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Individual Technical Publications Technical Publication 268: Pike, R. D., / ELECTRICAL IRON FROM SULFIDE ORES, New York, pb, 35 pages, $ 10 Techncal Publication 776: Johnson, N. O. / MINING METHODS AND ORE ESTIMATIONS AT THE HOG MOUNTAIN MINE, ALABAMA, New York, 1937, pb, 12 pages, $ 15 Individual AIME articles related to mines, claims, and minerals of the Appalachian area of the United States Extraction from AIME Volume 25, 1895: Blake, W. P., / NOTES AND RECOLLECTIONS CONCERNING THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF NORTHERN GEORGIA AND WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, Atlanta, 1895, pb, 15 pges, $ 20 Extraction from AIME Volume 25, 1895: Brewer, W. M. / THE GOLD MINING REGIONS OF GEORGIA AND ALABAMA, Atlanta, 1895, pb, 18 pages, $ 20 Extraction from AIME Volume 26, 1896: Brewer, W. M. / FURTHER NOTES ON THE ALABAMA AND GEORGIA GOLD FIELDS, 1896, pb, 8 pages, $ 10 Miscellaneous A.I.M.E. Publications Eavenson, H. N. / COAL THROUGH THE AGES, 1939, cl, 123 pages, - 3 -, $ 16 LeFond, S. J., Ed. / INDUSTRIAL MINERALS AND ROCKS, 4th Edition, New York, 1975, cl, 1360 pages, - 2 -, $ 100 LeFond, S. J., Ed. / INDUSTRIAL MINERALS AND ROCKS, 5th Edition, New York, cl, 722 pages, 31 page index, very slight use, $ 65 [Introduction to Feldspars] LeFond, S. J., Ed. / INDUSTRIAL MINERALS AND ROCKS, Volume 2, 5th Edition, New York, cl, pages 723 - 1446, 31 page index, very slight use, $ 65 [Fluospar to Zeolites] Parson, A. B. / THE PORPHYRY COPPERS IN 1956, York, 270 pages, 1957, cl, - 3 -, $ 30 Parsons, A. B. / 75 YEARS OF PROGRESS IN THE MINERAL INDUSTRY, 1871 - 1946, New York, 1947, cl, 817 pages, $ 30 Rickard, T. A. / A HISTORY OF AMERICAN MINING, New York, 1932, cl, 419 pages, - 3 -, $ 45 Robie, E. H. and Kennedy, E. J., Jr. / PROBLEMS OF CLAY AND LATERITE GENESIS, New York, 1952, cl, 244 pages, - 3 -, $ 24 Stephensen, W. B., / CENTENNIAL VOLUME, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1871-1970, New York, 1971, cl, 366 pages, - 3 -, $ 24 [History of AIME, World’s Mineral Resources, Mineral Economics, Future Technology, more...] Stuart, H., Editor / NIOBIUM, AIME PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, 1257 pages, - 1 -, $ 75 Indexes to AIME Transactions These index volumes are cloth bound in a manner very similar to the transaction volumes below Index to Volumes I-XV, $ 35 AIME Mining Transactions All of the following transactions are bound in the usual brown to red cloth binding unless specified otherwise; all books show some wear especially to the edges of the older leather bindings; the price of each volume is determined 1) by the condition of the binding, and 2) by the content and desirability of that content; most of these books fall into the - 3 - (privately owned) category: VOLUME 27, 1897 Contents include - The Handling of Material at the Blast-Furnace; Sorting before Sizing; The Chicago Main Drainage Channel; Some Dike Features of the Gogebic Iron-Range; Notes on the Northern Hills of South Dakota; Potsdam Gold-ores of the Black Hills; Genesis of Certain Auriferous Lodes, $ 60 VOLUME 31, 1901 Contents include: Delamar & Horn-Silver Mines: Two types of ore-deposits, Nevada and Utah; Influence of Country-Rock on Mineral Veins; The Role of Igneous Rocks in the Formation of Veins; The Formation of Bonanzas in the Upper Portions of Gold Veins; The Character and Genesis of Certain Contact Deposits, $ 45 VOLUME 33, 1903 Contents include: Tombstone Mining District, Arizona; Mining Industry of the Coeur d’Alenes, Idaho; Copper Deposits of the Sierra Oscura, New Mexico; Ore Deposits of the San Pedro District, New Mexico; The Gold Production of North America, New Mexico; The Chemistry of Ore Deposition; The Veins of Boulder and Kalgoorlie, Australia, bound in paper, $ 75 VOLUME 34, 1904 Contents include: Ontario: The Ore Deposits of Sudbury; Alaska: Treadwell Group of Mines, Douglas Islands, Origin of vein - filled openings in Southeastern Alaska; Arizona: Copper Deposits of the Kaibab