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Rock, Gem and Mineral Book Catalog

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Albanese, J. S. /  NOTES ON THE MINERALS OF FRANKLIN AND STERLING HILLS, NEW JERSEY, Volume 1, No. 3, Union, 1960, pb, pages 38 - 60, - 3-, $ 15  [Just text, no photographs]

Anthony, J. W., Williams, S. A., and Bideaux, R. A. / MINERALOGY OF ARIZONA, 1977, Tucson, 255 pages, afb, - 3 -, $ 30 [includes the 1982 supplement]

Anthony, J. W., Williams, S. A., and Bideaux, R. A. / MINERALOGY OF ARIZONA, Tucson, 1977, pb, 255 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Anthony, J. W., Williams, S. A., Bideau, R. A., and Grant, R. W. / MINERALOGY OF ARIZONA, 3rd Edition, 1995, cl, 508 pages, - 1 -, $ 40

Ball, S. H. / ROMAN BOOK ON PRECIOUS STONES, Los Angeles, 1950, cl, 338 pages, - 3 -, $ 55

Bell, P. and Wright, D. / ROCKS AND MINERALS, MacMillan Field Guide, New York, 1987, pb, 192 pages, - 2 -, $ 10

Chalmers, R. O. / AUSTRALIAN ROCKS, MINERALS, AND GEMSTONES, New York, 1968, cl, 398 pages, - 3 - or - 5 -, $ 55

Chemical Publishing Company / CHAMBERS’S MINERALOGICAL DICTIONARY, New York, 1964, 47 pages, 40 hand-drawn plates in colour, - 3 -, $ 49

Cook, D. C. and Kirk, W. L. / MINERALS AND GEMSTONES, 300 OF THE EARTH’S NATURAL TREASURES, London, 2016, pb, 320 pages, - 1 -, $ 20 [I regard this book one of the best small mineral books to come along in many years - the color illustrations are very good]

Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., and Zussman, J. / AN INTRODUCTION TO THE ROCK-FORMING MINERALS, 3rd Edition, London, 2013, pb, 498 pages, - 1 -, $ 100

de Fourestier, J. / GLOSSARY OF MINERAL SYNONYMS, The Canadian Mineralogist Special Publication 2, Ottawa, 1999, cl, 434 pages, - 2 -, these are new books with a tiny abrasion or two to the front board or spine, contents mint, $ 40

De Michele, V. / THE WORLD OF MINERALS, London, 1972, cl, 128 pages, - 2 -, $ 38 [slight wear to dust cover]

De Michele, V. / THE WORLD OF MINERALS, London, 1972, cl, 128 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Desautels, P. E. / THE MINERAL KINGDOM, with photographs by L. Boltin, New York, 1968, cl, 251 pages, - 2 -, $ 25 [An old classic mineral book complete with original plastic covered dust covers, found in original condition]

ancisco, 1980, cl, 145 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Dietrich, R. V. / STONES: THEIR COLLECTION, IDENTIFICATION, AND USES, San Francisco, 1980, cl, 145 pages, - 5 -, $ 10

Dietrich, R. V. and Skinner, B. J. / GEMS, GRANITES, AND GRAVELS: Knowing and Using Rocks and Minerals, Cambridge, 1990, cl, 173 pages, - 1 -, $ 45

Ekblaw, G. E. and Carroll, D. L. / TYPICAL ROCKS AND MINERALS IN ILLINOIS, Urbana, 1931, 79 pages, 41 figs., - 5 -, $ 15

Eyles, W. C. / THE BOOK OF OPALS, Rutland, 1964, cl, 224 pages plus index, - 3 -, - 2 -. $ 30

Farndon, J. / THE ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ROCKS, MINERALS, AND GEMSTONES, Hemel Hempstead, 2019, cl, 256 pages, - 1 -, $ 20

Frondel, C. /  THE MINERALS  OF FRANKLIN AND STERLING HILL, A CHECK LIST, New York, 1972, cl, 94 pages, - 3 -, $ 20  [illustrations in black and white]

Guastoni, A. and Appiani, R. / MINERALS, A Firefly Guide, New York, pb, 256 pages, -2 -, $ 20

