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Alabama Catalog Individual Technical Publications Technical Publication 268: Pike, R. D., / ELECTRICAL IRON FROM SULFIDE ORES, New York, pb, 35 pages, $ 10 Techncal Publication 776: Johnson, N. O. / MINING METHODS AND ORE ESTIMATIONS AT THE HOG MOUNTAIN MINE, ALABAMA, New York, 1937, pb, 12 pages, $ 15 Individual AIME articles related to mines, claims, and minerals of the Appalachian area of the United States written prior to 1900 Extraction from AIME Volume 25, 1895: Blake, W. P., / NOTES AND RECOLLECTIONS CONCERNING THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF NORTHERN GEORGIA AND WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, Atlanta, 1895, pb, 15 pges, $ 20 Extraction from AIME Volume 25, 1895: Brewer, W. M. / THE GOLD MINING REGIONS OF GEORGIA AND ALABAMA, Atlanta, 1895, pb, 18 pages, $ 20 Extraction from AIME Volume 26, 1896: Brewer, W. M. / FURTHER NOTES ON THE ALABAMA AND GEORGIA GOLD FIELDS, 1896, pb, 8 pages, $ 10 Alabama USGS Professional Papers: PP 274 J / Stephenson, L. W. / FOSSILS FROM THE EUTAW FORMATION, CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER REGION, ALABAMA-GEORGIA, 1956, pages 227 - 250, 8 plates, 1 figure, $ 16 Alabama USGS Bulletins: B 940 / Roberts, R. J., / STRATEGIC MINERALS INVESTIGATIONS, 1943, 1944, 285 pages, cl, 55 plates, 28 figs., $ 100 [Contents include: A - Rose Creek Tungsten Mine, Pershing County, Nevada; B - Manganese Deposits of the Elkton Area, Virginia; C - Geophysical surveys in the Ochoco Quicksilver District, Oregon; D - Vanadium-bearing magnetite-ilmenite deposits, near Lake Sanford, Essex, New York; E - Occurrence of manganese in eastern Aroostook County, Maine; F - Manganese deposits of the Lyndhurst and Rockbridge Counties, Virginia; G - Manganese deposits of the Sweet Springs District, West Virginia and Virginia; H - Manganese deposits of the Flat Top and Round Mountain District, Bland and Giles Counties, Virginia; I - Tungsten deposits in the Boriana District and the Aquaris Range, Mohave County, Arizona; J - Cobalt-bearing manganese deposits of Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee] B 940 J / Pierce, W. G. / COBALT BEARING MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF ALABAMA, GEORGIA, AND TENNESSEE, 1944, pb, 20 pages, 8 plates, $ 10 B 1087 E / Glover, L. / STRATIGRAPHY AND URANIUM CONTENT OF THE CHATTANOOGA SHALE IN NORTHEASTERN ALABAMA, NORTHWESTERN GEORGIA, AND EASTERN TENNESSEE, 1959, pb, 35 pages, 5 plates (in pocket), 5 figs., 2 tables, $ 10 B 1142 I / Espenshade, G. H. / GEOLOGY OF SOME COPPER DEPOSITS IN NORTH CAROLINA, VIRGINIA, AND ALABAMA, 1963, pb, 150 pages, 7 plates (in pocket), 2 figs., 2 tables, $ 14 B 1884 / Dowsett, H. J. / DOCUMENTATION OF THE SANTONIAN-CAMPANIAN AND AUSTINIAN-TAYLORAN STAGE BOUNDARIES IN MISSISSIPPI AND ALABAMA USING CALCAREOUS MICROFOSSILS, 1989, pb, 20 pages, 7 plates, 7 figs., 3 tables, $ 7 Alabama USGS GQ Maps: GQ 0113 / GEOLOGY OF THE EPES QUADRANGLE, $ 10 Alabama USGS MF Maps: MF 0175 / RED IRON-ORE BEDS OF SILURIAN AGE IN NORTHEASTERN ALABAMA, NORTHWESTERN GEORGIA AND EASTERN TENNESSEE, $ 10 MF 1059 / SEISMICITY MAP OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA, 1:000,000 