Plateau, Geology and Copper Deposits of Bisbee, Cochise Co., Tombstone and its Mines, California: Mother Lode Gold Deposits; Montana: Notes on the Metallurgy of Montana; Nevada: Contact - Metamorphic Deposits in the Sierra Nevada Mountains; South Dakota: Metallurgy of Homestake Ore, bound in paper, $ 75 VOLUME 35, 1905 Contents include - South Dakota: Sulphide Smelting at the National Smelter, Horseshoe Mining, Rapid City, Crushing in Cyanide Solution, Black Hills, Cyanide Practice, Maitland Properties; Utah: Origin of Magnetic Iron Ore, Iron County; Alaska: Invest., Alaska’s Mineral Wealth, Geology of Treadwell Ore-Deposits, Douglas Island; Arizona: Genesis of Copper Deposits, Clifton - Morenci; Miscellaneous Articles: Effect of Silver on Chlorination / Bromination of Gold, Small chips on spine, ovg, $ 40 VOLUME 35, 1905 Contents include - South Dakota: Sulphide Smelting at the National Smelter, Horseshoe Mining, Rapid City, Crushing in Cyanide Solution, Black Hills, Cyanide Practice, Maitland Properties; Utah: Origin of Magnetic Iron Ore, Iron County; Alaska: Invest., Alaska’s Mineral Wealth, Geology of Treadwell Ore-Deposits, Douglas Island; Arizona: Genesis of Copper Deposits, Clifton - Morenci; Miscellaneous Articles: Effect of Silver on Chlorination / Bromination of Gold, binding is fine, $ 50 VOLUME 36, 1906 Contents include - Limestone - Granite contact deposits of Washington Camp, Arizona; Features of the Occurrence of ore at Red Mountain, Ouray County, Colorado; Improved method of slag treatment at Argo, Colorado; Occurrence of Stibnite at Steamboat Springs, Nevada; Quartz-Veins of Silver Peak, Nevada; Genesis of the Ore - Deposits at Bingham, Utah, $ 45 VOLUME 39, 1909 Contents include - Primary Gold in a Colorado Granite, Colorado; Genesis of the Lake Valley, Silver Deposits, New Mexico; Origin of Pegmatite; The Wilfley Table, II; Development - Sampling & Ore Valuation of Gold Mines; The Silver Mines of Mexico; The Treatment of the Gold-Ores of Hog Mountain, Alabama, $ 75 VOLUME 40, 1910 Contents include: A Reliable Steel Rail and How to Make It; Driving Headings in Rock Tunnels; The Laws of Fissures; Hydraulic Dredging for Gold-Bearing Gravels; Modern Progress in Mining and Metallurgy in the Western U.S.; Modern Practice of Ore Sampling, $ 40 VOLUME 42, 1912 Contents include: Mining Costs at Park City, Utah; Notes on the Liberty Bell Mine, Colorado; Cyanide Plant at the Treadwell Mines, Alaska; Gold Production in California, California; CA: Problems in California Gold-Dredging, California; Electrolytic Refining at the U.S. Mint; Manganese and Gold-enrichment, $ 40 VOLUME 43, 1913 Contents include: Geology and Ore deposits, Silverbell Mining District, Arizona; Geology of Harrison Gulch, Shasta County, California; Electric Hoist at Hecla, Idaho; # 2 Unit of the Mill, Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining, Idaho; Geology of the Tonopah Mining District, Nevada; Precambrian Rocks of the Hearney Peak District, South Dakota; Ore Treatment at Hecla, Washington; San Poil Mill, Republic, Washington, $ 55 VOLUME 44, 1913 Contents include: Titaniferous Iron-ore Deposits, Boulder County, Colorado; St. Helens Mining District, Montana; Fires in Metalliferous Mines; Chemistry of the Reduction Process, Anaconda, Montana; Recent Developments in the Inspection of Steel Rails; The St. Helens Mining District; Development of the Reverberatory Furnace for Smelting Copper Ores, $ 40 VOLUME 45, 1914 Contents include: London Mine, Mosquito Mining District, Park County, Colorado; Elk City Mining District, Idaho County, Idaho; The Sulphide Ores of Copper; The Hardinge Conical Mill; The Gay-Lussac Method of Silver Determination, $ 40 VOLUME 46, 1914 / Montana Volume Contents include: Applied geology in Butte Mines; Compressed Air System, Anaconda Mining Company; Electrification of the Butte, Anaconda & Pacific Railway; Mineral Associations at Butte; Ore Deposits at Butte; Precipitation of Copper from mine water; Shaft Sinking Methods of Butte; Southern Cross Mine, Georgetown; Timbering