Hewitt, D. F. / ROCKS AND MINERALS OF ONTARIO, Geological Circular 13, Ontario Department of Mines and Northern Affairs, Toronto, 1972 or 1978, stiff cover, 136 pages, $ 25

Jensen, D. E. / MINERALS OF NEW YORK STATE, Geneva, 1978, cl, 219 pages, numerous black and white illustrations, 32 color illustrations, line drawing of New York Counties (in pocket), - 1 -, $ 59

Jones, A. / ROCKS AND MINERALS OF THE WORLD, Collins Discovery Guide, London, 2016, pb, 243 pages, - 1 -, $ 15

Kalokerinos, A. / AUSTRALIAN PRECIOUS OPAL, Melbourne, 1976, cl, 51 pages, - 2 -, $ 55

Korbel, P. and Novak, M. / MINERALS ENCYCLOPEDIA, Lisse, 1999, cl, 296 pages, - 1 -, $ 25

Kraft, J. L. / ADVENTURE IN JADE, New York, 1947, cl, 81 pages, - 3 -, slight wear to dust cover, ovg, $ 20

Lapham, D. M. and Geyer, A. R. / MINERAL COLLECTING IN PENNSYLVANIA, 3rd Edition, Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey General Geology Reports - Bulletin G 33, Harrisburg, various dates, 1969-1972, 164 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Mari, G. and Rostan, P. /  LA MINE DU CAP GRONNE, HISTORIQUE DE L'EXPLOITATION, Draguignan, 1985, pb, 62 pages, illustrated in black and white, - 2 - <and> Mari, G. and Rostan, P. /  LA MINE DU CAP GRONNE, GÎTOLOGIE ET MINÉRALOGIE, Draguignan, 1986, pb, mineral photographs in color, - 3 -, the set of two books, $ 49  [Books both in French; written concerning the Cap Garonne Mine, Le Pradet, Var, Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France]
Medenbach, O. and Wilk, H. / THE MAGIC OF MINERALS, Berlin, 1977, cl, 204 pages, - 3 -, $ 89

Mineral Digest Ltd. / THE 4 ORIGINAL VOLUMES OF THE MINERAL DIGEST, JOURNAL OF MINERALOGY, New York, 1972, pb, - 3 -, $ 100  [Contents: Volume 1 - Mexico’s Mineral Classics, Minerals on postage stamps, Brazil and its minerals. Quartz, much more...; Volume 2 - Microscopic petrology of Moon Rocks, Minerals of India, Minerals from Tsumeb, Fossils on postage stamps, more...; Volume 3 - The Surbonne Museum in Paris, The Emerald, Variscite, Gold - Prelude to the 49er’s, Mineral masterpieces, Volcanoes on postage stamps, more...; Volume 4 - Lapis Lazuli from Afghanistan, Harvest of the Sea - Pearls and Jade, The Rainbow Mineral: Fluorite, Rhodochrosite (from the Andes), Malachite of the Congo, Tigereye, much more....]

Murdoch, J. and Webb, R. W. / MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA Bulletin 173, Sacramento, 1956, cl, 452 pages, includes paperback supplements 1 and 2, - 3 -, $ 65; another copy with supplement 2 only, - 3 -, $ 50; another copy, - 5 -, $ 30

Myatt, B. / AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND GEMSTONES, Sydney, 1972, cl, 511 pages, - 3 -, $ 65


Northrop, S. A. / MINERALS OF NEW MEXICO, 3rd edition revised, Albuquerque, 1996, cl, 346 pages, plus 10 pages of mineral district maps, - 1 -, $ 35

O’ Donoghue, M. / AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO ROCKS AND MINERALS, New York, 1991, cl, 192 pages, - 3 -, $ 39; [Book is previously owned, but without markings, has splendid, large, clear mineral photographs]

O’ Donoghue, M. / AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO ROCKS AND MINERALS, New York, 1991, cl, 192 pages, - 5 -, $ 29 [Book is x-library but looks almost unused, has splendid, large, clear mineral photographs]

Palache, C. /  THE MINERALS OF FRANKLIN AND STERLING HILL, USGS PP 180, SUSSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, GPO 1974 reprint of 1935 original, afb, 135 pages, 19 plates, 199 figs., 1 insert, $ 100; also have a later reprint, $ 25