scale, $ 10 MF 1561 C / MINERAL RESOURCE POTENTIAL OF THE ADAMS GAP AND SHINBONE CREEK ROADLESS AREAS, ALABAMA, $ 10 MF 2214 / GEOCHEMICAL RECONNAISSANCE OF THE BLUE HILL AND GREGORY HILL GOLD MINES AND VICINITY, TALLAPOOSA COUNTY, ALABAMA, $ 10 Alabama USGS I Maps: I 0476 / MAP SHOWING DISTRIBUTION OF ULTRAMAFIC AND INTRUSIVE MAFIC ROCKS FROM NORTHERN NEW JERSEY TO EASTERN ALABAMA, $ 10 USGS Folios for each state are now listed separately Alabama USBM Publications: IC 8261 / BROWN IRON ORE RESOURCES: BARBOUR, BUTLER, CRENSHAW, AND PIKE COUNTIES, ALABAMA, pb, $ 15 RI 4660 / INVESTIGATION OF GILLEY FLUORSPAR DEPOSITS, CHEROKEE CO., ALABAMA, $ 6 RI 4976 / INVESTIGATION OF ALABAMA MANGANESE DEPOSITS, CALHOUN, CHEROKEE, AND CLEBURNE COUNTIES, ALABAMA, pb, $ 25 RI 4988 / THE FUTURE OF BIRMINGHAM RED IRON ORE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, PART 1. HISTORY AND ORE RESERVES, PART 2. CONCENTRATION, pb, $ 20 RI 5623 / CONCENTRATING ARGILLACEOUS SURFACE IRON ORE OF TUSCALOOSA COUNTY, ALABAMA, pb, $ 6 RI 6123 / FLOTATION OF NORTHEAST BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, HEMATITE ORES, pb, $ 5 RI 6589 / ANIONIC-CATIONIC FLOTATION OF MICA ORES FROM ALABAMA AND NORTH CAROLINA, pb, $ 15 or pdf, $ 20 RI 7159 / FLOTATION OF MICA FROM PEGMATITES OF RANDOLPH COUNTY, pdf, $ 20 RI 7251 / RECOVERING GOLD FROM A GRAPHITE SCHIST FROM TALLAPOOSA COUNTY, ALABAMA, $ 12 RI 7263 / FLOTATION OF MUSCOVITE FROM ALABAMA GRAPHITIC-MICA SCHIST ORE, pdf, $ 10 RI 8071 / BENEFICATION OF ALABAMA CLAYS, pb, $ 8 RI 8189 / GEOLOGY OF THE MARY LEE GROUP OF COAL BEDS, BLACK WARRIOR COAL BASIN, ALABAMA, $ 46 RI 8295 / COAL RESOURCES OF THE FABIUS-FLAT ROCK AREA, JACKSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, pb, $ 8 RI 8669 / DEGASIFICATION OF THE MARY LEE COALBED, BROOKWOOD, ALABAMA, $ 28 Alabama Geological Survey Publications: Gibson, A. M. / REPORT ON THE GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF MURPHREE’S VALLEY AND ITS MINERALS AND OTHER MATERIALS OF ECONOMIC VALUE, Montgomery, 1893, afb, 132 pages, - 3 -, $ 75 Lloyd, S. J. and Toulmin, L. D. / REPORT OF PROGRESS FOR THE FISCAL YEARS 1938 - 1942, University, 1943, afb, 69 pages, - 3 -, $ 25 Smith, E. A. / REPORT ON THE CAHABA COAL FIELD by J. Squire, with an appendix on the Geology of the Valley Regions adjacent to the Cahaba Field, Montgomery, 1890, cl, 189 pages, 31 figs., 7 plates, the separate map of the Cahaba Field and Adjacent in not included; this is the cleanest copy of the book I have ever offered, - 3 -, $ 65 Smith, E. A. / REPORT UPON THE COOSA COAL FIELD WITH SECTIONS BY A. M. GIBSON, Montgomery, 1895, afb, 145 pages, - 5 -, $ 39 [includes the following sections: topography, Ragland Basin, Fairview Section, Coal City Basin, Black Ankle Basin, Kelley’s Creek Basin, Howard Basin, Peavine Creek Section and Yellow Leaf Section] Smith, E. A. / REPORT OF PROGRESS FOR 1875, Montgomery, 1876, afb, 220 pages, - 3 -, $ 95 [contents include: Outlines of the Geological Formations; Geological Features of the Fields and Character of the Coals; Records of Drill Borings in Warrior Coal Basin; List of Coal Plants; Metamorphic Region - Wood’s Copper Mine] Smith, E. A. / REPORT OF PROGRESS FOR 1876, Montgomery, 1876, afb, 99 