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Abercrombie, W. R., Captain, 2nd US Infantry / COPPER RIVER EXPLORING EXPEDITION, ALASKA, 1899, 1900, cl, 169 pages, 169 pages (1 loose in book), - 3 -, $ 89 [Book rebound with soft leatherette; book is an an account of the Army building roads, bridges, and general reconnaissance of Alaska] Ager, T. A. / LATE QUATERNARY ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY OF THE TANANA VALLEY, ALASKA, Institute of Polar Studies Report No. 54, Columbus, 1975, pb, 117 pages, 4 appendices, 1 plate (in pocket), 27 figs., - 3 -, $ 16 Berton, P. / THE KLONDIKE FEVER: THE LIFE AND DEATH OF THE LAST GREAT GOLD RUSH, New York, 1958, pb, 457 pages, index, - 2 -, $ 20 Berton, P. / THE KLONDIKE FEVER: THE LIFE AND DEATH OF THE LAST GREAT GOLD RUSH, New York, 1958, cl, 457 pages, index, - 3 -, $ 20 Brown, C. J. / YUKON MINING DEVELOPMENTS, 1966, PRESENTED AT THE NORTHWEST MINING ASSOCIATION CONVENTION, Spokane, 1966, pb, (stapled), 19 pages, 1 map showing mineral and mining areas, roads, rivers, towns, and a second (17" x 20") map prepared for this conference showing 57 mining properties and mineral locations, - 3 - $ 20 Bufvers, J. / HISTORY OF MINES AND PROSPECTS, KETCHIKAN DISTRICT, PRIOR TO 1952, Juneau, 1967, pb, 32 pages, - 3 -, $ 8 Bush, S. S. / THE RUSH TO THE KLONDIKE: Alaska’s New Gold Fields — Their Present Output and Future Promise, unknown date, ~ 1898, from American Monthly Review of Reviews, pages 289 - 308, photographs 34 illustrations, $ 45 Castleman, D. and Pitcher, D. / ALASKA AND YUKON HANDBOOK, 5th Edition, 2nd Printing, Chico, 1996, pb, 461 pages, - 1 -, $ 25 Chaffin, Y., M., / ALASKA’S KONYAG COUNTRY, Anchorage, 1983, cl, 269 pages, - 3 -, $ 25 Clifford, H. / THE SKAGWAY STORY, Anchorage, 1975, pb, 167 pages, - 3 -, $ 20 Cohen, K. K. / INDEPENDENCE MINE AND THE WILLOW CREEK MINING DISTRICT, Anchorage, 1982, pb, 169 pages, - 1 - $ 79 Cohen, S. B. / A KLONDIKE CENTENNIAL SCRAPBOOK: MOVIES, MUSIC, GUIDES, PHOTOGRAPHS, ARTIFACTS, AND PERSONALITIES OF THE GREAT KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH, Missoula, 1997, cl, 176 pages, - 1 -, $ 35 Cohen, S. B. / THE WHITE PASS AND YUKON ROUTE, A Pictorial History, Missoula, 1999, pb, 120 pages, - 1 -, $ 10 Cohen, S. B. / THE STREETS WERE PAVED WITH GOLD, A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH, 1896 - 1899, Revised Edition, Missoula, 2001, pb, 202 pages, - 1 -, $ 15 Cohen, S. B. / RAILS ACROSS THE TUNDRA, A Historical Album of the Alaska Railroad, Missoula, 2001, pb, 144 pages, - 1 -, $ 23 Cohen, S. B. / GOLD RUSH GATEWAY: SKAGWAY AND DYEA, Alaska, Missoula, 1999, pb, 138 pages, - 1 -, $ 10; or copy with slight use, - 3 -, $ 6 DeArmond, R. N. / ‘STROLLER’ WHITE: TALES OF A KLONDIKE NEWSMAN, Vancouver, 1969, cl, 182 pages, - 3 -, $ 20 Dessauer, P.. F. and Harvey, D. W. / AN HISTORICAL RESOURCE STUDY OF THE VALDEZ CREEK MINING DISTRICT, ALASKA - 1977, Anchorage, 1980, spiral bound, 212 pages, 96 plates, - 1 -, $ 65 Douglass, W. C. / A HISTORY OF THE KENNECOTT MINES, KENNECOTT, ALASKA, Seattle, 1971, pb, 12 pages, numerous figures, - 3 -, $ 10 Gates, M. / GOLD AT FORTYMILE CREEK: EARLY DAYS IN THE YUKON, Seattle, 1994, cl, 200 pages, - 1 -, $ 50 Gould, J. A. / FROZEN GOLD: A TREATISE ON EARLY KLONDIKE MINING TECHNOLOGY, METHODS AND HISTORY, Missoula, 2001, pb, 106 pages, - 1 -, $ 39 Grauman, M. W. / KENNECOTT: ALASKAN ORIGINS OF A COPPER EMPIRE, In: Western History Quarterly, April, 1978, pb, pages 197 - 211, - 3 -, $ 20 Griggs, R. F. / THE VALLEY OF TEN THOUSAND