Pearl, R. M. / COLORADO GEM TRAILS AND MINERAL GUIDE, A COMPLETE GUIDE WITH MAPS AND MILEAGE LOGS, 3rd Edition, Revised, Athens, 1972, pb, 222 pages, - 1 -, $ 30

Pearl, R. M. / EXPLORING ROCKS, MINERALS, FOSSILS IN COLORADO, Revised Edition, Chicago, 1969, cl, 215 pages, - 3 -, $ 15; also another copy, new, - 1 -, $ 35

Pearl, R. M. / SUCCESSFUL MINERAL COLLECTING AND PROSPECTING, New York, 1961, cl, 164 pages, - 3 -, $ 30

Pellant, C. and Phillips, R. / ROCKS, MINERALS AND FOSSILS OF THE WORLD, Boston, 1990, 175 pages, excellent color photos, - 5 - or - 3 -, $ 15

Pellant, C. and Phillips, R. / ROCKS, MINERALS AND FOSSILS OF THE WORLD, Boston, 1990, 175 pages, excellent color photos, - 2 -, $ 20

Perry, N. and Perry, R. / AUSTRALIAN GEMSTONES IN COLOUR, Sydney, 1968, cl, 122 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Playford, P. E. / GEMSTONES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Perth, 1987, pb, 54 pages, - 2 -, $ 20 [Covers the gemstones of Western Australia individually and lists the locales where each is found with a description of those locales; two small maps are given which show the relative position of where non-siliceous gemstones and siliceous gemstones are located within West Australia]

Pogue, J. E. / TURQUOISE, Memoirs of the National Academy of Science, Glorieta, 1973, 5th printing, 162 pages, 22 plates, - 3 -, $ 45

Poss, J. R. / STONES OF DESTINY: KEYSTONES OF CIVILIZATION, Houghton, 1975, cl, 253 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Ransome, J. E. / GEMS AND MINERAL OF AMERICA: A GUIDE TO ROCK COLLECTING, New York, 1974, 705 pages, appendices, - 2 -, $ 85   [Rock and minerals are listed for each county (including the mine or prospect where known)]

Roberts, W. L., Rapp, G. R., and Weber, J. / ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MINERALS, 1st Edition, New York, 1974, cl, 693 pages, - 3 -, $ 150

Roberts, W. L., Rapp, G. R., and Weber, J. / ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MINERALS, 1st Edition, New York, 1974, cl, 693 pages, - 3 -, $ 199

Roberts, W. L., Campbell, T. J., Rapp, G. R. /  ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MINERALS, 2nd Edition, New York, 1990, cl, 979 pages, black and white photographs throughout, 48 color plates in center of book, - 3 -, $ 200  [chip to dust cover, color plate section apparently came loose at some time but was repaired at some point and should be good for a lifetime]

Robinson, G. W. / MINERALS: An Illustrated Exploration of the Dynamic World of Minerals and Their Properties, New York, 1994, cl, 208 pages, - 3 -, $ 35

Rygle, K. J. and Pedersen, S. F. / NORTHWEST TREASURE HUNTER’S GEM AND MINERAL GUIDE, Woodstock, 1999, pb, 157 pages, - 1 -, $ 15

Rygle, K. J. and Pedersen, S. F. / NORTHEAST TREASURE HUNTER’S GEM AND MINERAL GUIDE, Woodstock, 1999, pb, 187 pages, - 1 -, $ 15

Rygle, K. J. and Pedersen, S. F. / SOUTHWEST TREASURE HUNTER’S GEM AND MINERAL GUIDE, Woodstock, 1999, pb, 185 pages, - 1 -, $ 15

Rygle, K. J. and Pedersen, S. F. / SOUTHEAST TREASURE HUNTER’S GEM AND MINERAL GUIDE, Woodstock, 1999, pb, 177 pages, - 1 -, $ 15

Sanborn, W. B. / ODDITIES OF THE MINERAL WORLD, New York, 1976, cl, 142 pages, - 3 -, $ 45

Sauer, J. R. / BRAZIL: PARADISE OF GEMSTONES, Sao Paulo, 1982, cl, 135 pages, - 2 -, $ 55