in Butte Mines; Use of Electricity in the Butte District; Mining cost Accounts, Anaconda Copper Mining Company; MacDougall Roasters, Great Falls Smelter, Anaconda Company; Anaconda Classifier; Roasting and Leaching Tailings at Anaconda, $ 250 VOLUME 47, 1913 Contents include: Draeger Oxygen Helments, Copper Queen Mine, Arizona; Preparation of Ore Containing Zinc for the Recovery of other Metals; Hardinge Mills vs. Chilean Mills; The Laws of Jointing; The Smelting of Copper Ores in the Electric Furnace, $ 30 VOLUME 48, 1914 Contents include: Geology and Ore Deposits of the Bully Hill Mining District, California; Cyanidation of Silver Sulphide at Ocampo, Mexico; The Origin of the “Garnet Zones’ and Associated Ore Deposits; Recrystallization of Limestone at Igneous Contacts, $ 30 VOLUME 49, 1915 Contents include: Arizona: Ajo Copper Mining District, Unit Construction Costs, Mining Methods at the Copper Queen Mines, Smelter of Arizona Copper Co.; Utah: Chloridizing Leaching at Park City, Bournonite, Jamesonite and Calamine, Park City, Descriptive Technology of Gold and Silver Metallurgy; California: Tests of Rock Drills, North Star Mine, Auriferous Gravel, Sierra County; Montana: Experimental Leaching - Anaconda, Lead Smelting - East Helena, Slime Concentrating - Anaconda, Development of the Round Table at Great Falls, Rope Idlers in the Raven Shaft - Raven Mine, The Drumlummon Mine - Marysville; Colorado: Copper Ores of the New London Mine, $ 75 VOLUME 50, 1915 Contents include: Book Cliffs Coal Field, Utah; Manganese Steel, Allotrophic Theory; Manganese Steel Rails; An Aerial Tramway for Mining Cliff Coal; Steep Pitch Mining of Thick Coal Seams; Chlorides in Oil-Field Waters, $ 35 VOLUME 51, 1915 Contents include: Montana: Boulder Batholith; California: Quicksilver at Oceanic Mine; Idaho: Underground Haulage, Bunker Hill & Sullivan; Arizona: Butchart Riffle System at Morenci, Mining Methods of the Arizona Co.; Utah: Mining Methods at Park City, $ 75 VOLUME 52, 1916 Contents include: South Dakota: Notes on Homestake Metallurgy; Nevada: The Tonopah Plant of the Belmont Milling Company; Arizona: Underground Mining systems of Ray Consolidated Copper Company; Churn - Drill Costs, Sacremento Hill; Tramming & Hoisting at Copper Queen Mine; Ventilation of the Copper Queen Mine; Montana: Fire - Fighting Methods at the Mountain View Mine, Butte; Concentrator of the Timer Butte Milling Company, Butte; Occurrence of Covellite at Butte; Idaho: Application of the Apex Law at Wardner; New Mexico: Geology of Burro Mtns. Copper District, $ 50 VOLUME 61, 1919 Contents include: Pyrite Deposits of Leadville, Arizona; Molybdenum Operations at Climax, Colorado; Mining Methods, United Verde Extension Mining Company, Arizona; Fireproofing Shafts, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Montana; Problems encountered during the recent fire, Utah-Apex Mine, Bingham Canyon, Utah; Tailing Excavator, New Cornelia Copper Co., Ajo, Arizona; Ore Deposits of the Southwest, water staining and some page wrinkling, $ 35 VOLUME 61, 1919 Contents include: Pyrite Deposits of Leadville, Arizona; Molybdenum Operations at Climax, Colorado; Mining Methods, United Verde Extension Mining Company, Arizona; Fireproofing Shafts, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Montana; Problems encountered during the recent fire, Utah-Apex Mine, Bingham Canyon, Utah; Tailing Excavator, New Cornelia Copper Co., Ajo, Arizona; Ore Deposits of the Southwest, no water staining, but some damage on spine, ovg, $ 40 VOLUME 63, 1920 Contents include: Ore Deposits of the Mogollon District, New Mexico; Mining Methods, Alaska Gastineau Mining Company, Alaska; Milling Plant, Alaska Gastineau Mining Company, Alaska; Crushing Practice, New Cornelia Copper Company, Arizona; Chilean-mill Practice, Portland Mill, Colorado; Method of Curtailing Forces, Copper Queen, Arizona; Educational Methods, Copper Queen, Arizona, $ 75 VOLUME 64, 1920 Contents include papers on the physical properties of metals and alloys, their resistance to corrosion, and their