SMOKES, Washington, 1922, cl, 340 pages, wear to corners of cover, ovg, - 3 -, $ 75 [Katmai National Monument area] Grinnell, G. B. / ALASKA 1899 ESSAYS FROM THE HARRIMAN EXPEDITION, Seattle, 1995, pb, 355 pages, - 1 -, $ 26 Hamilton, W. R. / THE YUKON STORY, 2nd Edition, Vancouver, 1967, cl, 261 pages, map (inside back board) of the routes used to get to the Yukon, - 3 -, $ 16 Harris, A. C. / ALASKA AND THE KLONDIKE GOLD FIELDS CONTAINING A FULL ACCOUNT OF THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD; ENORMOUS DEPOSITS OF THE PRECIOUS METAL; HOW TO FIND THE GOLD; CAMP LIFE AT KLONDIKE, 1896, cl, 556 pages, - 3 -, $ 35 [wear to edges of boards, repair to spine, ovg] Heller, H. L. / SOURDOUGH SAGAS: THE JOURNALS, MEMOIRS, TALES AND RECOLLECTIONS OF THE EARLIEST ALASKAN GOLD MINERS, 1883-1923, Cleveland, 1967, cl, 271 pages, - 5 -, wear to boards, $ 15 Hodges, M. / ROCKHOUNDING ALASKA, Guilford, 2010, pb, 221 pages, - 1 -, $ 16 Holeski, C. J. and Holeski, M. C. / IN SEARCH OF GOLD: THE ALASKA JOURNALS OF HORACE S. CONGER, 1898-1899, Anchorage, 1983, pb, 313 pages, - 3 -, $ 18 Huber, C. and Kurtak, J. / GOLD PANNING: A GUIDE TO RECREATIONAL GOLD PANNING ON THE KENAI PENINSULA, CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST, Anchorage, 26 pages, pb, - 2 -, $ 19 Kelly, S. / TREADWELL GOLD: AN ALASKA SAGA OF RICHES AND RUIN, Fairbanks, 2010, cl, 271 pages, - 1 -, $ 35 Lampright, R. L. / GOLD PLACER DEPOSITS NEAR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA (Anchorage, Blying Sound, Kenai, Seldovia, Seward, and Tyonek Quadrangles), Anchorage, 1995, pb, 257 pages, - 1 -, $ 75 Lampright, R. L. / GOLD PLACER DEPOSITS NEAR TALKEETNA, ALASKA (HEALY, MT. MCKINLEY, TALKEETNA, AND TALKEETNA MOUNTAIN QUADRANGLES), Anchorage, 1996, spiral bound, 86 pages, - 1 -, $ 60 Lampright, R. L. / GOLD PLACER DEPOSITS NEAR FAIRBANKS, ALASKA (BIG DELTA, CHARLEY RIVER, CIRCLE, EAGLE, FAIRBANKS, AND LIVENGOOD QUADRANGLES), Anchorage, 1996, spiral bound, 141 pages, - 1 -, $ 65 Lampright, R. L. / Gold Placer Deposits in East Central Alaska, (Bering Glacier, Cordova, Gulkana, Mt. Hayes, Nabesna, Tanacross, and Valdez Quadrangles), Anchorage, 1996, spiral bound, 109 pages, - 1 -, $ 65 Larsen, D. M. / SLICK AS A MITTEN: EZRA MEEKER’S KLONDIKE ENTERPRISE, Pullman, 2009, pb, 128 pages, - 1 -, $ 25 Lloyd, B. / GOLD AT THE TEN MILE, THE JAMIESON GOLDFIELD, Wangaratta, 1978, pb, 174 pages, - 2 -, $ 55 Lokke, C. L. / KLONDIKE SAGA: THE CRONICLE OF A MINNESOTA GOLD MINING COMPANY, Minneapolis, 1965, cl, 211 pages, - 3 -, $ 20 London, J. / THE ECONOMICS OF THE KLONDIKE, 1900, from the American Review of Reviews, January issue, pages 70 - 74, 6 illustrations, $ 45 Martinsen, E. L. / BLACK SAND AND GOLD, A TRUE STORY OF THE ALASKA-KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH, Portland, 1967, cl, 419 pages, index, - 3 -, $ 26 [slight wear to dust cover] Mathews, R. / THE YUKON, Rivers of America Series, New York, 1968, cl, 313 pages, - 5 -, $ 14 McCune, D. / TRAIL TO THE KLONDIKE, Pullman, 1997, pb, 113 pages, - 1 -, $ 20 Mighetto, L. and Montgomery, M. / HARD DRIVE TO THE KLONDIKE: Promoting Seattle during the Gold Rush, Seattle, 2002, pb, 153 pages, - 1 -, $ 20 Morgan, M. / ONE MAN’S GOLD RUSH: A Klondike Album, Seattle, 1967, pb, 213 pages, - 1 -, $ 25 Morse, K. / THE NATURE OF GOLD: An Environmental History of the Klondike Gold Rush, Seattle, 2003, cl, 290 pages, - 1 -, $ 24 Naske, C. M. / AN INTERPRETATIVE HISTORY OF ALASKAN STATEHOOD, Anchorage, 1973, pb, 192 pages, - 3 -, $ 10 Mull, C. G. and Adams, K. E. / DALTON