pages, - 3 -, $ 75 [Roup’s and Jones’ Valleys Geological History and Economic Materials; Coosa Coal Field and Adjacent Formations; Fauna of Alabama] Smith, E. A. / Report of Progress for 1876 / ROUP’S AND JONES’ VALLEYS, COOSA COAL FIELD AND ADJACENT, FAUNA OF ALABAMA: Fresh Water and Land Shells; Montgomery, 1876, afb, 99 pages, 1 plate (Coosa Coal Field), slight creases in first 4 pages, repair to chip on page 55, smudges on pages 30/31, ovg, - 3 -, $ 50 Alabama Geological Survey Monographs: M 7 / IRON MAKING IN ALABAMA, 3rd Edition, University, 1912, cl, 254 pages, 2 figs., 31 plates, - 3 -, $ 60 M 9 / ECONOMIC BOTANY OF ALABAMA PART 2, CATALOG OF THE TREES, SHRUBS, AND VINES OF ALABAMA, WITH THEIR ECONOMIC PROPERTIES AND LOCAL DISTRIBUTION, University, 1928, pb, 357 pages, 23 maps, 66 figs., - 3 -, $ 20 Alabama Geological Survey Special Publications: SP 18 / Carlston, C. W. / GROUNDWATER RESOURCES OF THE CRETACEOUS AREA OF ALABAMA, 1944, pb, 203 pages, 6 plates (5 in pocket), 23 figs., - 3 -, $ 15 Alabama Geological Survey Special Reports: SR 1 / Smith, E. A. / WARRIOR COAL FIELD; COUNTY DETAILS (Marion, Winston, Cullman, Lamar, Fayette, Walker, Jefferson, Tuscalossa), RACCOON MOUNTAIN COAL FIELD, Montgomery, 1886, cl, 571 pages, - 5 -, small chips on spine, ovg, $ 90 SR 3, 4, 5 / McCalley, H. / REPORT OF THE COAL MEASURES OF THE PLATEAU REGION OF ALABAMA AND THE COAL MEASURES OF BLOUNT COUNTY BY A. M. GIBSON, 1891, 132 pages, - 5 -, $ 100 SR 14 / Adams, G. I., / GEOLOGY OF ALABAMA, University, 1926, cl, 312 pages, 97 plates, correlation chart, geologic map (in pocket), - 5 -, $ 65 Alabama Geological Survey Bulletins: B 40 / Adams, G. I. / GOLD DEPOSITS OF ALABAMA AND OCCURRENCES OF COPPER, PYRITE, ARSENIC, AND TIN, University, 1968, pb, 91 pages, 6 figs., 4 plates (planned, but never actully produced), - 2 -, $ 45; also available, used copy, $ 30 B 45 / Adams, G. I. and Jones, W. B. / BARITE DEPOSITS OF ALABAMA, University 1940, pb, 38 pages, 9 figs., - 5 -, $ 15 B 47 / Jones, W. B. / BAUXITE DEPOSITS OF ALABAMA, University, 1940, pb, 94 pages, 42 figs., - 3 -, $ 18 B 48 / Monroe, W. H. / NOTES ON DEPOSITS OF SELMA AND RIPLEY AGE IN ALABAMA, University, 1941, pb, 150 pages, 2 plates, 15 figs., - 5 -, $ 32 B 52 / Carlson, C. W. / FLUORIDE IN THE GROUND WATER OF THE CRETACEOUS AGE OF ALABAMA, University, 1942, afb, 67 pages, 1 plate (in pocket), 2 figs., 2 tables, - 3 -, $ 26 B 59 / LaMoreaux, P. E. / FLUORIDE IN THE GROUND WATER OF THE TERTIARY AREA OF ALABAMA, University, 1948, pb, 77 pages, 3 charts, 20 tables, 1 plate (in pocket), - 5 -, $ 28 B 67 / Hastings, E. L. / BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ALABAMA GEOLOGY, 1935 - 1958, University, 1960, pb, 138 pages, - 5 -, $ 18 B 94 E / LaMoreaux, P. E., / HYDROLOGY OF LIMESTONE TERRANES WITH AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARBONATE ROCKS, University, 1975, pb, 168 pages, 1 table, - 5 -, $ 25 B 105 / Stringfield, V. T., / KARST AND PALEOHYDROLOGY OF CARBONATE ROCKS TERRANES IN SEMIARID AND ARID REGIONS WITH A COMPARISON TO HUMID KARST OF ALABAMA, University, 1974, pb, 106 pages, 28 figs., - 5 -, $ 20 B 109 / Neathery, T. L. and Reynolds, J. W. / GEOLOGY OF THE LINEVILLE EAST, OFELIA, WADLEY NORTH AND