manufacture and electrical properties; also papers on refining techniques such as a reverbatory furnace for treating converter slag at Anaconda and the electrolytic zinc plant of Anaconda Copper Mining Company at Great Falls, $ 45 VOLUME 66, 1921 Contents include: Geology and Ore Deposits of the Jerome District, Mining Methods and Costs at the United Verde Mine, Arizona; Standardizing by North Butte Mining Company, Montana; Hoisting Equipment at Utah-Apex Mine, Utah; General Geology of Catorce Mining District, Mexico; Athens System of Mining; Skip Hoisting for Coal Mines; $ 45 VOLUME 68, 1923 Contents include: Montana Mining Methods and Installations, Anaconda Copper, Butte; Bureau of Safety, Anaconda Copper; Ventilation of Butte Mines Anaconda Copper; Underground Fire Prevention, Anaconda Copper; Electric Signal Installations, Butte; Electric Haulage Systems, Butte; Wire Rope and Safety in Hoisting, Butte; Stope Cost Records, Mine Contracts, Anaconda Copper; Organization of Mine Sampling, Anaconda; Handling Ore in Mines of Butte District; Arizona: Steam-shovel Operation at Bisbee; New Mexico: The Aztec Mine, Baldy; Miscellaneous Articles: Metal-mine Ventilation in the Southwest; Efficient Ventilation of Metal Mines, $ 75 VOLUME 69, 1923 Contents include: Present tendencies for exploration in new mines; Secondary enrichment at Eagle Mine, Bonanza, Colorado; Heaping leaching at Bisbee, Arizona; Installation of fire-fighting equipment in mines; Loading ore underground with scrapers at the Utah-Apex Mine, Utah; Emergency power for mines; Subsidence at Miami, Arizona; Federal taxation of mines, $ 60 VOLUME 70, 1924 Contents include: Hydrometallurgy of Lead; Ores in the Limestones at Bingham, Geological Features and Court Decisions of the Utah-Apex-Utah Consolidated Controversy, Bingham District, Utah; Role of Secondary Enrichment in Genesis of Butte Chalcocite, Montana; Ammonia Leaching of Calumet and Hecla Tailings; Surface Reactions in Flotation; Development of Mine Transportation in Clifton-Morenci District, Arizona; $ 45 VOLUME 71, 1925 Contents include: Mascot, Tennessee, Zinc area, Ducktown Copper District, Tennessee; Phosphate Deposits of Idaho; Notes on the Clinton Group of Alabama; numerous coal and metals papers, $ 40; copy with slight water staining, $ 30 VOLUME 72, 1925 Contents include: Mining Methods of the Miami Copper Company, Mining Methods and Costs at the Iron Cap Copper Co., Copper Hill, Mining Methods of Verde District, Sampling and Estimating Orebodies in the Warren District, Methods of Sampling / Estimating Ore, Copper Queen Branch, Arizona; Estimation of Ore Reserves and Mining Methods in Alaska’s Juneau Mine, Geology and Mining Methods of the Kennecott Mine, Alaska; Mining Methods at Cornucopia, Oregon; Mining Methods in the Butte District, Montana; Mining Methods in the Mother Lode District; California; Mining Methods in the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mines, Mining Methods of Hecla Mining Company, Mining Methods of the Morning Mines, Idaho, Mining Methods of the Homestake Mine, South Dakota; Mining Methods of the Silver King Coalition, Shovel Operations at Bingham, Deep Hole Prospecting, Chief Consolidated Mines, Utah; Mining Methods of the Cripple Creek District, Colorado; Mining Methods of the Jarbidge District, Nevada; Mining Methods in the Mogollon District, New Mexico; $ 125 VOLUME 73, 1926 Contents include: Recovery of Copper by Leaching, Ohio Copper Co., Lead Smelting, Unloading Ores, Coarse Crushing, Magna Plant, Utah Copper Co., Utah; Classification in Witwatersrand Mills; Borate Deposits near Kramer, California; Microscopic structure of Copper, $ 40 VOLUME 74, 1926 Contents include: Electrical and Electromagnetic Prospecting; Relations of Metalliferous Lode Systems to Igneous Intrusives; Magmas, Dikes and Veins; Notes on the Geology of East Tintic, Utah; Iron Fields of the Iron Springs and Pinto Mining Districts, Iron County, Utah; Ore Deposition and Enrichment at the Magma Mine, Superior, Arizona; Discussion of Theory of Mine