gold deposits: A reconnaissance survey at Twin Creeks, Nevada; The role of ternary projections in colour displays for geochemical maps and in economic mineralogy and petrology

Volume 64, No. 1,2,3 / 1998 / $20 / SPECIAL ISSUE: 4th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY, PART 1; Distribution of metals in water and sediment and effects on aquatic biota in the upper Stillwater River Basin, Montana; A prediction model for estimating the cadmium content of durum wheat from soil chemistry; Diel variation in element concentrations, Peru Creek, Summit County, Colorado; Metal removal efficiencies of substrates for treating acid mine drainage of the Dalsung Mine, South Korea

Volume 65, No. 1 / 1998 / $ 10 / SPECIAL ISSUE: 4th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY, PART 2; Geochemical and environmental factors controlling exposure to cerium and magnesium in Uganda; Zn, Pb, Cu, and As distribution patterns in overbank and medium order stream sediment samples: their use in exploration and environmental geochemistry; A comparison of field and laboratory analytical methods for radon site investigation

Volume 65, No. 2 / 1998 / $ 10 / Geophysical exploration of the Puhipuhi epithermal area, Northland, New Zealand; Exploitation of gold in a historic sewage sludge stockpile, Werribee, Australia: resource evaluation, chemical extraction, and subsequent utilization of sludge; Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in massive sulphide exploration, Rosebery Mine area, western Tasmania

Volume 65 No 3 / 1998 / $ 10 / Spatial and scaling modelling for geochemical anomaly separation; Mercury speciation in tailings of the Idrija mercury mine; Calcium distribution in soils and stream sediments in Istria (Croatia) and the Slovenian littoral; Comparison of three analytical methods in the determination of gold in six Finnish gold ores, including a study on sample preparation and sampling

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