HIGHWAY, YUKON RIVER TO PRUDHOE BAY, ALASKA, BEDROCK GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN KOYUKUK BASIN, CENTRAL BROOKS RANGE, AND EAST-CENTRAL ARCTIC SLOPE, in two volumes, Anchorage, 1985, pb, 309 pages total, illustrated, one geological map in each volume, - 2 -, $ 60 [This is a field trip guidebook with fold-out colored maps showing various locations along the highway] Neufeld, D. and Habiluk, P. / MAKE IT PAY! GOLD DREDGE # 4, Klondike, Yukon, Canada; Missoula, 2001, pb, 64 pages, - 1 -, $ 10 Prindle, L. M. and Mertie, J. B. / 40 MILE GOLD, GOLDFIELDS OF FORTYMILE, ALASKA, USGS papers from 1900 and 1905, Wasilla, 1995, pb, 48 pages, - 2 -, $ 28 Race, W. H. / THE MINERAL INDUSTRY OF THE KENAI-COOK INLET, SUSITNA REGION, ALASKA, Juneau, 1962, pb, 48 pages, 18 tables, - 2 -, $ 5 Ray, D. / GOLD! THE KLONDIKE ADVENTURE, New York, 1989, cl, 90 pages, - 1 -, $ 35 Reed, I. M. / BOYHOOD IN THE NOME GOLD CAMP, College, 1969, pb, 70 pages, - 2 -, $ 18 Shape, W. / FAITH OF FOOLS: A Journal of the Klondike Gold Rush, Pullman, 1998, pb, 95 pages, - 1 -, $ 24 Shiels, A. W. / THE PURCHASE OF ALASKA, College, 1967, cl, 208 pages, - 5 -, $ 20 Spence, C. C. / THE NORTHERN FLEET: Twentieth-Century Gold Dredging in Alaska, Urbana, 1996, cl, 302 pages, - 1 -, $ 169 Tailleur, I. and Weimer, D. / ALASKAN NORTH SLOPE GEOLOGY, Bakersfield, 1987, pb, 874 pages in two volumes, 4 appendices, 6 plates (on 2 sheets at the end of volume 2), - 3 -, $ 299 [Topics include: history, reservoirs, geochemistry, coals, water, other resources, stratigraphy, geophysics, structure / tectonics, synthesis] Thomas, L., Jr. / THE TRAIL OF ‘98: AN ANTHOLOGY OF THE KLONDIKE, New York, cl, 191 pages, - 3 -, $ 15 Webb, M. / YUKON: THE LAST FRONTIER, Lincoln, 1985, 416 pages, pb, - 1 -, $ 25 [The waterways, trails, mining frontier, railways, highways, airways, and new mining frontier of the Yukon] Wendt, R. / LOST GOLD MINES AND GHOST TOWNS OF ALASKA, Wasilla,1998, pb, 71 pages, - 2-, $ 5 Wendt, R. / GOLD PROSPECTING ALONG THE YUKON RIVER, A MODERN DAY GOLD PROSPECTING ADVENTURE, 2nd Edition, Wasilla, 1993, pb, 57 pages, - 1 -, $ 25 Wendt, R. / HATCHER PASS GOLD: AN HISTORICAL GUIDE TO THE WILLOW CREEK MINES, 4th Printing, Wasilla, 1992, pb, 44 pages, - 1 -, $ 30 Wendt, R. / FAIRBANKS GOLD, USGS PAPERS 1905 - 1914, FAIRBANKS ALASKA GOLDFIELDS, Wasilla, 49 pages, - 1 -, $ 15 Wickersham, J. / OLD YUKON, TALES - TRAILS - AND TRIALS, 1938, cl, 514 pages, - 3 -, slight wear to gold leaf inscriptions on spine, ovg, $ 28 Wilson, G. / THE KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH, 100th ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION, A BOOK OF POSTCARDS, Whitehorse, 1997, pb, 27 cards (bound in), - 2 -, $ 10 Wright, A. A. / PRELUDE TO BONANZA: THE DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION OF THE YUKON, Sidney, 1976, cl, 321 pages, - 1 -, $ 59 End of the Alaskan / Yukon Mining History Catalog (with more history and less geology) For a Alaska/Yukon mining history catalog with more geology >> Alaska II For Alaskan USGS and USBM Publications >> Alaska I To find other publications, mineral specimens, and fossils on this website always return to the home page...or click any item below Home Page Catalogs on this Website Mineral Specimens Mineralogy Books Select Mineral Books Rock, Gem, and Mineral Books Select Railroad Books American Institute of Mining Engineers Geology Books U.S. State Geology Maps available on this website USBM Publications USGS Publications Ore Deposits Paleontology Books |