Ventilation; Mining Methods in Grass Valley District, California, $ 50 VOLUME 75, 1927 Contents include: Ore at Deep Levels, Cripple Creek District, Colorado; Underground Air Conditions, Tonopah, Geology of Pioche, Nevada; Magnesite Mining, California; Mining Districts and Their Relation to Structural Geology; Growth of Metallic Crystals; Reserves of Lake Superior Manganiferous Iron Ores, Michigan; Disseminated Copper Deposits in Porphyry to Igneous Intrusives, $ 45 VOLUME 75, 1927 Contents include: Ore at Deep Levels, Cripple Creek District, Colorado; Underground Air Conditions, Tonopah, Geology of Pioche, Nevada; Magnesite Mining, California; Mining Districts and Their Relation to Structural Geology; Growth of Metallic Crystals; Reserves of Lake Superior Manganiferous Iron Ores, Michigan; Disseminated Copper Deposits in Porphyry to Igneous Intrusives, except more wear and damage along spine, $ 35 VOLUME 76, 1928 Contents include: Latouche System of Mining, Beatson Mine, Kennecott Copper, Alaska; Mining Methods and Records United Eastern Mine, Arizona; Geology of the Moffat Tunnel, Colorado; Report of Committee on Metal Mine Ventilation; The Classification of Coal; Research in Process of Ore Deposition; Geology of the Red Lake and Woman Lake Gold Areas, Northwestern Ontario, Canada, $ 40 1929 Metal Mining Contents include: Subsidence from Block Caving at Miami Mine, Arizona; Handling of fine ores and concentrates in Salt Lake Valley Lead Smelters; Transverse Faults at Kennecott and their relation to the main Fault Systems; Silver-bearing minerals of some ores from the Tintic Mining District, $ 40 1930 Milling Transactions Crushing and Grinding; Differential Grinding Applied to Tailing Retreatment; Chemical Reactions in Floatation; Calculations in Ore Dressing; Microscopic Studies of Mill Products as a aid to operation at the Utah Copper Mills, $ 40 1930 Metal Mining, Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Transactions Contents include: Miami Copper Company Method of Mining Low-grade Orebody, Arizona; Vertical and Incline Shaft Sinking at North Star Mine, California; Protective Measures Against Gas Hazards at United Verde Mine, Arizona; Lead Refining at the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Company, Idaho, $ 45 1931 Metal Mining, Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Transactions Contents include: Mining Methods and Costs at Presidio Mine of the American Metal Company of Texas; application of the wire saw in Marble Quarrying; Barite in California; Some Relations of Ore Deposits to Folded rocks; Age and Structure of the Vein Systems at Butte, Montana; ore deposition in open fissures formed by solution pressure, $ 40 Volume 106, 1933 This is the Copper Metallurgy, Rocky Mountain Fund Volume on Copper Metallurgy volume; contents include the topics of Smelting, Converting, Plant Descriptions, Waste-heat Boiler Practive, Refining, Refining, and Leaching; several articles in this volume are: History of Reverberatory Smelting in Montana, 1879 - 1933, Development of Copper Converting at Butte and Anaconda, Copper-refinery waste-heat boilers at Great Falls Reduction Department, Anaconda, $ 60 VOLUME 115, 1935 Contents include: Structural Associations of certain Metalliferous Deposits in Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico; Tectonic position of Ore Districts in the Rocky Mountain Region; Distribution of Silver in Base-metal Ores; Veins and Faults in the Bralorne Mine; Geology of Elk City Mining District, Idaho; Central Mining District, New Mexico; Hog Mountain Gold District, Alabama; $ 50 VOLUME 126, 1937, Metal Mining and Mining Geology Contents include: Slot system of Mining at Golden Queen Mine; Construction & equipment of the Ross Shaft, Homestake Mining Company; Methods and Costs of handling & breaking ore & rock bulldozing chambers [Alaska Treadwell Mine; Alaska Gastineau Mine; Alaska Juneau Mine; Beatson Mine, Latouche]; Concreting drifts at Ray Mines Division of Kennecott Copper Corp.; Control of underground mine fires at the Tintic Standard