Scalisi, P. and Cook, D. / CLASSIC MINERAL LOCALITIES OF THE WORLD: ASIA AND AUSTRALIA, New York, cl, 226 pages, maps, photos, illustrations, minerals (some in color), - 3 -, $ 59

Schumann, W. / STONES AND MINERALS, New York, 1974, cl, 225 pages, - 5 -, $ 10

Schumann, W. / MINERALS OF THE WORLD, New York, 1992, cl, 224 pages, - 5 -, $ 10


Simpson, B. W. / NEW MEXICO GEM TRAILS, 3rd revised edition, Glen Rose, 19072, pb, 88 pages, - 3 -, $ 15

Simpson, B. W. / GEM TRAILS OF TEXAS, revised edition, Spokane, 1062, pb, 88 pages, - 3 -, $ 15

Sinkankas, J. / GEMSTONES OF NORTH AMERICA, Colored Illustrations and line drawings by the author, Princeton, 1959, cl, 675 pages, - 2 -, $ 65

Sinkankas, J. / MINERALOGY, New York, 1964, afb, 585 pages, - 3 -, $ 65

Sinkankas, J. / MINERALOGY: A First Course, 2nd Edition, Princeton, 1966, cl, 587 pages, - 3 -, $ 60

Sinkankas, J. / PROSPECTING FOR GEMSTONES AND MINERALS, New York, 1970, pb, 397 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Smith, G. F. H. / GEMSTONES, 12th Edition, New York, 1952, 537 pages, - 3 -, $ 20 [4 plates in color, 40 in monotome and 145 text illustrations]

Symes, R. F. and Young, B. / MINERALS OF NORTHERN ENGLAND, Edinburgh, 2008, pb, 208 pages, fine colour illustrations, - 1 -, $ 199

Tait, K. / GEMS AND MINERALS: EARTH TREASURES FROM THE ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM, Toronto, 2011, cl, 255 pages, - 1 -, $ 40 [My opinion: This is one of the best gem & mineral books! Fine photography, excellent detailing of minerals regarding mineral composition, habit, orgin of names, locations where found, etc.]

Talent, J. A. / MINERALS, ROCKS AND GEMS: A Handbook for Australia, Hong Kong, 1970, cl, 287 pages, - 3 -, $ 40

Techer, D. / STEREOGRAM BOOK OF ROCKS, MINERALS, AND GEMS, Northbrook, 1970, pb, 64 pages, includes stereoscope, - 3 -, $ 20

Thorton, J. / FIELD GUIDE TO NEW ZEALAND GEOLOGY; An Introduction to Rocks, Minerals and Fossils, Auckland, 1985, pb, 226 pages, - 2 -, $ 30

Tindall, J. R. and Thornhill, R. / COLLECTOR’S GUIDE TO ROCKS AND MINERALS, foreward by Lord Energlyn, New York, 1975, cl, 255 pages, - 1 -, $ 25 [Contents: The Earth, Minerals, Rocks, Collecting, Bibliography, Mineral Identification Chart, Glossary, Index, a number of photographs of UK geology]

Vanders, I. and Kerr, P. F. / MINERAL RECOGNITION, New York, 1967, cl, 316 pages, - 3 -, $ 24

Voynick, S. M. / COLORADO ROCKHOUNDING: A Guide to Minerals, Gemstones, and Fossils, Missoula, 1994, pb, 372 pages, - 1 -, $ 20

Wilkerson, A. S. / THE MINERALS OF FRANKLIN AND STERLING HILL, NEW JERSEY, Bureau of Geology and Topography B 65, Trenton, 1962, pb, 80 pages, 1 color plate, - 3 -, $ 10

Wolter, S. F. / THE LAKE SUPERIOR AGATE, Minneapolis, 1986, pb, 103 pages, - 3 -, $ 28

Zietner, J. C. / SOUTHWEST MINERAL AND GEM TRAILS, San Diego, 1972, pb, 146 pages, - 3 -, $ 45 [Includes the following states: New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana]

Rock and Gem Magazine [listed by volume, issue, years, topic, cost]