MELLOW VALLEY QUADRANGLES, ALABAMA, University, 1975, pb, 120 pages, 7 plates (in separate pocket), 37 figs., 4 tables, - 5 -, $ 25 B 124 / Smith, W. E. / GEOMORPHOLOGY OF COASTAL BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA, Tuscaloosa, 1986, pb, 86 pages, 23 figs., 2 tables, - 2 -, $ 26 Alabama Geological Survey Information Series: IS 64G / Dean, L. S., Ed. / MINERALS IN ALABAMA, Tuscaloosa, 1989, pb, 44 pages, - 2 -, $ 20 IS 47 / Smith, W. E. and Gilbert, O. E. / MINING AND MINERALS IN ALABAMA, 38 pages, 32 figs., - 2 -, $ 15 Alabama Geological Survey Circulars: C 27 / LaMont, W. E. and Hastings, E. L. / RESOURCE AND BENEFICIATION STUDIES OF COPPER-BEARING PYRITE ORE, PYRITON, CLAY COUNTY, ALABAMA, University, 1964, 27 pages, 8 figs., 5 tables, - 5 -, $ 15 C 50 / Neathery, T. L. / SULFIDE MINERALIZATION IN THE CRAGFORD DISTRICT, CLAY AND RANDOLPH COUNTIES, ALABAMA, University, 1968, pb, 52 pages, 12 plates (11 in pocket, plate 12 is missing), 12 figs., 4 tables, - 5 -, $ 25 C 85 / Hughes, T. H., / BARITE IN ALABAMA, University, 1973, pb, 43 pages, 13 figs., 4 tables, - 5 -, $ 15 C 93 / Gilbert, O. E., Jr. / BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALABAMA, EXCLUSIVE OF COAL, IRON, AND PETROLEUM, University, 1974, pb, 53 pages, - 5 -, $ 10 C 157 / Winston, R. B. and Phillips, T. L. / A STRUCTURALLY PRESERVED, LOWER PENNSYLVANIAN FLORA FROM THE NEW CASTLE COAL BED OF ALABAMA, Tuscaloosa, 1991, pb, 21 pages, 14 figs., 4 tables, - 3 -, $ 16 Alabama Geological Survey County Reports: CR 1 / Prouty, W. F. / GEOLOGICAL MAP OF CLAY COUNTY / GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF CLAY COUNTY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE GRAPHITE INDUSTRY, University, 1923, afb, 185 pages + index, 26 plates, 53 figs., - 3 -, $ 45 Alabama Museum Papers: MP 19 / Wimberly, S. B. and Tourtelot, H. A. / THE McQUORQUODALE MOUND, A MANIFESTATION OF THE HOPEWELLIAN PHASE IN SOUTH ALABAMA, University, 1941, pb, 42 pages, 16 figs., - 2 -, $ 25 Alabama Miscellaneous Publications: Drummond, M. S, and Green, N. L., Ed. / GRANITES OF ALABAMA, Tuscaloosa, 1897, pb, 343 pages, - 2-, $ 20; another copy with slight wrinkle to bottom of pages, ovg, $ 15 McCalley, H. / REPORT ON THE WARRIOR COAL BASIN OF ALABAMA, Jacksonville, 1900, cl, 327 pages, repairs to cover, spine, last page replaced, 7 plates, 50 figs., no separate map, ovg, - 4 -, $ 75 Neathery, T. L., Ed. / DNAG CENTENNIAL FIELD GUIDE VOLUME 6: Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, Boulder, 1986, cl, 457 pages, - 1 -, $ 40 [Book is divided into three sections: Interior low plateaus and Appalachian Valley & Ridge; Blue Ridge and Piedmont; and Atlantic and Gulf Coast Plains] Tull, J. F., Bearce, D. N., and Guthrie, G. M. / EARLY EVOLUTION OF THE APPALACHIAN MIOGEOCLINE: UPPER PRECAMBRIAN – LOWER PALEOZOIC STRATIGRAPHY OF THE TALLADEGA SLATE BELT, Guidebook for the 22nd Annual Trip, Alabama Geological Society, 1985, spiral bound, 92 pages, - 2 -, $ 35 End of the Alabama Catalog! Click on any link to continue. Home Page Catalogs on this Website Mineral Specimens Mineralogy Books Select Mineral Books Select Railroad BooksGeology Books U.S. State Geology USGS Publications Ore Deposits Paleontology Books |