Mine; Ore deposition in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming; Structure & mineralization along the London Fault; cl, - 2 -, $ 40 VOLUME 134, 1939, Rocky Mountain Fund Volume on Milling Methods Contents include: this is the Milling Methods volume giving the details of new flotation and milling developments in 1939, use of cyanide, principles of flotation, etc., $ 40 VOLUME 138, 1940 Contents include: Geophysics Volume with a symposium on Geophysical Prospecting; 8 papers on magnetic methods; 3 papers on gravitational methods; 8 papers on seismic methods; 5 papers on electrical methods; 1 paper on electromagnetic and radioactive methods, $ 40 VOLUME 141, 1940, Rocky Mountain Fund Volume on Metal Mining Contents include: Preliminary Stripping, Morenci Open Pit; Sand Filling at the Homestake Mine; Safety & Health Efforts of Anaconda; Ventilation & Dust Prevention in Butte; Some Outstanding Mine Hoisting Equipment, $ 40 VOLUME 144, 1941 Contents include: Structure of Ore Districts in the Continental Framework; Structural Control of Ore Deposition in Fissure Veins; Geology of the Getchell Mine; Geology of the McIntyre Mine; Geology of the Gold Quartz Veins of Cornucopia, $ 40 VOLUME 153, 1943, Metal Mining and Milling Methods Contents include: Mining Methods, United Verde Mine; Trucking Operations, New Cornelia Mine; Blasting Practices, New Cornelia Open Pit Copper Mine; Ball-mill grinding, New Cornelia; Climax Milling Practice; Ventilation at the Climax Mine; Improvements in Mining Practice in the Butte District; Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Butte Mines; Driving a 540 foot raise at Nivloc; Metallurgy & Milling, Getchell Mine; Development & Dewatering, Park City Consolidated Mines, $ 40 VOLUME 163, 1945 / Mining Practice Volume / Contents include: Changing Mining Methods at Holden Mine; Block Caving at the Mines of Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co.; Geologic Structure, Climax in Relation to Mining and Block Caving; Chute and Grizzly System & the Slusher System at Climax; Gadgets & Innovations, Climax; Gadgets & Innovations, Consolidated Copper Mines Corporation; Haulage, Dispatching, Emma, & Morris Brooks Mines, Kimberly; Electrification of Climax Molybdenum Co., Climax; Dust Sampling, Climax Molybdenum, $ 40 VOLUME 181, 1949 Contents include: Health and Safety in Operations of the Consolidated Coppermines Corporation; Mining by top slicing at the Negaunee Mine, Michigan; Laying Panel Track at the Morenci Open pit; Recent Developments in Mechanization at the Bunker Hill Mine; Determination of Room and Pillar Dimensions for the Oil-Shale Mine at Rifle, Colorado; more....$ 20 VOLUME 187, 1950 Contents include: Sinking Star Shaft at Vanadium; Radioactivity at the Caribou Silver Mine, Boulder County; Health and Safety Practices at Pioche; Dust Control in Metal Mines, $ 25 VOLUME 190, 1951 Contents include: Recent Operating Improvements at Kennecott’s Utah Copper Mine; Classification of Block Caving and Draw Methods; Geology, Mining, and uses of Stategic Pegmatites, $ 25 VOLUME 193, 1952 Contents include: Deep Hole Prospect Drilling at Miami, Tiger, and San Manuel; Control Methods at Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company, $ 25 VOLUME 196, 1953 Contents include: Mine Drainage at Eureka Corporation Ltd., Eureka; The Use of Wooden Rock Bolts in the Day Mines; Block Caving at Bunker Hill Mine; Uranium Mineralization in the Sunshine Mine; Localization of Pyrometasomatic Ore Deposits, Johnson Camp; Mineralization and Hydrothermal alteration in the Hercules Mine, Burke, $ 25 VOLUME 202, 1955 Contents include: Hydrothermal Alteration at the Climax Molybdenum Deposit; Pumping Test Evaluates Water Problems at Eureka; Structure and Strat. Control of Ore Deposits in the W. Shasta Cu-Zn District; Mining and Conc. Spodumene in the Black Hills; Chollet Project, Stevens Co., $ 25 VOLUME 205, 1956 Contents include: Mining Methods at the Iron King Mine, Modernization of Bunker Hill Presintering Practices, Uranium Deposits in the Black