38 (4) Wonderful World of Agates, $ 10

Rocks and Minerals Magazine [listed by volume, issue, year, several topics, and cost]

56 (6) 1981 / Clara Mines; Amphiboles; Smithsonite, wear, $ 10

57 (4) 1982 / Diatoms and Diatomite; Minerals of the Thomas Range, $ 10

58 (1) 1983 / Cleveland Museum; Lapis from Baffin Island, $ 10

59 (2) 1984 / Wisconsin Minerals and Fossils, $ 10

59 (6) 1984 / Ohio Fossils; Thunder Bay Amethyst, $ 10

61 (1) 1986 / Rhodochosite, Insects in Stone, $ 10

61 (6) 1986 / Alaska Minerals, Wisconsin Fossils, $ 10

62 (1) 1987 / Ubiquitous Quartz, Maryland Fossils, $ 10

62 (2) 1987 / Barger’s Quarry, Virginia; Natural Bridge, New York; Fossil Collectors Library, $ 10

62 (6) 1987 / Maine Minerals; Fossils & Gemstones, rare, $ 10

63 (3) 1988 / Illinois Minerals and Fossils, $ 10

63 (6) 1988 / California Tourmaline; Cincinnati’s Timeline; Mineral Photographs, $ 10

64 (1) 1989 / Galena from Mississippi Valley-Type Deposits; Dixie Mine, Virginia, $ 10

63 (1) 1988 / Beryl; Keith Proctor Collection; Trilobites, $ 10

65 (5) 1990 / Wisconsin Minerals; Colorado Mining Museum; Wyoming Fossil Fish, $ 10

65 (6) 1990 / Ohio Mineral Localities, $ 10

66 (4) 1991 / Morefield Mine, Virginia; Ohio Pyrite, $ 10

67 (1) 1992 / Texas Mercury Mines; Kentucky Minerals; Pyromorphite: A Review, $ 10

67 (2) 1992 / Texas Celestine; Dinosaur Art and Artists, $ 10

68 (3) 1993 / Sugar Grove, West Virginia Minerals, Mining Postcards, Copper Country’s Historical Park, $ 10

69 (3) 1994 / Fossils from the Falls of the Ohio, $ 10

70 (2) 1995 / Mont Saint Hilare Revisited, part 2; Wulfenite, San Francisco Mine, $ 10

71 (4) 1996 / Vermont Minerals and Localities, $ 10

72 (3) 1997 / Houston Mineral Museum; Lithia Dike Claim, $ 10

72 (5) 1997 / Flambeau Mine, Wisconsin; Colorado Gold Localities, $ 10

73 (1) 1998 / Alpine Minerals; Smithsonian Museum, $ 10

73 (6) 1998 / Himalaya Mine, Mesa Grande, California, $ 10

77 (1) 2002 / Colorado Barite; Washington State Minerals; Carneige Museum Show, $10

77 (2) 2002 / Pyromorphite, Loudville, Massachusetts; Digital Mineral Photography; Geological Museum, Johannesburg, $ 10

77 (6) 2002 / Copper Country; Iowa Mineral Locality Index, $ 10

79 (4) 2004 / Zeolites from Colorado and India, $ 10

80 (4) 2005 / Heliodor from Tajikistan; New Hampshire Minerals; Prospect Park Quarry, New Jersey, $ 10

82 (2) 2007 / Opal from Australia; Australian Sapphire and Rubies, $ 10

82 (4) 2007 / Kearsarge Lode Minerals, Michigan; Michigan Uranium Prospect, $ 10

82 (6) 2007 / New York State I Special Isssue, $ 10

83 (2) 2008 / Minerals of Bolivia; Connecticut Roadcut Minerals; Rogerly Mine Fluorite, United Kingdom, $ 10

83 (4) 2008 / Oceanview Mine, California; Michigan’s Mesnard Mine, Ferguson Museum, Manitoba, $ 10

84 (1) 2009 / Mineral Oddities; Amethyst, Wilkes County, Georgia; Diamonds, $ 10

84 (2) 2009 / Hilton Mine, England; Tell
us Museum, Georgia; Freudenstein Museum, Germany, Ohio Septaria, $ 10