Hills, Oxidation and Enrichment of the Manganese Deposits of Butte, $ 25 VOLUME 208, 1957 Contents include: Foundations for Mill Construction on Clay and Permafrost; Tailings Disposal at Braden Copper Company; Grinding Magnetic Taconite in Rod Mills; Evaluation of Mine Drainage Water; Selection of Mine Hoisting Ropes, $ 25 VOLUME 211, 1958 Contents include: Planning Deep Mining at Homestake; Lucky Friday Mine: History, Geology, and Development; Lineament Tectonics of some Ore Districts of the Southwest, $ 25 VOLUME 214, 1959 Contents include: Geochemical Study of Pb-Ag-Zn Ore from the Darwin Mine, Inyo County; Geology of the Ross-Adams Uranium-Thorium Deposit; Gem Stocks and Adjacent Orebodies, Coeur d’Alene; Midnight Mine - Geology and Development, $ 25 VOLUME 217, 1960 Contents include: History and Development of the San Manuel Mine, Arizona; Ground Movement and Subsidence from Block Caving at Miami Mine, Arizona; Tectonic History of the Basin and Range Province; Geological Setting of the Nickel Occurrences on Jumbo Mountain, Washington; Age of Coeur d’Alene Mineralization, Idaho; Bonanza Project, Bear Creek Mining Company, Colorado; and Tectonic Control of Mineral Belts in the SW Colorado Metallogenic Provinces, $ 25 VOLUME 220, 1961 Contents include: Significance of Mineralized Breccia Pipes; Statistical Measures used in Geochemical Investigations of Colorado Plateau Uranium Deposits; Mechanics of Rock Slopes; Blasting Theories and Seismic Waves; Pressure Grouting at the San Manuel Mine; Theory and Practice of Rock Belting, $ 25 VOLUME 223, 1962 Contents include: Belt Series in Lincoln and Southwest Flathead Counties, Montana, and Geological Aspects of Construction of the Harold D. Roberts Tunnel, Colorado, $ 25 VOLUME 229, 1964 Contents include: Origin of the Disseminated Ore in Sedimentary Rocks, Robinson Mining District, Nevada; Mg/Ca Ratios in Carbonate Wall-Rock in the Alma-Horseshoe District, Colorado; Chemical Upgrading of Stillwater Chromite, Montana, $ 25 VOLUME 235, 1966 Contents include: AZ: Geology and some structural features of the Courtland-Gleeson area, Cochise County, Arizona; Uranium deposits at Kane Creek, Utah, $ 25 VOLUME 241, 1968 Contents include: Regional Metallotectonic Zoning in Mexico; Geology and Mineralization of the Main Mineral Zone of the Santa Eulalia District, Chihuahua, Mexico; Structural Elements of Ore Search in the Basin and Range Province, Southeast Arizona; The Abnormal Behavior of some Ore Constituents and their effect on Blast Furnace Operation, $ 25 VOLUME 244, 1969 Contents include: Ore Deposits at Copper Canyon and Copper Basin, Lander County, Nevada; Tailings disposal and liquefaction; Some Basic Concepts in Uranium Mine Ventilation; Theoretical and Practical Studies on Dump Leaching, $ 25 VOLUME 250, 1971 Contents include: In place Leaching at Miami Mine, Automated rotary car dumps and ore hosits at the San Manuel Mine, Regional Geochemical Recon. Of the Bradshaw Mountains, Arizona; Prospecting significance....Montezuma District, Colorado; Predicting the shape of intrusive bodies...Crazy Mountains & Little Rocky Mountains, Mountains; Stability of Waste Dumps at Kennecott’s Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, $ 25 VOLUME 254, 1973 Contents include: Mineralization and alteration at Pima Mine, Ore genesis in the Morenci-Metcalf District, Arizona; Magnetic susceptibility study of some Coeur d’ Alene ores and rocks, Idaho; Design of the Leadville Concentrator, Colorado; Recovery of Gold from carbonaceous ores at Carlin, Nevada; $ 25 VOLUME 256, 1974 Contents include: Henderson Ore Body - Elements of Discovery, Relfections; Porphyry Copper - Molybdenum Deposits of the Pacific NW; Exploration for Deeply Buried Porphyry Copper Deposits in the SW U.S., $ 25 VOLUME 260, 1976 Contents include: Hot Springs Hg Deposition at McDermitt Mine, Humboldt County, Origin of McDermitt Caldera in Nevada and Oregon and related Hg Deposits, Stable Isotopes and Geology of the Copper Canyon Porphyry Copper Deposit, Lander County, Colorado; Ore Deposition as Related to Tectonics and Magmatism; Locomotive-type Post-ore Fangliomerate as Exploration Guides for Porphyry Copper Deposits, Arizona; Reclaiming Mined Lands, Alaska; Caving Properties of Climax Ore Body, Colorado; Igneous Activity, Tectonics, and Hydrothermal Precious-Metal Mineralization in the Great Basin, $ 25 VOLUME 264, 1978 Contents include: Rock Deformation around mine drifts at the Burgin Mine, Geologic Aspects of Recent Exploration & Development in the Park City Ag-Pb-Zn District, Utah; Hydrology of Fractured Crystalline Rocks, Henderson Mine, Colorado; $ 25 AIME Smelting, Beneficiation, Reduction and Refining Transactions VOLUME 159, 1944 Reduction and Refining of Nonferrous Metals Contents include papers on Copper, Lead, Zinc, Aluminum, Magnesium, Ferroalloying Metals, and Minor Metals, $ 40 VOLUME 182, 1949 Non-Ferrous Smelting and Refining Contents include papers on the topic of extractive metallurgy involving magnesium, copper, zinc, cobalt, lithium, manganese, mercury, and vanadium, $ 40 VOLUME 183, 1949 Minerals Beneficiation Contents include papers on Mill Flowsheets and Practices, Floatation, Electrostatic Separation, Sink-float Separation and Calculations, $ 40 AIME Institute of Metals Division Transactions 1929 Contents include: Corrosion of Metals as Affected by Stress, Time and Number of Cycles, Inhibition of Corrosion of Aluminum by Soaps, Treatment and Structure of Magnesium Alloys, Diffusion of Zinc into Copper, more...,$ 20 1931 Contents include: X-ray Metallography, Theoretical Metallurgy, Fabrication of the Platinum Metals, The Working of Metals, more..., $ 20 VOLUME 111, 1934 Contents include: Influence of a Grain Boundary on the Deformation of a Single Crystal of Zinc, Strength and Aging Characteristics of the Nickel Bronzes, Equilbrium in the Lead-zinc System with Special Reference to Liquid Solubility, Solulbility of Oxygen in Solid Copper, more..., $ 20 VOLUME 117, 1935 Contents include: Gases in Metals, Influence of Lattice Distortion on Diffusion in Metals, Thermal and Electrical Conductivities of Copper Alloys, Physical and Casting Properties of the Nickel Silvers, more..., $ 20 VOLUME 122, 1936 Contents include: Diffusion in Solid Metals, Properties and Alloys of Beryllium, Theory of Metallic Crystal Aggregates, Density Changes in Solid Aluminum Alloys, more..., $ 20 VOLUME 124, 1937 Contents include: Equilibrium Relations in the Nickel-tin System, Aging Phenomena in a Silver-rich Copper Alloy, Lead coating of Steel, Influence of Temperature on Elastic Limit of Single Crystals of Aluminum, Silver, and Zinc, more..., $ 20 VOLUME 128, 1938 Contents include: Production and Some Testing Methods of Metal Powders, Cemented Tungsten Carbide Alloys, The Yield Point in Metals, A Theory of Diffusion in Solids, more..., $ 20 VOLUME 133, 1939 Contents include: The Creep of Metals, Development of Abnormally Large Grain Sizes in Rolled and Annealed Copper Sheet, Rates of Diffusion of Copper and Zinc in Alpha Brass, Tarnish Films on Copper, more..., $ 20 VOLUME 137, 1940 Contents include: Structure of Aluminum after Compression, Recrystallation of lead, Extrusion of Tin and its alloys, pure silicon, Tensile Strengths at Elevated Temperatures of Fine Wires of Some Platinum Alloys, more..., $ 20 VOLUME 143, 1941 Contents include: Some Fundamentals of the Flow and Rupture of Metals, Some Practical Observations on Inverse Segregation, On the Equilibrium Solidification of Solid Solutions, Creep and Recrystallation of Lead, more..., $ 20 VOLUME 152, 1943 Contents include papers on Physical Metallurgy, Copper and Brass, Alloys of Aluminum and Magnesium, Heavy Metals and Alloys, and Nonferrous Reduction Metallurgy, more..., $ 20 VOLUME 156, 1944 Contents include papers on Physical Metallurgy, Copper and Copper-rich Alloys, Miscellaneous Alloys, Practical Aspects of Diffusion, more..., $ 20 VOLUME 161, 1945 Contents include papers on Physical Metallurgy, Copper and Copper-rich Alloys, more..., $ 20 End of AIME Catalog! 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