84 (3) 2009 / New York State III Special Issue, $ 10

85 (1) 2010 / Gems and Gem Minerals; U.S. and Canadian Gemstones, $ 10

85 (2) 2010 / Geodes from Mexico; Gemstones from Turkey, $ 10

85 (3) 2010 / llinois Mineral Localities; Mineral Trips to India; Giazotto Collection, Florence, Italy, $ 10

85 (6) 2010 / Alpine fissures, Quebec; San Rafael Mine, Nevada; The Fabre Collection, Barcelona, Spain, $ 10

86 (1) 2011 / California Minerals and Localities; Southern California Pegmatites, $ 10

86 (2) 2011 / California Kunzite; New Hampshire Crystal Pocket, $ 10

86 (3) 2011 / Upper Michigan Collecting; New York State Fulgarite; Gem Diaspore from Turkey, $ 10

86 (4) 2011 / Tennessee Mineral Localities; Tennantite from Tsumeb, $ 10

86 (5) 2011 / Russian Museums, People, and Publications, $ 10

87 (6) 2010 / Aquamarine from California; Azurite from Australia; Rose Quartz from Minas Gerais, $ 10

88 (3) 2013 / Krügerhaus, Freiberg, Germany, $ 10

88 (4) 2013 / Tourmaline, Malkhan, Russia, $ 10

88 (5) 2013 / Amethyst. Wilkes County, Georgia, $ 10

88 (6) 2013 / Hoppel Collection Auction; 6th Pegmatite Conference, $ 10

89 (1) 2014 / Diamond Special Issue, $ 10

Matrix - Journal of the History of Minerals [listed by volume, (issue), year, content, and cost]

1 (1) / 88 / S.C.H. Bailey Mineral Collection, $ 5

1 (2,3,4) / 88 / Benjamin Silliman, Yale’s Early Mineral Mineral Collections, Peabody Museum, $ 15

1 (5, 6) / 88 / William Boyce Thompson: The Man from Alder Gulch (who formed Newmont Gold Company), $ 15

2 (1, 2) / 91 / A History of Mineral Collecting: Continental European Collections from Stone Age through the 17th Century, $ 10

2 (3) / 91 / Columbia School of Mines Collection, $ 8

2 (4) / 91 / Michigan - Ontonagon Boulder, $ 8

2 (5, 6) / 91 / Rambles of an Amateur Mineralogist, part 1 and 2, $ 10

3 (1) / 93 / Pennsylvania - Brinton’s Serpentine Quarry, $ 10

3 (2) / 93 / Michigan’s Cliff Mine, $ 10

3 (3, 4) / 94 / Peabody Meteorite Collection, $ 15

3 (5, 6) / 94 / Maryland Mineralogy, Copper, Gold, $ 20

4 (2) / 95 / P. C. Foster and His Mineral Colletion; Maine - Lead Mines of Lubec; The Rand Aquamarine, $ 20

4 (3) / 95 / New York - 1st Millerite Locality, $ 20

4 (4) / 95 / Arkansas - Zinc Field Mines, $ 20

5 (2) 95 / Connecticut - History of Bristol Chalcocite, $ 20

5 (3) / 97 / New Hampshire - Strafford Mica Mine, $ 15

5 (4) / 97 / New York - Anthony’s Nose, $ 15

6 (4) / 98 / Life and Times of Benjamin Shaub, $ 15

7 (1) / 99 / England - B.M. Wright - Mineral Dealer, $ 15

7 (2, 3) / 99 / Virginia-Missouri Lead Industry I and II, $ 20

7 (4) / 99 / Travels of California Gold, $ 15

8 (2) / 00 / Arthur Montgomery, $ 15

8 (4) / 00 / Michigan - Reeder Mineral Collection, $ 20

9 (1) / 01 / Pennsylvania - Garnet Mines of Chelsea, $ 20

9 (2) / 01 / New York - Tilley Foster Iron Mine, $ 20

9 (4) / 01 / Michigan - A. E. Seaman, $ 20

11 (2) / 03 / Pennsylvania: Ecton-Perkiomen Mine, $ 20

11 (4) / 03 / Georgia: Mineral History of Georgia, $ 20

End of the Rock, Gem, and Mineral Catalog!

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